If You Were To Give Me A Nickname Or Call Me A Name, What Would It Be?

As a game for everyone to play, I asked a simple question “If you were to give me a nickname or call me a name, what would it be?” and asked everyone to use the hashtag #bitPimpsShouldBeCalled and here are the responses: Continue reading

EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

REDJAMMIES!! (@RedJammieGirl)

  1. Where do you live? Living in your moms fishtank!! Omemee, Ontario, Canada
  2. What is your occupation? Delivering all the shit you order online and are never home to sign for!
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I am what I tweet! Honest, loyal, hard working, down to earth, simple Canadian Girl who’d rather get her hands dirty than polish up my fingernails. Here’s the shocker for those that don’t know, I am a single Mom of a 15 yr old daughter who is the best child in this world! Everything I do, I do in order to provide for her and myself and will always do whatever I have to do to survive. I am a soldier…I will march on. 
  4. How long have you listened to TJES?
  5. How did you discover TJES? First started listening to the show when my ex fiance purchased satellite radio as his Christmas present from me and I haven’t heard way as many shows as any of you, so fanwise, ya, I suck. One day I will get satellite radio because the french stations and bullcrap 80’s music that plays makes me want to stab myself in the throat, so I listen to nothing instead. #SadPanda
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES?
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? So, has the show changed me? One word. #EllisFam.  With that one word….Thank you!!
    There’s so many of you that have had my back, that have supported me, that have made me laugh, and have helped me in anyway.
    Alex @shit_toboggan , you are what every woman hopes to find, and because of the show, you are in my life #TeamShittoboggan
    Bill @tank_yanker there’s so much I am in gratitude for. I will #Shoutout you forever because you are that amazing my #BeadyEyedCanadian friend. 
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Okay, enough of the sap…that’s gay….lets go do a #CumChallenge instead. GO!!!!


RC (@notchhillbilly)

  1. Where do you live? Sorrento British columbia
  2. What is your occupation? Logger. volunteer firefighter
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I’m 24 years old a small town farmboy. I married my best friends little sister who promptly gained a ton of weight she said its cause she’s pregnant but I dunno…
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Five years four of them religiously.
  5. How did you discover TJES? The wild world of spike first, then he was one of BTLSs guests and had an awesome interview. When bubba stopped being live I made the switch and I’ve been hooked ever since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Tully tearing into rawdog is great. 
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? I truly feel like they’re family I felt so bad when he got divorced I told my wife over dinner haha.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? I’ll gladly deal with all the shitty callers for the absolute gems that get through. Especially the marlins fight song guys gets me every time haha RED DRAGONS!!!


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.

A Collaborative Twitter Story – Round Two

This is a second installment of A Collaborative Twitter Story, where users help keep the story going by adding to it. Hopefully, eventually, we end up with a nice little cohesive story that helps ruin whatever is good inside of you. I’ve crossed out the comments that came in, but didn’t fit in with the current story position. It’s really hard to keep a story flowing and everyone on the same page when you consider how people can be posting a reply to the same line, at the same time. So without further ado, let’s see if this story fared any better than the last one.

@bitPimps So we’re at this Guns N Roses concert when I noticed…

@mike_in_canada …how fast Axl is now. That reminds me, I could use a…

@Wolfman812 …that I had a raging case of priaprism…

@AZ_RedDragon …beer and some smoke, I wandered to the tents where I met…

@RedJammieGirl …up with @Hollow_NorCal who was desperately still searching for midgets who…

@thegooser …that there was more pairs of sexy depends then Id like to admit…

@sharkchucker …the road crew plowing some slam-pigs for backstage passes when i said…

@mike_in_canada …any of you guys down for a threesome? I’m great at…

@AZ_RedDragon …the “asian whirly bird.” What? You’ve never heard of it, its where you…

@sharkchucker …put on a clown suit and fist a…

@bitPimps …Korean nun, the only problem was I only knew of one Korean, @herro_amy but she was…

@thegooser …doing the pterodactyl to the sound guys but…

@AZ_RedDragon …its where you dress like a Geisha and bow to your suitors, after which they…

@sharkchucker …busy shooting Axl up with smack. So I thought…

@bwstrangler …nows my time to take him out, blame it on the drugs but he…

@bitPimps …I didn’t care, because I had the biggest erection from all the…

@sharkchucker …naked midget’s in paper hats serving hot…

@bitPimps …bowls of vomit and shit. At the end of the night, we said our goodbyes and…

@thegooser …exchanged depend sizes because they were fucking…

@bitPimps …loaded down with shit, piss, blood, and cum. It was a night none of us would forget. Then GNR left. TheEnd

The #ReplaceWordsWithFollowers Game

Every now and then I have a stroke of genius.  Or it was an actual stroke, I’m not sure but I created a new hastag game: #ReplaceWordsWithFollowers. This is possibly one of the greatest things I have ever thought up on a Thursday night before bed in March.  Here are some of the things people came up with.  Enjoy.


