Show Re-Cap for Tuesday 4/23/13

Good afternoon, ya bunch of fuckin’ wankers! Come ‘ere and give daddy some sugar, right on the bell end!!! But seriously folks, we need to start selling crack. Crack may have been whack when Whitney Houston was doing it, but it’s time has come again. At least according to Ellis, who will be moving into his sweet new pad on Sunset Blvd. real soon, where he also plans to sell crack. And of course Tully has an awesome story about being robbed by a crackhead who then took their money to buy crack and then made him and his friends cover him from prying eyes while he proceeded to smoke the aforementioned crack. YAY CRACK!!! But more importantly, make sure your mom stops to get me some Brillo and baking soda on the way home. The guys are working on more new Death!Death!Die! songs, and of course after hearing Cunt Kicker on Friday, my dick is definitely hard. Of course, we can’t have a talk about crack without Rude Jude stopping by. The guys talked music and rapping and the upcoming hit single Jack The Cunt that the guys are currently working on. Jude surprisingly admitted that from time to time he will do some karaoke and one of his normal numbers is a Janis Joplin track, and that he can sing the fuck out of some country. Of course, we absolutely needed to hear this, and Jude belted out a vocal track that rivaled the original level of drugged out bluesy fucktardery that Janis gave us 40-plus years ago. The guys had to rehash the basketball game they had last week to Jude and how Will Pendarvis blew his knee-pussy out without leaving the ground. Of course, Jude offered to buy any of Will’s unused painkillers. Ellis called Everlast to double check if he would still be a part of the new Death!Death!Die! album and set up an afternoon to go to the gun range together. Everlast has a new baby, so he understands Jason’s hectic schedule and has vowed to lay some sweet vocals to round out the magnificent project that the new album will be. At this point Jude was graciously released from the album, but still may be a part of it on some shitty karaoke level or another. Maybe as a hype man and groupie control specialist. .We got to hear some great stories about Andy Milonakis being a slobbering pothead from way back  in the day even though he has that Webster disease that makes him look like a high school freshman even though he’s creeping up on 40. And Ellis leaked that he’s gonna be coming on the show this afternoon!!! So that’ll be awesome. Jude was still surprised that the crew played basketball and had to quiz Rawdog on what he knew about it, and of course being Rawdog, he didn’t know shit even though he was an avid basketball fan before. But of course, Rawdog does have his own knowledge base on all kinds of things, like fancy soda. Of course, this was a whole new debate about whether or not celery soda tastes exactly like 7Up or if Rawdog’s hatred of vegetables is why he doesn’t like the taste of celery soda. The guys started giving Josh shit cause he doesn’t broaden his horizons and it got to the topic of how often and to what the dog jerks off to. Tully had to jump in and give a nice description of all the porn he’s been watching since his wife has been out of town and how ropes of jism are streaming from the rafters in his house. Rawdog still didn’t give up the particulars of what he spanks with, but Jude sure did and it all sounded like a good reason for me to make a couple stops on the way home from work today. Jason chimed in that porn is barely even worth breaking out the lotion anymore, because it’s on his TV pretty much all the time and him and Katie have pretty much just become film critics of the adult genre, unless UFC or supercross is on. This all turned into the guys giving Rawdog shit because he tries to keep stuff to himself a little too often and he gets all stubborn and defensive. It can fill a few good minutes of radio, but it does get old to listen to. He gave up a little bit of what his normal rub and tug material is, and it kinda sounds like he’s using a copy of “People” magazine and his old college yearbook. Josh finally admitted that he’s been kinda stalking all the many faces of Facebook that he may or may not have known, and said that he didn’t want to cop to it cause even he feels a little creepy about it. But really, it’s not that creepy. I mean, there’s porn with people eating shit. Trust me, Rawdog, you’re not nearly as weird as you think. The guys had to admit a bunch of other odd facts just to make him feel more comfortable, like how Jude can’t fire off a load from a blow job unless it’s in a dangerous situation, but it’s because he doesn’t feel right about it if the girl doesn’t cum as much or more than he does. And how Jason might finish quicker than normal with a random lady he doesn’t know that well, but if she’s really freaky he can get back up for a second round just as fast. But they didn’t want Rawdog to feel bad about any of it, cause he has years and years of built up sexual rage that he’s gonna unleash all over someone’s uterus in the most disrespectful and torturous way possible, and they’re all pulling for him. Knowing how much of an awkward late blooming mother fucker I have been, I fully endorse Rawdog getting shitfaced on all the free Mangria that Adam Carolla sent in and using the empty bottle on a lady of questionable moral character while she says creepy anti-semetic shit and acts out all her daddy issues in a rilakuma costume on Rawdog’s living room floor. Just don’t forget to lay a tarp down, Tussin Wolf. You could void your security deposit really quickly engaging in these kinds of activities.


