As a game for everyone to play, I asked a simple question “If you were to give me a nickname or call me a name, what would it be?” and asked everyone to use the hashtag #bitPimpsShouldBeCalled and here are the responses: Continue reading
Tag Archives: KimDultz
Show Re-cap For Tuesday 8/28/2012
Hi guys! Hi! Howdy-diddly-do? Sup? How are yuns? I hope you’re doing better than Lance “One Regal Ball” Armstrong. Is he banging the Olsen twins or something? I don’t even know. He might look good to the ladies and shit, but those ladies ain’t ever seen @rude_jude ballin’ all over the studio while in a k-hole. Speaking of studio, Ellis says it’s time the studio gets a makeover, he wants red carpet and black walls, looking like a photo developing room or some shit like that. Or maybe something else, he’s open to ideas. Being from Alaska, Katie’s pussy had permafrost until Ellis came along to warm up them fallopians. Ellis couldn’t finish the eat like Rawdog challenge yesterday, he skipped the KFC pot pie – which was probably a good thing or we might not be having a live show today.
Dr. Drew stopped by the show today, he was there for an intervention for Rawdog and his eating habits. Rawdog got to hear how his life choices are making Ellis and Tully sad and that his eating habits are not only hurting him, they are hurting the people that love him as well. It was revealed that Rawdog had just seen his therapist a day or two previous to this encounter, and he actually spoke to his therapist about his eating habits and how it has been a topic recently! This is good news because the first step is admitting you have a problem. Rawdog feels like he’s being attacked, and his natural behavior is to not want to be told what to do. The more people are nagging him about his diet, the more he wants to do the exact opposite of what he knows he should be doing, eating healthier. This was actually a pretty involved segment with lots of little bits of information, but the gist is that Ellis is going to back off when it comes to calling out Rawdog for his diet, he will also make an effort to learn how to read more better (get it?) and Rawdog will make an effort to start changing his dietary habits.
Melody Jordan was on the show after Dr. Drew and a Danzig break, she’s a porn star who can do porn star things and Rawdog can’t help but to call Bigfoot, Bookfoot. That porn star chick? Her butthole has it’s own twitter, and the owner of that butthole talks a lot about shitting, her shit sewer, enemas, etc.She sounds like mommy’s little disgusting angel. Another porn star came in to join the intensely erotic “taking a shit” discussions, but I missed her name – her name isn’t important though, right? She really sold herself when she said she’s not very interesting, I assume when compared to a gutter slut talking about taking pictures of the shits she takes, you might be considered tame. But lady, let me tell you, I’d probably rather see your porn than the “butt mustard” girl’s porn.
Today was NMT and boy was it a treat! There was this band, they sucked. And then there was this other band, they blew. After that was another band, terrible. Then, another band, and then the terrorists won. Raccoons have bones in the peckers, and people make toothpicks out of those bones, ALL. THE. TIME. Our home girl @KimDultz called into the show, I think it was about her pussy and some kid related shit, and thanks to @CobraTits, you can listen to her call here. Sorry, I kinda didn’t hear because I was busy imagining her saying nice things about my wiener, can ya blame me? UPDATE: Consider this your notification, it has been decided that we’re replacing “Truck Yeah” with “Butt Yeah” until further notice. Thank you. And now something about your mother. As per usual, she was being her typical self, stupid and annoying. But I kinda felt bad for busting a nut right in her eye after she got done blowing me, so I asked her what was wrong. She said she had a yeast infection. I told her that now she knows what it’s like being with an irritating cunt. OH!
EllisFam Interviews
I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.
Kimmy D (@KimDultz)
- Where do you live? Boise, Idaho
- What is your occupation? Nanny and metal artist
- Tell me a little about yourself. I make cool shit outta metal with fire. Also… I peed my pants the morning after I drank a whole bottle of wine for the first time ever. I was 22 and at a 2 week art camp type dealio and the bathroom was up some stairs and down a dock.
- How long have you listened to TJES? 4 years
- How did you discover TJES? My husband heard Ellis on Stern and introduced me to him.
- What keeps you listening to TJES? Stress reliever, escape from reality, and, of course, he’s mega fucking hilarious.
- Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? I now do at least 20 push ups every day so I can get rid of my Duff arms. TJES has also introduced me to tons of fucking awesome people. It’s going to make me a lot more poor in about two weeks from now though… But it’ll be totally fucking worth it. Oh, and I say cunt now.
- Is there anything else you would like to share? I pole dance and have a pole in my house. Also, I’m a huge Greek mythology geek and have a half sleeve with Zeus and Athena.
ScottievsNY (@ScottiefrmNY)
Where do you live? Long Island NY
What is your occupation? Driving a truck
Tell me a little about yourself. Ex drug dealer, addict, criminal at the same time a Great husband and Dad. Loyal and friendly mother fucker
How long have you listened to TJES? About 3 yrs
How did you discover TJES? Wifey had XM for O&A when I would borrow her car I’d flip through the stations stumbled upon this Aussie dude one day. Hooked ever since
What keeps you listening to TJES? Fell in love with these dudes NO HOMO
Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Ellis attitude and verbal smack downs kinda pointed me towards a better lifestyle. I need tough love
Is there anything else you would like to share? I was outta control and would call in Alot. Past couple months have been absolute hell for me. But TJES and the ellisfam got me through the roughest times ever. and for that I’m forever in debt to all of you…respect…1
If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.
