Show Re-Cap for Monday 8/19/2013


Rawdog being breast fed by his mother.

Welcome to the pleasure dome ladies & gentlemen. Put one hand on your genital area, tighten up that belt around your neck, and get ready to diddle yourself silly. According to Ellis, when you hit the age of 65, you no longer look human, you look like Yoda. That’s Ellis’ research, and Rawdog’s research? GILFs. Tully has an uncle who is like 80 now, and he told him every time he looks in the mirror, he’s surprised to see that he’s old. That could be the onset of senility, or it could be because he doesn’t feel like he’s 80. Ellis saw and used the sister version of the Swinghouse bathroom over the weekend, it was let’s say, well used. Rawdog went shopping over the weekend, which of course brought up the logical next step, he needs a new car. His laptop is still with the fuckin geek squad or some shit and he said it’s going to cost a lot of money. This is about when, collectively, the jaws of all listener’s across the globe hit floor – after he said he thought he’d probably lease a vehicle because he couldn’t afford to buy a vehicle. Tully clarified it that he can have a car payment, buying a car doesn’t mean you have to pay for it all once. Rawdog also doesn’t have a credit card because he doesn’t want to have to pay fees to build “credit” (and yes, he put air quotes around credit). So let’s re-cap the past two revelations real quick. 1.) He didn’t know that you can buy a car, not pay the full amount, but have car payments. And, 2.) he’s never owned a credit card and has no idea how one builds up their credit rating.


Nobody can contain themselves when listening to TJES.

So UFC Fight Night 26 was on Saturday. Sonnen guillotine choked Shogun until he tapped, and then Sonnen made the stupidest after fight speech I’ve ever heard in the UFC or I imagine that would ever be uttered in the WWE. He also called out another older, ready to retire fighter, Wanderlei Silva. And look, we all know what Sonnen is doing, he hypes up himself and his fights, but that was so ridiculous, I think it cheapened the UFC image and sounded worse than the bullshit wrestler’s in the WWE spew. Travis Browne knocked out Alistair Overeem (Ovaries as Ellis says) and put that roid raged dude with a front kick and hammerfists. Matt Brown pretty much knocked out Mike Pyle in 29 seconds, even though Pyle pretended he was totally all there after his fucking head bounced off the canvas several times. John Howard won in a hug-filled split decision over Uriah Hall, and Urijah Faber’s cornrows won a decision over Iuri Alcantara. And thanks to Sonnen’s stupid ass post-fight speech, I can fake segway right into Tito Ortiz fake hitting Rampage Jackson with a fake hammer during a fake wrestling match.


How right you are, sir.

Korean shit wine is a thing, it’s called Ttongsul and is rice wine mixed with the fermented turd of a human child. It’s alcohol content is around 9%, it’s poop content is around 91%, and it’s supposedly medicinal in some crappy way, but the rest of the world is calling bullshit. Ellis heard some religious radio show that was talking about a guy that’s now a girl and wants to play basketball against chicks. Basically, it sounds like almost any women’s event in the Olympics where communist countries participate. This brought us into some Jesus talk, with Julio, Enrique, and Rosalita. Tully had a dream, and needed some dream interpretation from Ellis – which just so happens to be Ellis’ forte! His dream was that he was watching Sylvester Stallone in a big fight scene against brown people. He was on top of their car trying to hold on and shoot the bad guys, like a James Bond. Next he was helping chase a Max Headrom type character through a train station, while his wife is off shopping or some shit. Finally, he was playing women’s softball. Ellis says the 1st dream is about Tully learning to get along with his Japanese in-laws. The 2nd dream is the train of life, he’s moving forward. The 3rd dream is part his competitive nature who got beat by DanOD5 and so he feels emasculated. The 3 dreams together mean he’s a good, loving, father who got beat up by a chick.


Like, OMG, grrrrr!

Rawdog had a semi re-occurring dream which is him standing on top of a mountain, it’s crumbling, he keeps jumping to different mountains but they keep crumbling. Dr. Ellis says it’s the pedestal his parents had put him until his sister and brother were born and then that pedestal crumbed beneath him. Ellis continued taking calls and helping analyze the dreams of callers until everyone was satisfied and will sleep comfortably for the foreseeable future. What a guy! And apparently I’m gay and want to have sex with bears. The US military invested up to $44 million big ones on a stealth bomber. Canadians? They spent $620,000 little ones on a stealth snowmobile, and while it’s not quite stealth yet, it is pretty quiet! Moto news time, Ryan Villopoto just might be the current world’s greatest motorcyclist racer, actually, he must be. Because somebody said he’s wrapped up the title because they added his points up on a calculator or some shit. There’s a mystery superstar actress who overdosed and it’s all caught on camera and shit. Sounds juicy. In Aussie news, Ellis will be on Loveline tonight, I think, pretty sure. Oh, and some old Canberra man tried to shove an entire fork in his bleeding dickhole for sexual gratification. You stay forking classy Australia! Researchers at a university in Australia think if you add electrolytes to beer, the world can be hangover free, because I mean really, who has time for a glass of water before you pass out in a puddle of your own piss?


This pertains to all of you.