HOLLYWOOD NEWS TIME BITCHES!!! And it’s a fucking Rip Snorter today! Justin Bieber used to have a monkey, but not in the creepy erotic way that Michael Jackson did, but customs in Germany seized it cause he didn’t have the right papers to take it on a plane. Will.I.Am can go fuck himself twice with a broken stick, but he’s also a fucking ripoff artist and has been called out and admitted to it. Ben Affleck BREAKING FUCKING NEWS JASON ELLIS OFFICIALLY LIVES IN HOLLYWOOD AGAIN but back to Ben Affleck, he has volunteered to live for five days on $1.50 a day in an effort to raise awareness about world hunger, so good for him. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson had to get an emergency hernia surgery after injuries he got during WrestleMania, and Michael Bay apologized for that steaming bucket of shit movie Armageddon, but not for Transformers or any of the other cumshots he left on America’s cinematic face. Leonardo DiCaprio did some shit that I didn’t hear cause I was typing, but he still gets honorable mention. Gwyneth Paltrow is catching some flack because some clothing line she came up with has bikinis for kids and everybody hates her according to Star magazine. Ed Norton is a champ, he got married and had a baby and none of you fuckers heard about it till now. The producer Dom called in on the VIP line with the rapeyest voice I’ve ever heard, it’s like he was decapitating a kid and fucking the throat hole right there on the phone, but more importantly he came up with a game about celebrity superstitions and crazy hobbies. We learned some pretty interesting and bizarre shit about a bunch of our favorite movie stars, like how Jessica Alba made everyone at her baby shower wear some leather bracelet with a prayer on it and making them keep it on until the kid was born, or how Travis Pastrana is the number one pop star in the world and says shit about not fucking people you don’t love, and how Meagan Fox always listens to Brittany Spears when she’s on an airplane cause that’s what keeps it from crashing, or how Axl Rose will never play a concert in any city that starts with the letter M, and how Steve Jobs tried an all apple diet to prevent evil spirits or some shit, and that Elvis Presley flew 1800 miles for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich like a mother fuckin’ BOSS, NIGGA!!! (please excuse the N-bomb, but in a situation like that I really could not help myself) And that Leonardo DiCaprio got outbid on a dinosaur skull by about $276,000 by Nicholas Cage. And Gwyneth Paltrow is even more of a bitch cause she doesn’t let her kids watch TV in english. And Sisqo is convinced that wearing a hat onstage will garauntee your success in the music industry. And former president Ronald Reagan didn’t eat a tomato for 70 years, but how would he even remember if he had, right? Also, Liam Neeson is a big fan of fly fishing. Snooki produces shitty music on her computer. Angelina Jolie collects first edition books and daggers and probably uses one or the other during sex. And Justin Bieber is a big fan of solving rubix cubes fast as fuck. Finally, we learned that Johnny Depp plays with barbie dolls and probably doesn’t have an unmarked white van parked outside your kids school right now. Shout out to Dom’s creepy drifter voice, it really did make the bit. Especially when he started saying things like “Your so close” and then “God no, you fucking people.” The back and forth was epic, if you know anybody who was recording it, have them send you a copy. It’s worth a second listen.