Show Re-cap For Wednesday 5/23/2012
Such an eventful Wednesday show think that I might find it hard to fit everything into todays re-cap, but here goes nothinng. Somebody infiltrated the intro song with that shitacular Marlins song, Rawdog thought System of a Down was the biggest metal band when he was in high school (figures). Ellis wants to get a head tattoo so from afar it would look like he has hair, new Goth rock sucks as much dick as old Goth rock, Tully likes his pork a little rare, and someone called in asking for advise with divorce at which point Tully and Josh took the reigns and after a rather heart felt discussion the show took a music break and returned with a best of show. Nobody is clear what happened or what went wrong, but we all wish the best for Jason and hope things get sorted out soon.
But dont be sad, I created a hashtag game that @bitPimps kicked off called #EllisFamRumors, enjoy.
@Hollow_NorCal Heard @bitPimps & @mike_in_canada are siamese twins who sit on thier couch and share a laptop. #EllisFamRumors
@Jack_The_Cunt #EllisFamRumors I’m not who I say I am. I’m not a cunt.
@bitPimps I heard @AZ_RedDragon recently started a new job, not driving trucks, but as “Tito” in the Chippendales Male Revue.
@Hollow_NorCal I heard @Dutch_RDS was a spy. #EllisFamRumors
@biiPimps I heard @KimDultz runs a gang that reaches from Boise all the way to the other side of Boise. #EllisFamRumors
@bitPimps I heard @shit_toboggan won a “best customer / employee relationship” award. #EllisFamRumors
@cogdeth “@bitPimps: I heard @cogdeth shot a man in Reno just to watch him eat pie. #EllisFamRumors” >~ no, but I DID climb fence in Vegas #OtherSide
@bitPimps I heard @mike_in_canada has pictures of his wang up on Brazzers. #EllisFamRumors
And the biggest #EllisFamRumor is that yer mum isn’t the massive gutter slut that we all think she is, but then again, its only a rumor, OH!
The #ReplaceWordsWithFollowers Game
Every now and then I have a stroke of genius. Or it was an actual stroke, I’m not sure but I created a new hastag game: #ReplaceWordsWithFollowers. This is possibly one of the greatest things I have ever thought up on a Thursday night before bed in March. Here are some of the things people came up with. Enjoy.
@bwstrangler: It was @AZ_RedDragon when @EllisMate stuck that @bitPimps in that lady’s @possiblytully and thanked his @KimDultz
@bitPimps中: At first I was all like, @OMGZeebrazz, but then I saw it was @RachelAndSarah so I pulled out my @tank_yanker
@tank_yanker: I tried to undo her @OMGZeebrazz to see her @CobraTits and she got all @testyboy !! Tried to @bwstrangler me!
@tank_yanker: That’s correct officer, I hit him with @FonzoBlunt object. The body’s in the trunk of my @chevro1et.
@bitPimps: Call me @Amy_L_Sss because I get all @e3guzman when I’m @NCcrushinonRJ her @babythroat like a @BEZERKAH1_3
@bitPimps: If @MyMathGarcia is correct, I should be to send my @RedJammieGirl to college & that would be @atmbcool
@bwstrangler: Can’t wait 2 get all @DougBenson and go @mayhemmiller on a cheeseburger then just @mike_in_canada on the couch
@bwstrangler: my wife’s @bitPimps are huge, can’t wait 2 pull out my @tank_yanker and @AZ_RedDragon all over them
@JohnnySkidmarks: It took @3_days to find out that most of my followers think that I’m a @sarcasticunt
@Jen_E_Morse: Can I lick your @taternuts?
@Jen_E_Morse: I wanna get @DirtNasty with @EllisMate
@AZ_RedDragon: I’m @cantskateanymre and going to @possiblytully for the night.
@AZ_RedDragon: I’ll show you my @tank_yanker if you show me your @herro_amy
@AZ_RedDragon: I have a huge @mike_in_canada it hangs way below my @bitPimps and its fucking @bwstrangler
@tank_yanker: I drank too much @WhiskeyGirl923 and went @BEZERKAH1_3 then turned into a @Wolfman812.
@bitPimps: I asked my @RedJammieGirl how she wanted her @herro_amy treated & she said to @donaldschultz it.
@tank_yanker: I’m all out of @_Prozach74 , and @Addicted2Diesel now, and my ass is @AZ_RedDragon now…
@tank_yanker: I’ll @bitPimps slap anybody that touches the ladies, and dump the bodies on the @shit_toboggan
@Jen_E_Morse: I want to suck your @GatorHotdogDog and take it in the @dannykass
@tank_yanker: I took my ex to the river in my @chevro1et and @bwstrangler‘d her there
@KimDultz: I wanna get @AZ_RedDragon wasted!
@KimDultz: I wanna @Fngr_Xpressions @_daniBum_ all night long till I get @sleepyjoe_RDS and pass out in the @oilfieldtrash84
@KimDultz: I held my @gungirlRDS up to your @Meaty_OZ @stapleneck and it went @boomer1600 then you were @cogdeth
@bitPimps: I told @KimDultz I was @mike_in_canada just so I could @nickyknac her @VZ4SHEEZY but she said to @Saveit4thewar
These are a few of the posts that I could find, there are some really brilliant people out there. If you have any ideas for Hastag Games send @bitPimps or @Az_Reddragon a message and we’ll put up some of the results.