Show Recap for Tuesday 2/24/2015

Welcome back all you wonderful people who were prolly partying it up at Ellismania without me. Schwatevs..not like I didn’t have an absolutely amazing weekend working and being a mom. Sigh..I’ll get there one day guys, one day. I’m gonna do my best to give a good recap of today’s show, but baby mama was suuuuuuuper late picking up the Con-man today and it can be really tough listening to this show with a five year old running around.

First things first!! They are back and feeling go Continue reading

Show Recap for Friday 3/14/2014

Have I ever told you guys how much you mean to me? How much I appreciate you and how you make me happy by reading this? No? That’s probably because it’s Friday and I don’t give a fuck. Ellis wants shark teeth by an illegal dentist when he’s old because he figures his regular teeth will be gone and what better to replace them than shark teeth? A while ago Sirius did an auction for someone to hang with Jason and to feed hungry kids and today Justin and Maya, the winners of that auction, are hangin in the studio. Shout out to their asses! The rest of the first hour was filled will conversations about pretty much everything. They touched on Wills app idea where you have a fake hungry kid on your tumblr_inline_n1hgzsHOgy1sn2cx1 (1)phone that’s supposed to make you remember to donate to a real hungry kid or the one on your phone dies. Devin has heelies, her mom bought them despite the family dishonor, but it’s better than Devin taking on bodybuilding and shooting up roids in the bathroom and having backne. Ellis and Katie are retiring, from what exactly I’m not sure. He said maybe they would do private porn or just go back to the old balls resort and bang in front of everybody. I’m confused, it happens. They also mentioned Jason Statham, swiss army balls, LA water supply, rubber lawns, Temecula, national everything day, and donut fucking. Oh and happy steak BJ day all the insensitive bastards that don’t respect bitches.

In Shark News a female Great White shark was tagged and tracked for one year. In that year not only did she cross the Atlantic, she traveled about 19,000 miles total. Christian came in today with another set of his now signature segment, Striped Vocals. Today we

Admit it, you'd still do her.

Admit it, you’d still do her.

heard from Poison, Machine Head, B52s, Queen, Pat Bennatar, The Who, Smashmouth, Faith No More, Metallica, The Sex Pistols, and the backup chick in that one Rolling Stones song Gimme Shelter. All of a sudden though a masked intruder stormed the studio pointing a gun right at Jason’s head! Good thing it was only Blasko and this was all a test to see how impenetrable Kevin Bourne’s knife defense really is. Well, it isn’t. Kevin was about as useful as a bus full of Cumtards at a… well, anywhere really.

The middle finger of Satan hung out in the studio after his vulgar display of power and had a bit of knowledge dropped on him. The Oxford dictionary added a few new words this year, some of them are beat boxer, chugging, bestie, and four variations of the word cunt. Cunty, cuntish, cunted, and cunting. So go cunt yourself you cunting cunt! Also what

It's official, you're cunts.

It’s official, you’re cunts.

would a day with Blasko be without doing Get The Cock Off Your Chest! We heard confessions like how a dude shut down a cafeteria claiming food poisoning to get a piece of nurse pussy, a guy pooped next to tent, a dude had sex with the preachers daughter in his church on the altar, a dude fucked a tranny on purpose, a guy fucked his best friends girl, a guy got his boss fired to get his job but didn’t, dude and his bro used a tarded chick to get them beer then ditched her, a guy had sex with a crippled midget, and a dude fucked his buddy’s mom. Now all these assholes are free and clear to commit more moral travesties knowing that their record is wiped clean, party on dudes.

Aiden Ashley, adult entertainer, came in at moments notice so she can lift a kettle bell while saying sexy things. But instead they just had her say the lines from the show intro. After that, Hatebean performed live with new songs never heard by mortal ears like Punch Your Face (With My Penis) and Unconcious Pumps. Between the sweet vocals, shredding

I love you Ellis ~ Kevin

I love you Ellis ~ Kevin

keytar, and Blaskos bass riffs pulled straight from hell, I couldn’t help but crank it up and start head banging. I loved it but the other people at the bus stop didn’t get it. Because Kevin fucked up and couldn’t protect the wing with his bodyguard skills like Kevin Costner covering Whitney Houston, he has to spin the wheel of doom. Luckily for him he got the 3 minute zombie, except that he had to put a dildo in his butt and act like a zombie, a special needs zombie as it turned out. And before I end today’s recap just remember, there are massive invisible sharks all over the Gulf of Mexico so watch your back, especially if you’re with yer mum, her chum bucket brings all the sharks to the yard, OH!


