Show Recap for Tuesday 2/24/2015

Welcome back all you wonderful people who were prolly partying it up at Ellismania without me. Schwatevs..not like I didn’t have an absolutely amazing weekend working and being a mom. Sigh..I’ll get there one day guys, one day. I’m gonna do my best to give a good recap of today’s show, but baby mama was suuuuuuuper late picking up the Con-man today and it can be really tough listening to this show with a five year old running around.

First things first!! They are back and feeling go Continue reading

Show recap for Tuesday 12/9/2014

It’s Tuesday so shutttttttt uppppppp….cause, you know, that’s how you talk to the ladies when things are getting all hot and sweaty, and you know it’s gotta be true because Ellis said and i am repeating it (and in case you forgot, I am thoroughly female with the nudes to prove it). Moving right along those sexy lines, Ellis has a sweet exploded hemorrhoid flap on his butt and damn, who doesn’t want to lick that and taste his sweet sweet tart ass? Ugh…writing that sentence was kind if terrible and I think I should apologize for you having read it. I’m sorry. That I’m not sorry. Because I have the power and you wanted to know what went on in the show and this is what happened!! It’s not my fault that Ellis is super honest and would like to share Continue reading

Show re-cap for Tuesday 11/25/2014

Jason Ellis is him, not you, and he knows that because he is him and you may not be quite knowing of that because you are you and may kind of want to be him, and you know what, he can only be happy as he is him and as he is him in certain pants. Am I right, ladies and gentleman? Boom. Big Daddy Jayce Cakes knows the pants that he’s happy in and he knows there are people that are happy in pants that are unlike his happy pants but that’s because society and life shapes us all into the types of pants that we like and that become our happy pants. So you, over there, be happy in your constant sweatpants because those are your happy pants and I will be over hear in my skinny jeans because these are my happy pants. I am not a person who wears sweatpants in public…sweatpants are not my happy pants. My ass is not fabulous and lusciously defined in sweatpants like they are in skinny jeans. But, we’re not really gonna talk about me and my fucking amazing ass, because Ellis isn’t talking about my ass (no matter how much he should be).  Tully is totally on board with what Ellis is saying about happy pants and extends it further to include hoodies because Tully Continue reading

Show re-cap for Tuesday 11/18/2014

You know what’s funny…I never remember my fucking password to get into this site. I mean…every goddamn week I have to try three times before I get it right. Maybe I just thrive on the pressure and the tidbit of adrenaline I feel when the little red text pops up that says I only have one more try before it locks me out for four hours. Or maybe…maybe I’m just too damn blonde for my own good. I totally got locked out once and had to switch my password. It was not awesome. But anyway….welcome to your Tuesday recap of The Jason Ellis Show brought to you by some twacky blonde with marginally large boobs and a wonderful ass (which got grabbed so many times at the HorseForce NYC show…you’re welcome guys…and girls ;)

Ellis is having penis problems! Dun dun dunnnnnnnn! No…not really…but lately more than ever Ellis has been noticing that his penis has a wide range of sizes. Ellis isn’t really off-put by his fluctuating penis size (he’s more perturbed by trying to say ‘fluctuate’ actually) but he has in fact noticed. Continue reading

Show Re-cap for Tuesday 10/14/14

Welcome to your Tuesday recap ladies and gents tempopermanentlyish hosted by the one and only me, jenny, whom you have all come to sorta know and sort of love. Cue the music cause boom, time to talk about what went down on the show today!!!!

Getting right to it- Ellis is thinking that he wants to get some samurai’s tattooed on the backs if his legs because Sa Continue reading