A 22-year-old man was walking on train tracks and got hit by an Amtrak train going 110 MPH. The conductor said he hit him straight on, but was fully conscious when police arrived and he’s not only fine, he’s okay. Josh found a site that identifies the lowest rated (or most hated) videos on YouTube, it may or may not be Live limbo time! How low can you go? Rawdog versus Ellis in a limbo competition, where Rawdog should have a clear edge here since he spent a portion of his college days at limbo parties. While the tale of the tape gives the advantage to Rawdog, it did not turn out to be enough as Ellis was able to out limbo Rawdog and his Monster Mash limbo method. The punishment for losing? Spin the wheel of doom! And what was the justice to be served? RC car nut pull. Hey, wanna fight at EllisMania 9? Make a video of you sparring or punching a heavy bag or you little sister or some shit and send it to And now, it’s racial joke Monday. A black man walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender asks, “What’ll you have?” The parrot says “I’ll have a beer!” The bartender’s impressed, slides over a beer and says, “Anything else?” The parrot says, “I’ll have a shot of rum!” The bartender is amused by all this and says, “That’s quite impressive, where did you get him?” The parrot says, “Africa, they’re everywhere!” OH!

Show Re-Cap for Monday 4/15/2013


Allow me to play you the song of my people!

Until now, you have remained safe. Until now, you have remained untouched. We give you, the opportunity, to feed your obsession. NYA! Ellis thinks Quentin Tarantino is a fat old lady and over-rated, Cha-Chingo Unchained (or Jango & Change as Dingo calls it) was shit, and the movie Lincoln sucked. Apparently Dingo got to watch Apollo 13 in school and nobody really knows why, or if he was even really in school, or what kind of product he uses in those luscious locks of his. There was something about gluten, Judd Apatow, and some mother trying to control the world. I have no idea what they were talking about, neither did Tully and I’m guessing neither did you. Maybe it was something about Gwyneth Paltrow? Or that Mexican maid on Family Guy? I don’t know. Rawdoggie-poo got a gift from his Nana, he gets tickets to a music festival in Chicago. There was a ton of movie talk that literally went all over the place. We did find out that Rawdog pretty much hates Ben Affleck, except in Dazed ‘n Confused, and we also learned he didn’t see Good Will Hunting because he thought it looked dumb. You just know he was like, “Big deal, a janitor can do math? I’m smarter than that!” Katie’s birthday present was two nights at a hotel with room service and shitload of movie watching, hence all the movie talk. EllisMania 9 is back on, it is scheduled for October 13th and Katie will be fighting Rawdog. However, all that was overshadowed by the news of explosions near the finish line at the Boston Marathon.


Fuck Dom’s shirt, I got that swag!

Some cop got all over zealous on a German tourist and said some dumb shit. Miesha Tate had her face fucked up by Cat Zingano, but everyone seems to agree that the fight was stopped too soon, but we’re also talking about a woman referee here so, yeah. Uriah Hall lost his fight, which kind of surprised quite a few people, after watching him put everyone he fought in a BAMbulance. Urijah Faber won his fight, but does anyone really give a shit – I mean besides that butt-chin of his? Ellis farted in front of Katie this weekend, a conscious fart, not a fart in his sleep. Tully’s never had a big farting issue at home, but he has started to try and curb the extreme burping. Dingo and his girlfriend both fart in front of each other, and they’re okay with that. Chicks shit – it’s true, and this spurred at least one caller whose chick pinched a loaf, took a picture, and named it – and that’s pretty fucking disgusting. Another dude walked in on his girlfriend taking a shit and heard it plop in the water – and that’s pretty fucking disgusting as well. Anybody catch moto over the weekend? Me neither. You can bet someone is fast while the others are slow, though. Dom “Lil’ Bane” the producer’s birthday was this weekend as well, he spent his 30th birthday all by his lonesome. Apparently he’s all dressed up today, trying to look like Jude, but instead looking more like Lewis Skolnick. Rawdog said he shirt is classy and is backing his style, so that right there tells you all you need to know. Dom says that he’s constantly working, even when he’s watching TV – and oddly enough, he doesn’t even own a TV.


Hollywood news does not come from your pussy.

Hollywood news time. Comedian Kevin Hart was arrested for DUI. And if you’re like me, you’re saying “who”? If you’re like Ellis, you’re saying, “Carey Hart’s mom”? This little bit of totally not news was milked for what seemed like, and was close to, 30 minutes. Justin Bieber visited Anne Frank’s house and wrote in the guestbook: “Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” That Bieber kid, what a cunt. Lauryn Hill didn’t file taxes in 2005, 2006, and 2007, claiming that she “withdrew from society at large due to what she perceived as manipulation and very real threats to herself and her family.” Also, she’s looking like shit these days. Jada Pinkett Smith clarified her “open marriage” to Will Smith remark by saying that each of them can do whatever they want because they trust each other. So, yeah. Sounds like they can still fuck whoever. Hugh Jackman was shaken after a stalker threw an electric razor filled with her pubes at him, guess that crazy bitch thought Wolverine could use some more facial hair? Chi Cheng, bassist of the Deftones died 5 years after a car crash left him in a coma. And Clint Eastwood went to Coachella, which makes it officially the stupidest music festival of all.

In “My insane logic knows no bounds” news, Rawdog refuses to admit that Black Sabbath is better than Neutral Milk Hotel. Hey, wanna know how best to survive a nuclear bomb exploding? First, you wanna not be any where near that motherfucker. Second, you think you’re far enough away, but no, go further man. Third, don’t look at it. And fourth, curl up in a ball and await to be vaporized or grow an eyeball on your taint. And this is where my computer decided to take a shit and so far never come back. Lucky for you, I have an awesome phone to finish this fucking thing. And luck for your mom that I finished in her mouth instead of on her tits, because that open wound on her titty from her abscess probably would’ve made things that much worse. OH!