The Big Fucking History of “Big Fucking Mega Boat” – Part 1 (History)

For a movie that is only a reported 22min long and has been billed by J.Ellis as one of the worst things he’s ever seen, it has taken a long, long road to being made. Part 1 of the History of BFMB starts at the initial idea, the plans with Donald Schultz, developing the script , all the way up to just before they started filming.

He-man leads to 80’s toys, leads to the “Battleship” movie,  and then the 1st spark of “BFMB” – 2/1/12 – 8min

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Allison Eastwood will be the director for BFMB? – 2/3/12 – 2min

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Malin Akerman in studio and Grant’s “Kawaski” tattoo leads to the mention of Sgt. Kawaski and BFMB – 2/9/12 – 4min

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David Faustino gets pitched BFMB – 2/14/12 – 1min

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Shoebox gets pitched BFMB – 2/15/12 – 2min

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Donald Schultz in studio to discuss sets and script ideas for BFMB – 2/21/12 – 50min

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Donald Schultz returns, claims he has a submarine for the movie? Lots more movie ideas- 3/8/12 – 43min

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Rawdog will be the MGM Lion – 3/14/12 – 3min

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The idea of go karts at K1 Speed is announced and the characters/actors are set – 4/4/12 – 72min

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Show Re-cap For Tuesday 2/14/2012

Be My Valentine RawdogToday is Valentine’s Day and Rude Judesday, love is in the air! David Faustino (@DavidFaustino) stopped by the show today, you know, Bud Bundy. Apparently he raps? That has to be fuckin’ amazing to hear. Okay, I take it back, it’s not really that amazing. He seemed like a pretty chill cock, his interview was interesting and he had a sense of humor, he did play a round of the game mentioned below. And I did find it funny when he was talking about being able to make money while being comfortable. Taken out of context it kind of sounded as if he inadvertently was saying Ellis looks like shit when he said, “You can look the way you look right now.” Maybe I’m the only one that found it kind of funny.

Blasko also stopped by the show, which also means it was “Get the cock off your chest” Valentine’s edition. It seems there were several people who fucked their best friends’ child, disturbing. Some married guy and 4 of his friends all got a blow job from some chick, he stated she was “full”, and again, disturbing. There were a few others, but nothing quite as stellar as the previously mentioned.

A completely harmless box of Valentine's chocolates. (Th... on TwitpicTully prepared some Valentine’s chocolates and brought them into the show. They played a game where they had to answer questions, the person furthest from the correct answer got a chocolate to eat. As you can guess, these aren’t the type of chocolates you’re likely to enjoy. Here’s the breakdown of who lost and what they got to eat:

  1. Rawdog ate a chocolate covered fish oil pill. Things couldn’t have worked more perfectly here considering Rawdog’s palate for only McDonald’s and Jager.
  2. Ellis ate chocolate covered taleggio cheese treat, it’s some kind of “Italian, romantic, stinky cheese” according to Tully.
  3. Rawdog ate an all milk chocolate made with 100% breast milk! Shout out to Tully’s wife and her recent ability to squirt booby milk out of her teets. Rawdog is now one step closer to being adopted by Tully and his wife. (see “Hard Hitting Questions“)
  4. Blasko ate a chocolate filled with dried cat food, and he didn’t seem to mind at all. I imagine it had a granola type crunch to it and the chocolate probably masked most of the cat food flavoring.
  5. Rawdog, looking for his third delectable treat, got lucky on this one and picked the original chocolate – it had nothing in it, it was just a delicious chocolate.
  6. Cumtard got to eat a chocolate covered muscle, and I can only imagine the stench and nasty that it was made of. Someone was horking, holding back some vomit, I assume it was him.
  7. Blasko came back in an attempt to catch up to Rawdog, he got to eat a chocolate covered olive. Pretty tame compared to others.
  8. Ellis got his second turn to eat another chocolate morsel, this one being a chocolate covered octopus. That had to of been just as bad if not worse than the muscle. More gagging on this one, definitely from Ellis.
  9. Ellis got his chance to tie Rawdog by eating chocolate covered fish eggs from Tully’s Sunday night dinner. Again, this has to be up there with muscle and octopus.
  10. Cumtard ate chocolate covered kimchi (fermented cabbage) and apparently it has quite a pungent smell. But Cumtard is used to eating all sorts of horrible shit so it seemed he choked that one down without much of an issue.

To end off the show, a random 12 year-old called in. I don’t wanna be the one to say he’s too young to be listening to this show, wait. Yes I do. He’s too young to be listening to this show. Kind of like how your mom is too old to still be a hooker, but she still is. OH!