So, we all know that Nordic ladies are pretty easy to stare at, but in Sweden, they’re kind of assholes, cause a modelling agency was sending talent scouts to hang out around an eating disorder clinic to pick up new talent. So yeah, fuck those guys. This got the guys talking about how it’s nice to have a lady who is a good healthy weight, and that women who are too beautiful basically get conditioned by society to be raging cunts. But what’s really important is, Dingo dropped by with Andy Milonakis to talk shop and be a couple awesome mother fuckers for our amusement. Andy is a comedian, he used to have a show on MTV, did some movies, all around interesting and intelligent guy to listen to. And he’s got that Webster disease where he looks like a high school freshman! I’m not trying to be an asshole about it, it’s just funny to say it to me for some reason. Andy is pretty big into sketch comedy, improv and from time to time does a bit of music too. He also gets wasted and bangs shitloads of bitches from time to time, which is the kind of people who are usually pretty sweet to hang out with. Andy gave the dog a little pep talk about getting laid cause god dammit it’s healthy and it’s great for your self esteem. Andy even volunteered to go out on the town with Ellis and Tumble and even mentioned that there’s a lot of porn stars living in his building, so there’s definitely some angles to work to get Rawdog to dive into the beef pool and never look back. This spawned the idea that Rawdog should do one of those public sketch comedy shows where he walks around in a leather jacket eyeballing all the hoes and spitting mad game and at the end of every episode he get’s two inches from the prize, but something happens and destroys everything he worked for. Could be a winner, at least on the internet. So the guys got to bullshit for a while, talk about Andy’s future projects, the TV show he’s trying to work on with Dirt Nasty and some other guy, and all the things that may or may not be gay, apparently there’s a whole rule book on it. It would have been a perfect time to bring back Dude is it gay, but they didn’t bring it up, even though it would have really been a cherry on top to the whole segment. The guys talked about all the fine bitches they would slam, and whether or not you have a good reason to be scared of tossing a girls salad, general consensus is that if you can’t get your mind past the risk of a girl farting on your tongue, you should probably steer clear. We got to hear a track off of Andy’s newest album and it was a little strange but actually not that bad if you’re into the white boy nerd rap kind of thing. They chatted a bit more, Andy is a cool mother fucker, he’s making good things out of the opportunities he’s got and not trying to fuck anybody else in the process. All in all, a good guest on the show. And I’m sure there was plenty more goodness, but thanks to the awesome worthless shitty technology that is the SiriusXM online player, it skipped me past all of it and wouldn’t let me rewind to hear it again, glad to know my membership is funding really productive projects for those guys. I checked on twitter a bit though, looks like a lot of people were enjoying themselves, so I’ll say that it was a good show.


You know, I wasn’t always the caring, sensitive person I am today, I used to be a hopeless, degenerate, scumbag with no hope for a bright future. But that all changed when I found my personal savior, and to think he was there with me the whole time. I thank him and praise him every day, for through him all things are possible.

That’s right folks,


Red Dragons, mother fuckers ,,rr,

Show Re-Cap for Monday 4/22/2013


Oh, gee! Look at the time, it’s time for “Doin’ butt stuff with Mr. & Ms. X”

Hey, it’s Earth Day today! Did you buy the Earth a cake and smash it into the fucking ground? Have you made-out with a tree today? Get some of the bark, baby! Ellis was recently in a cloud of doom, but not any longer, so he’s happy to be here – loud as shit and everything. Rawdog’s vagina ears were hurt, but Tully loves it loud (did you catch his Kiss reference?) and so does Dingo. Would you bang a chick with a vagina on her neck? Would you wear a condom? Dingo saw Swollen Members over the weekend and heard the Red Dragon song live. Ellis has a new friend, Mr. X. Not to be confused with Rawdog’s friend, Mr. X. No, no. This is a totally different Mr. X, and he’s not gay or anything, but he’s done some butt stuff lately. He has a high pressure hose thing, where he can give himself an enema in the shower. The first time Mr. X had tried giving himself an enema, Ms. X was there to help give pointers and a log shot out and hit the deck, causing Ms. X to start laughing. This time, Mr. X kept pushing all kinds of stuff out and was starting to get worried that he might be over-enema’ing (?) and jamming stuff down the shower drain with his foot when he noticed some things aren’t going down the drain. It was pineapple because Mr. X really enjoys pineapple. Ellis had the mermaid party over the weekend and it sounds like it went pretty well – Will’s older son got busted looking at Katie’s ass. Do you believe in life after death? Do you think you’d be happy in the afterlife? Would you need an energy drink? Who knows, what we do know is that while you’re in the life that you have, you gotta go hard in the paint and enjoy as much of it as you can. I guess Adam Carolla said awhile back that women aren’t that funny or as funny as men. That’s nothing new, people have been saying that for a long time so I’m not sure why this was a major point of discussion in the media.


Whatever it is, it’s going to be alright.