@bwstrangler: It was @AZ_RedDragon when @EllisMate stuck that @bitPimps in that lady’s @possiblytully and thanked his @KimDultz

@bitPimps中: ‏ At first I was all like, @OMGZeebrazz, but then I saw it was @RachelAndSarah so I pulled out my @tank_yanker

@tank_yanker: I tried to undo her @OMGZeebrazz to see her @CobraTits and she got all @testyboy !! Tried to @bwstrangler me!

@tank_yanker: That’s correct officer, I hit him with @FonzoBlunt object. The body’s in the trunk of my @chevro1et.

@bitPimps: Call me @Amy_L_Sss because I get all @e3guzman when I’m @NCcrushinonRJ her @babythroat like a @BEZERKAH1_3

@bitPimps: If @MyMathGarcia is correct, I should be to send my @RedJammieGirl to college & that would be @atmbcool

@bwstrangler: Can’t wait 2 get all @DougBenson and go @mayhemmiller on a cheeseburger then just @mike_in_canada on the couch

@bwstrangler: my wife’s @bitPimps are huge, can’t wait 2 pull out my @tank_yanker and @AZ_RedDragon all over them

@JohnnySkidmarks: It took @3_days to find out that most of my followers think that I’m a @sarcasticunt

@Jen_E_Morse: Can I lick your @taternuts?

@Jen_E_Morse: I wanna get @DirtNasty with @EllisMate

@AZ_RedDragon: I’m @cantskateanymre and going to @possiblytully for the night.

@AZ_RedDragon: I’ll show you my @tank_yanker if you show me your @herro_amy

@AZ_RedDragonI have a huge @mike_in_canada it hangs way below my @bitPimps and its fucking @bwstrangler

@tank_yanker: I drank too much @WhiskeyGirl923 and went @BEZERKAH1_3 then turned into a @Wolfman812.

@bitPimps: I asked my @RedJammieGirl how she wanted her @herro_amy treated & she said to @donaldschultz it.

@tank_yanker: I’m all out of @_Prozach74 , and @Addicted2Diesel now, and my ass is @AZ_RedDragon now…

@tank_yanker: I’ll @bitPimps slap anybody that touches the ladies, and dump the bodies on the @shit_toboggan

@Jen_E_Morse: I want to suck your @GatorHotdogDog and take it in the @dannykass

@tank_yanker: I took my ex to the river in my @chevro1et and @bwstrangler‘d her there

@KimDultz: I wanna get @AZ_RedDragon wasted!

@KimDultz: I wanna @Fngr_Xpressions @_daniBum_ all night long till I get @sleepyjoe_RDS and pass out in the @oilfieldtrash84

@KimDultz: I held my @gungirlRDS up to your @Meaty_OZ @stapleneck and it went @boomer1600 then you were @cogdeth

‏ @bitPimps: I told @KimDultz I was @mike_in_canada just so I could @nickyknac her @VZ4SHEEZY but she said to @Saveit4thewar


These are a few of the posts that I could find, there are some really brilliant people out there.  If you have any ideas for Hastag Games send @bitPimps or @Az_Reddragon a message and we’ll put up some of the results.

Role Call, Introduce Yourself: Part 1

So, I asked people who follow me on Twitter to introduce themselves with this tweet: Taking roll call. Raise your hand & I’ll call on you. Introduce and say a little something about yourself.

And here are the responses:

@itswillbitches Hi! My name is Will and I think trains are cool and I always stop what I’m doing to watch them go by.

@AZ_RedDragon My name is Jason and I’m always late to places so everyone will look at me when I come in. Hi.

@Cassieleeisme My name is Cassandra and I wear high heels to concerts to tower over short people (6’2 in heels).

@KimDultz Oops, I’m slow, but not slow enough to ride the short bus, just slow enough to be an artist. My name is Kim, or Kimmy D, mthrfcker

@TwistedMetalFab Hello, my name is John. And I would like to take Cassandra to a concert. (I’m 6’5″)

@RedJammieGirl Hi everyone!!! I’m Michelle and @KimDultz is my partner in crime. We love to eat cookies!

And there you go, six people. For those of you that turned up, I thank and salute you. I guess Thursday evening isn’t the best time to do a #RollCall and that has been duly noted. So, if you were disappointed in the turnout, I’m going to post a few videos you comedy / cooking / sex craving deviants might enjoy. Continue reading