Role Call, Introduce Yourself: Part 1

So, I asked people who follow me on Twitter to introduce themselves with this tweet: Taking roll call. Raise your hand & I’ll call on you. Introduce and say a little something about yourself.

And here are the responses:

@itswillbitches Hi! My name is Will and I think trains are cool and I always stop what I’m doing to watch them go by.

@AZ_RedDragon My name is Jason and I’m always late to places so everyone will look at me when I come in. Hi.

@Cassieleeisme My name is Cassandra and I wear high heels to concerts to tower over short people (6’2 in heels).

@KimDultz Oops, I’m slow, but not slow enough to ride the short bus, just slow enough to be an artist. My name is Kim, or Kimmy D, mthrfcker

@TwistedMetalFab Hello, my name is John. And I would like to take Cassandra to a concert. (I’m 6’5″)

@RedJammieGirl Hi everyone!!! I’m Michelle and @KimDultz is my partner in crime. We love to eat cookies!

And there you go, six people. For those of you that turned up, I thank and salute you. I guess Thursday evening isn’t the best time to do a #RollCall and that has been duly noted. So, if you were disappointed in the turnout, I’m going to post a few videos you comedy / cooking / sex craving deviants might enjoy.

Gordon Talks Dirty

Sandra Talks Dirty

Nigella Talks Dirty

Jamie Talks Dirty

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