reese_withoutherspoonA.J. Clemente. What? You haven’t heard of him? Maybe because his very first appearance on NBC North Dakota TV reading the news, he dropped a “gay fuckin’ shit” live on the air and got fired for it. He was actually trying to pronounce the name of the winner of the London Marathon, “Tsegaye Kebede.” Tully choked hard on the Steampipe Alley TV show when he was 9-years-old, once he saw his face on TV, he forgot how to spell “elected” and bombed out and didn’t get to win his Merlin or whatever kick-ass toy he wanted. Rawdog told the story of the first time he was on radio in college at 5 AM, reading old time radio shows like Flash Gordon, Batman, and Superman. A long time ago, they actually played some clips from that time on the show and holy shit was it hard to listen to, hence the 5 AM slot. In MMA news, Benson Henderson beat Gilbert Melendez, and then Melendez proposed to his girlfriend during a chorus of “boos” from the Melendez-friendly crowd. Daniel Cormier beat Frank Mir and Josh Thomson knocked out Nate Diaz. Moto news, Ryan Barbota (as Dom calls him) Justin Barcia (as the rest of the world calls him) won some shit and other people did not. And that’s all the exciting coverage we can handle, so let’s move on. Dom news, sounds like there were quite a few fans of the show that hate his talk into the cup Lil’ Bane voice. So he was ordered to call into the show via the VIP number instead to see if his voice is any less annoying, I’m guessing to the people who don’t like him, it wasn’t. At least until he called back in with his I’m Batman, drunk and on pills voice, which I don’t see how you couldn’t think it was fantastic. Will “vagina knees” Pendarvis is on crutches from his hard in the paint tactics during the crew’s Friday morning basketball game. Hollywood news time, Reese Witherspoon and her husband got arrested for DUI and she tried to play the celebrity card, it didn’t work. And not to be outdone, Tara Reid had a meltdown while shopping because she couldn’t get a discount. Snoop-Lion-Dogg’s 420 festival got shut down, not for weed smoking but for licensing or some shit. Star Magazine has a list of celebrities people hate, that’s neat (sarcasm). There was a bunch more Hollywood news but I don’t remember most of it, I was driving and watching a little fender bender in front of me. And that’s it for news today, who really wants a shitload of news on Monday anyway, right?


Ok, I lied, it’s not going to be alright as long as this exists.

Some dude that fell off a ladder 9 years ago and was paralyzed from the chest down, discovered that he gets orgasmic feelings when he sucks his thumb. It’s generally assumed that he spends a lot of time sucking on that digit. Mitch Fatel came on the show today with his wife, apparently they’re almost swingers, but he doesn’t let her sleep with other dudes yet, but that might be over now that she’s seen Dingo’s luscious locks. Mitch and his wife seemed to take a real liking to Ellis and especially Katie so maybe there’s a hook-up there to be had. They sound just as adventurous for the most part, with the licking of stripper’s asses and such. Oh, and apparently they’re in the process of trying to do a show about all this and more for A&E, which seems odd because this certainly isn’t like Duck Dynasty or whatever. Here’s his “candy cane” joke about bloody vagina, and if you were listening to the show, he doesn’t really talk like David Blaine’s more effeminate brother. Greatest guitar riff time, weeding through the rest of the Sweet 16 to complete the list of Elite 8. And here they are:

  • Guns N’ Roses
  • AC/DC
  • Led Zeppelin
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Dire Straits
  • Queen
  • Slayer
  • Slayer

That’s no typo, sisters! Slayer has two different songs in the contest, showing just how badass they are. And there you have it, your Elite 8 for the Greatest Guitar Riff of All-Time. So goes another mega, cram packed too much show and a mega, cram packed too much re-cap. I know, you’re thinking, “what’s the deal with all the fucking images in today’s post?” My answer to that is, I don’t know man. I was just feeling it and decided to put them in. Besides, everyone loves good images. No? Well shit, sorry then. I guess too many images is a lot like being a pedo, it’s hard to fit in. HEYOH! Oh, come on. Now you’re gonna be upset about that joke? It’s not like someone said the brighter side of the marathon bombings is that the Paralympics just got a bunch more competition. Shit. Okay, sorry about that one. I’m just digging a bigger hole here. Well, let me just close it out proper, I just want to make you all laugh and enjoy reading all this. A new golf course opens in town. It’s rather shabby, and business starts off slow. The owner, taking matters into his own hands, builds three robots to help tidy the place up. For the next week, the place is impeccable; word spreads and people come from all over to try out the new course. Most customers love it, but there’s one complaint: the robots are too shiny, and they sometimes reflect sunlight into the golfers’ eyes when they’re trying to swing. To solve this problem, the owner paints the robots black, thinking it will be a quick and easy fix. The next day, two of the robots don’t show up to work and the third robs a convenience store. OH!


What? This how we say “I love you” here at NYA.