Show Re-Cap for Friday 3/1/2013

It’s the first day of March and in case you didn’t know, that means that manatees are dumb, but they’re cute, like women. And life is like getting fucked with open vagina wounds, I don’t know what that means but Forest was way off. Ellis talked about the time he and his brother went kayaking on a peaceful Australian morning, and as they were paddling through the majestic ocean, Ellis saw something. Was it a log? A giant whale turd? Maybe something more sinister lurked in the waters around them. They paddled closer and to their surprise it was a massive salt water crocodile! Being the brave and masculine guys they were, they turned tail and got the fuck out of there because even manly men don’t want to be eaten in the middle of the ocean. Intern, Anal Gay Lewis,

This is Kosher, right?

This is Kosher, right?

needs to shave, he’s starting to look like an Asian white trash baby Mike Vallely face. Cumtard is leaving… again, so he’s drinking… again. Ronda Rousey was asked to be in a movie, something about South Africa, and according to Jason’s screen saver he loves Creed, Hatebreed, and that dude from Hollywood Undead. Tully had kosher sushi which brought on the Jewish learning segment. Apparently Jews kill cows with kindness. And finger blasts. And hand jobs. Lucky Jewish cows, but unlucky Jewish butchers.

Canadians, am I right? Apparently the beady eyed mole people have been up to their schenannigans again. Kind of early though, I thought they were still hibernating, but this must mean that we can expect an early spring this year. Here is a video of old people singing in a Tim Hortons, that’s Canadian for Starbucks. And here’s a crazy Timmie’s waitress! That woman is crazy! Canadian scientists continue their ever important quest of developing shoes that are resistant to the ever hazardous surface of ice. And just as you thought that Canadians were all smiles and dancing, here’s an angry hockey dad to level things out. And finally a news woman demonstrates how her son uses her electric toothbrush for teething comfort. Just so you don’t think I’m racist to those frosty friends to the north, here’s some good old fashioned American Women AmI Right news. A Murican tumblr_lew5kfkWL51qdy1k6o1_400 (2) bitchnews woman shits herself over cat video. (She doesn’t really shit herself, but close). Some cunt is sentenced after the eleventh time she has falsely accused eleven dudes of rape in ten months, she also qualifies for Bitch Had It Coming News. A woman claimed she was kidnapped, raped, and had her baby stolen just to avoid telling her family that she had miscarriage. Another woman called because she got her hand stuck in her glove box, and another brilliant woman created a Peruvian man hunt after her son and his girlfriend didn’t respond to her Facebook messages. So there you go Canada, feel better?

Rawdog believes that folding clothes is useless and hes adopted the policy of, fuck folding! Which also explains his lack of vagina in his life. Kevin has a big secret, something that he doesn’t want anybody to know. But I have an inside source to spill the beans that he so well protects. This super secret life changing gossip about Kevin is that he smokes weed!!! Apparently Bieber has roid arms and poopie pants, but either way, that dude is still rollin in more snatch than you so don’t hate. Rodman is friends with Kim Jon Un and is droppin mad dunks on their basketball team. Morrissey is mad at Jimmy Kimmel for booking the Duck Dynasty guys at the same time. This outraged Morrisey because he is some tofu farting fairy who thinks animals are just good to look at. Good for Kimmel. Mark Burnett is making a ten part TV show of the bible with his wife, in case you were wondering what you won’t be dynasty

Get the cock off your chest started slow, but then got better, then dropped right off after Cumtard’s genetics theory about the pretty people getting prettier and ugly people getting uglier, then brought back by a dude in Canada and one hell of a threesome story! Thanks Canada. Don’t tell Murica I said that. The guys left Kevin alone in the studio to take final calls on his second final day with the show. It was pretty typical, stupid callers. A lot of people rag on Kevin, often. But honestly  he is probably the best call screener, contestant, and punching bag that the show has yet to see. He is a great sport, good at what he does, and brings a different kind of humor to the show that Ellis, Tully, and Josh don’t provide. I personally hope he comes back, again. On behalf of NoYouAre and a vast majority of the EllisFam, we say goodbye Kevin, you will be missed.


The son of a superfan informs J.Ellis that he died – 12/6/12

A very strange call today ended with a bomb. The caller was the son of a superfan who had recently died in a motor vehicle accident…

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During the call the son mentioned the father had called in for “Get The Cock Off Your Chest”. Here is that call – 4/24/12

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