Show Re-Cap for Friday 4/19/2013

What happens when you come into the show a couple minutes late? You hear that Ellis wants to kill and is full of bloodlust. But I’m sure that it’s just a misunderstanding because even Katie says that Ellis is getting depressed less and handling shit better. Ellis is going to be able to punch people in de face everyday now because he is moving from his current house to a home in Gymville, next door to Blackeyetropolis. Punching your friends in de face is all in good fun, but if you knee them in de face then your just a dick. Unless it’s some fakey spinning flying knee to de face then it’s just fucking awesome! Before the show the guys, Ellis, Tully, Rawdog, Dom, Will and celebrity EllisFam guest Butterballs, played a game of street ball as discussed earlier in the week and during the basketball MMA-knee-to-the-face-fights-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-903game Will sprained his labia and finally got his first legitimate sports injury. It was described as a very retarded version of prison ball with as much butt rape as one would imagine. Back to Will’s sprained cervix, he said that he heard two snaps in his knee and claims its fractured compoundedly but most likly he just tore a ligament. Rawdog can’t make 3 out of 10 layups as expected but he can dribble way better now than he could before. Ellis’s pool party this weekend will have a real mermaid there for the kids and also to save Josh when he falls into the pool and forgets to plug his nose. The discussion turned to cool kid names and what names the guys would name their sons of they were to have one, but Josh just seems to want to name his son a name that will guarantee himself a lineup with The Chippendale’s.

Dom Ass News was almost an hour long conversation on the conspiracy of the lost city of Atlantis and that it never existed. It was a  very confusing conspiracy theory mainly because there seemed to be no conspiracy behind it at all. Dom said that someone is Bermudaclaiming that he city never existed but Dom says it did and that they are living below the sea in a bubble with a hotel and indoor plumbing and seaweed technologies and sushi and somehow have electricity for lighting because it is dark at the bottom of the ocean. With an argument like that how could Dom be wrong! They also talked about the Bermuda Triangle and that is another place that Dom doesn’t want to go because he doesn’t want to mysteriously disappear. But Josh solved the entire mystery by reading one tweet, Atlantis is under the Bermuda Triangle and planes and ships disappear because of their centuries old yet incredibly advanced technologies. Makes perfect sense now.

Did you hear the one about the beached whale and the Gordons Fisherman? Jeremy Stenburg, aka Twitch, called in and talked some shit and then something about the Best Whip contest on ESPN and you can vote here but by the time you read this part, wipe, and flush the toilet, the contest will be over so just sit back and relax a little longer. Here’s the Jake brown ollie 720 video. Burt McKracken came in and discussed a few things, like the

And that's just the foreplay!

And that’s just the foreplay!

micro ramp, rollerblades, and something new with methed out whores picking at their faces and partying. Oh yeah, also to debut Cunt Kicker, if you haven’t heard it then listen to it here! The song kicks ass and I can’t wait to see what the other songs are brought to the table. They also talked about how annoying it would be of their spouses were into their music or careers and thats when Tully revealed that his wife secretly runs NoYouAre. The mystery of who bitPimps is has been revealed, I always thought you had really nice tits for a dude. And a new game was played today called Freak The Fuck Out Of Burt With A Spider While We All Laugh. Guess how that went? He manned up after screaming like a girl and let the tarantula crawl on his hand. After that they talked about snake bites, death, trippin balls, unicorns, and jewnicorns.

Dom’s Sasquatch sound clip that is definitive proof that Bigfoot is real, seriously, how can you argue against this?! Tully’s Cock News was a compilation of some of the greatest cock injuries of all time. A doctor circumcised a kid and almost cut off his baby winky, a man at Arby’s had his junk sprayed by scalding hot water in the bathroom after flushing the urinal, a young man in India “accidentally” had his pet fish “accidentally” slide into his urethra when he took it with him to go pee “accidentally.” A man claimed that a street gang knocked him out, robbed him, and slid a nail up his pee hole. And aother dude injected cocaine into his urethra, got gangrene and lost his dick, both legs, and nine fingers. Thats why you never should shoot up coke in your weenis. Do you hate Ellis? You should tell him that, but more importantly do you hate NoYouAre? If you do then watch this last video. Now do you? Well if you do then just know this one thing, we don’t want to hear about it. Besides, yer mum loves us, all of us, at the same time, OH!

Show Re-Cap for Thursday 4/18/13

What’s love got to do, got to do with it?  With that, welcome to another Thursday edition of Thunder Dome with your host Tina Turner a.k.a Ellis.  Yeah, I don’t get it either, too deep for me.  Speaking of too deep, Tully apparently got a little too deep this morning while digging in his ass, just after taking a nice shit mind you, and on his finger was some liquidy substance.  Unfortunately it wasn’t shit like we all had hoped, but blood is pretty fucking Red Dragons I’d say and that’s what was on Tully’s finger when he pulled back.  After a thorough review, he determined the blood was in fact not from his deuce in the commode, but rather from his ass cheek.  And thus begins today’s show, what is bleeding on Tully’s ass, call 855-355-4741 now and give us your thoughts.  But please spare me the immediate need to rush to the hospital as it is both necessary and obvi!  Let’s just focus on the potential para-rectal cyst lying deep in his ass tissue.  Did you know this same scenario happened to Rawdog recently, but turned out he just ate some Doritos, DING!  Thankfully Rude Jude stopped by to help us get off Tully’s ass, and focus on the real matter at hand….washing your hands.  As Jude puts it, wash your hands so you don’t pass second hand dick – Good shit Jude!  Jude taught us all about black hair care and what a weave cap is.  He also said Lord Sears is working hard on staying awake, making it most of the show yesterday which also included Adam Carolla.  “A Tree doesn’t get mad if you call it a bush.  It knows its a tree!” – Rude Jude.   Not sure how to transition from that to chics leaving snail trails and being proud of it, but it happens and I’m sure it somewhere on Vine.  Of course, thats not to be confused with your Happy Trail, or Treasure Trail, or finally Hairway to Heaven!


Not sure I like where this is going....

Not sure I like where this is going….


Remember yesterday’s World’s Greatest Wednesday, well today’s just as good to finish it up.  It was to find out who or what is, the World’s Greatest Way to humiliate a snail down in Flo-Rida.  Yeah so we just went through all the nominees:

Rawdog betray the snails for a bagel and crucify them

Make snails have gay sex and make fun of them

Cook snails in beer and feed them to other snails

Make them listen to Accidental Racist (Don’t click it)

Beat the snails with Ellis’s PETA award

Put Offspring and Jeff Hardy stickers on their shells

Send them into space on balloons with Death!Death!Die! stickers for promotional purposes

Cum on a snail

Make them drunk driving monster trucks

Use a potato gun to shoot snails at other snails

Have Rawdog posterize dunk on a snail

Make the snails preform parkour

Make the snails preform the Mega Ramp

Surround them with a ring of salt, and a ring of beer outside of that

Spray them with Axe body spray, when their about the get laid, set them on fire

Drag them behind trucks

Dress them as the Statue of Liberty and make them spin signs on the street corner

Give the snails all white boy cornrows

(And some late additions to yesterday’s list, which by the way has a few removed that Ellis ditched prior to voting)…….

Put snails on Jiffy Pop and put them in the microwave

Tie Snails to both ends of a battery and make them touch to get zapped

Pull the snail’s dick out and pour salt on it, the “Salt Peter”

So that’s the list, can’t really do shit about it now but so you knew who or what was even available.  Oh, and Rawdog only smoked like 3 or 4 times in college.


Rawdog's new night spot coming soon!

Rawdog’s new night spot coming soon!


Hollywood News bitches, and what other bitch but Kim Kardashian to start us off with her divorce of Kris Humphries and how it may be finally happening.  Remember the dude Finch from American Pie, the one that banged Stifler’s mom, yeah well some one night stand didn’t want to leave last night, and well check this shit out!  Serena Williams was strutting that ass in Miami and DAMN!   Adele turned down a million bucks cause she still got more life to live, for real for real.  Did you know Jennifer Aniston has been cupping, or better yet do you even know what the fuck that means?  If oyu answered No, fuck yeah homie!  Well Gwyneth Paltrow used to do it, and Tully hates that bitch, so you should too – remember that’s fuck Gwyneth Paltrow kids!  Jaden Smith says that Obama told him Aliens were true.  And thus concludes today’s Hollywood News, so now just back to how German dudes thought black dudes coudln’t beat them in sports until Jessie Owens and Joe Lewis kinda fucked all that up for them.  From there it was Jackie Robinson and white dudes figured out that when the monies on the line, always listen to Wesley Snipes.  Did you know that Michael Jackson stole the moonwalk from some dude who was a Solid Gold Dancer?  Did you give a shit that Fergie is trying to vogue or some shit?  No you didn’t, but I bet you do give a shit about this two on two MMA fighting over in Russia!  Dom, fuck my bad, Lil’ Bane was out and about the streets of Hollywood yesterday allegedly saying Justin Bieber had been killed by Nazi’s for his Anne Frank comments the other day.  Since Lil’ Bane produces The Jason Ellis Show, he had a tape record on him, and we all got to listen to people’s reactions.  People such as some old lady who swallowed the microphone and some dude who already knew about it before Lil’ Bane told him.  Batman actually spoke and gave his regards to Beiber’s mom.  Finally some Australian dude was propsitioned mon, “Fuck the Cunt, I shoulda killed him”.  He’s getting better folks, hell of a job Dom!





News from a Dolphin, my favorite shit might I add, about some lady who cut off her husband’s dick cause he was fucking an old girlfriend or some shit.  But enough of that, lets get down to some real business.  All show Ellis n Tully sprinkled in some shots at Rawdog about basketball and getting a game together.  Well it will be sometime tomorrow morning, with Rawdog trying to make 3 out of 10 layups, and also a two on two game between Ellis N Tully verse Will and Dom.  Unfortunately tickets aren’t for sale, but how fucking sweet would it be to see this.  Just make sure to listen tomorrow for what happens.  Kinda like yesterday, when you had to tune in tomorrow which is today, to find out who or what is the World’s Greatest way to humiliate a snail.  Well folks, here’s your top ten:

10 – Put Offspring and Ed Hardy stickers on the snail’s shells

9  – Beat snails with Ellis’s PETA award

8  – Send snails into space with balloons to promote Death! Death! Die!

7  – Make snail parkour videos

6  – Dress the snails as The Statue Of Liberty and make them spin signs on a street corner

5  – Pull the snail’s dick out and our salt on it

4  – Put them inside a circle of salt, surrounded by a circle of beer

3  – Spray them with Axe body spray, and as they’re about the get fucked, set them on fire

2  – Have Rawdog betray the snail’s for some bagels, and crucify them

1  – Have Rawdog posterize them

Hey don’t look at me, you fuckers voted on this shit.  Seems pretty accurate to me though, cause having The Illusionist dunk over you and see it on your bedroom wall is some fucked up shit.  But no where as fucked up as the last episode of Suck My Dick with Will and Lil’ Bane, where Thunderballs and I took turns cupping your grandma’s ass while we moon walked all over her pussay, OH!

Show Re-cap for Wednesday 4/17/2013

Congratulations, you’ve learned how to click a link leading you to a web page . Must be feeling pretty God damned good about yourself now, eh? It’s Wednesday on The Jason Ellis Show, just like it is for the rest of the world, except maybe for some Indian tribes who are still holding on to it being Bear Star or some shit. Either way, we have a lot of radio that can be jammed down into very few words today. It is a very special Wednesday, as it is Katie’s (@Underwearwolf) Birthday, clocking in at the big ol’ 30.

Happy Birthday, you old woman.

Happy Birthday, you old woman.

Ellis’ therapist is awesome, and is getting him amped to do all sorts of new stuff with his kids and his little makeshift family he has going on. Ellis is getting way better at reading, and was reading books with his daughter. What surprised him was he could actually read all of the words in front of him and he was stoked on that. I have been operating under the assumption that he would never have the ability to read these, so now I’ve got to hope he never feels the need to click on this shit and lambaste(read that fucker) me for anything I’ve said.


Language is a fucked up thing. Right now, you are reading this and understanding the language I’m writing this. But some dude from Japan who stumbled on this site looking for giant snail porn is confused as all fuck (I’ll explain the snail later). The guys talked about different languages and what they learned in their lives. Josh wanted to learn spanish instead of hebrew, because he is such a Hollywood Jew. Tully learned French so he could smash box. Josh also had to go to traffic court again, and the most challenging thing for him seemed to be the elevator. Rawdog was driving with an expired registration, but the really great thing about his trip was the conspiracy theories he heard were gems. Somebody was blabbing on about how everyone who was in line was either black or Latinos and there weren’t any white people there and the man is keeping them down Wahhh wahh bullshit. Never mind the fact that the whitest man in the world was in earshot of them.

The guys brain stormed on a possible future event where they would try out different sports as a competition, possibly with fans or celebrities. Things like 2-on-2 basketball, hacky sack, cricket and other made up sports. Seems like it would be a good side show for an Ellismania or a mini-Ellismania. Looking forward to that happening one day.

Your Mom's taking the "All Natural" douching a little too far.

Your Mom’s taking the “All Natural” douching a little too far.

Today was a really special Wednesday because it was the return of World’s Greatest Wednesday! Ahh, I could almost hear the boners popping up through twitter as the words came out of Jason’s mouth. Today’s journey continued on yesterday’s conversations about giant African snails, and we strove to find out what is the World’s Greatest Way to Humiliate A Snail. If ever there were a topic to really bring out the nature of Ellisfam, apparently it is how to torture and humiliate armored slugs. Seriously, after today’s show I am pretty damn sure we have some serial killers listening to the show. The winners will be revealed on tomorrows show, but some of the highlights I can remember were:

  • Plastering Offspring stickers on the shells
  • Making them drunk drive
  • Dunking over them and posterizing them
  • Tie helium balloons to them and float them in the air
  • Make a Snail Messiah, betray him and crucify him.
  • Super Soaker filled with salt water

Fuck, there were a lot more than that. About 21 total I think. Probably should have wrote them down… I could always look through twitter and see some of the suggestions on there…


Adam Carolla was on the show today. They talked about radio and comedy, and how stand-up is more like being a magician instead of a warlock. You can pull off the tricks, but you don’t possess any real magic, because you plan it all out ahead of time. Carolla has trained in boxing a lot in his life and can throw down when need be. He told some stories about a time on Spring Break when he was drunk and wandering through other people’s beach houses. He wandered into one, looking for a beer, you know and the phone rang. Well, he picked it up and the dude on the other end got all pissy because he was calling a chick and said he was coming over to kick his ass. Adam Carolla is no pussy, so he said “Alright, I’ll be here.” So the guys came over, and they went outside and Carolla KO’d both of them. Red Dragons. And then another time, where some chick he was trying to get away from was talking shit and saying he hit her, so these 5 dudes all threatened to kick his ass. He said, alright, but he’ll only fight one of them. When he kicked that dude’s ass, he got smacked in the back of the knee with a baseball bat and had a bottle broken over his shoulder. The other four guys (at this point, we can just refer to them as pussies) jumped him and eventually overwhelmed him and beat him up, but not too bad, because as I mentioned, they were pussies. The baseball bat guy especially, because he was trying to take out Carolla’s bum knee he had just had surgery on. Anyway, some time passes and a friend of Carolla’s started knocking on his door when he was trying to finger blast a girl. Carolla answers the door, and his friend had the baseball bat pussy in a headlock, presenting him to Carolla. Carolla spared the man, though and apparently he flies planes now or some shit.

HOLLYWOOD NEWS: Rick Ross got dumped by Reebok for some line he had in one of his probably awful songs about date raping a chick. Serves him right. Russel Brand tried getting Tom Cruise for Scientology, but Cruise didn’t take the bait. Justing Bieber sl;dgpwouengewifvnsl;ivjsdmvegfvksjvemsc. Donald Trumps wife moisturizes their 7-year-old son with caviar moisturizer every night, and that kid needs to move out immediately if he wants to be saved. He needs to ditch his life and become a slum dog as soon as possible so that he can retain some sort of credibility for the rest of his life. Seriously, just live in the tunnels underneath New York and rise back up as a bad ass one man tin-drum band. I’d buy that dude’s record. Paul Hogan is filing a report to get 34 million dollars that was stolen from him by his financial advisor. With that 34 million I imagine he is going to buy the biggest barby you could throw an insane amount of shrimp on. Or he could buy a knife so large that you would never be able to doubt that it indeed, was a knife.

Dom had a new game today, and it was pretty fucking great to listen to. It took a bit of tweaking, but I’ll get to that. The basic rules of the game were to play a small audio clip of a Metallica song and the guys had to guess what James Hetfield was saying. What the guys were actually able to hear and attempt to translate was pretty fucking funny, and I never realized how inaudible some of Hetfield’s lyrics were. Things took a turn for Lil’ Bane when he put a clip on the CD that actually was not Metallica. I don’t know how new some of you are to the show, but you DO NOT fuck up something on Jason’s show when it comes to Metallica, because he is a massive fucking Metallica fan. So, bring on the shock collar! This is where the segment got fucking hysterical, because Dom’s reaction to getting shocked is possibly the greatest sound your radio can make. He flops all over, screams and slams into the wall all while staying in character as Lil’ Bane and saying “Mon.” I just want to pause a second and say how happy Dom’s Lil’ Bane character makes me. He never needs to be reminded to stay in character and while it seemed so lame at first, it is unexpectedly one of the funniest things I have heard on the show, ever. People can hate on the dude all they want, but the dude has drive, puts out a shit ton of effort and books guests like crazy.

Final calls was only about 15 minutes, but Tully pondered if it would be OK if he got a “Brown Pride” tattoo because even though he isn’t Messican, he is really proud of them and how far they have come. Mexicans really are proud of their shitty cars, and Ellis wants to live more like a Mexican because they seem happier with things that are shitty. I can just see the hydraulics on the THC Porsche now.

There has been a lot of snail talk lately on the show, and on this re-cap. I remember one time when I met a snail while I was walking up my driveway, I picked him up and tossed him over the fence into the backyard. The next day, I came home and found that the snail was still dead in the backyard because that is a dumb fucking joke and so is this one. Screw you, I’m tired asshole. You expected a snail trail joke about your mom? You’d like that wouldn’t you? Well everyone knows your mom leaves a snail trail wherever she goes. Every now and again she slimes her fat ass past enough dirt and dog shit and the friction rolls it all together and it festers and eventually the bacteria molds and grows enough to crawl away and start it’s own life and here you are reading this.