Show Re-Cap for Monday 6/16/2014


MMA shirt? Fine. Hockey jersey? Not fine. I don’t wear either, but I also don’t know about that logic.

It’s like raaaaaayyyyyy-eeeeeaaaaaaiiiinnnnn on your recap day. It’s a freeeeee mustache riiiiiiddddeee when you’re already laid. I don’t know why I just did that, I apologize for that crock of shit. So, happy belated Father’s Day to all you good-ass dads out there. All you shit dads, you can eat shit. Shit mate. Routines are off right from the get go, Jetta & Cumtard are MIA. Ellis & Aubrey thought of an app that will help kick your chewed up wad of bubble gum ass into shape. Dings is there, he just ate, he wants that app, and if he does, he needs to fork over some skrilla. Dingo got his drink on yesterday, Miami lost and people are either talking smack, or maybe they’re not. Ellis’ cable company sucks a mean dick, it a bad way though. It won’t record shows, he can’t get some channels, and by god – they’re fucking expensive. He can’t see American motocross shit, but he sure can see Italian motocross shit – all brappity boppity boopity and shit. Tully thinks the NHL cup finals were “breath taking” and I say totally anti-climatic. Big weekend for the Ellis family, made big daddy Jayce Cakes tired as all hell. He went to a father’s day thing at Carey & Pink’s house, they got a stocked pond and shit. Devin cast her line out and viola! She catches a fish. Tiger busts out his Ironman rod and bam, catches a fish. Tiger had his first big boy crash on the motorcycle this past weekend. He cried but ended up handling it like a champ. Ellis likes his new Red Wings hockey jersey, but Katie doesn’t. Which makes no sense really, which is worse? Wearing clothes that promote a company’s food supplements or a hockey jersey? Riiiight. Somehow discussion turned to shit reality shows on TV, which there is no shortage of, pretty sure that’s all of TV now. Reality shows you make you stupid. Fact. I think. I’m not sure. You feeling alive? Because Tony Gwynn isn’t. Poor dude had mouth cancer and died at the young age of 54. Not to be outdone, Casey Kasem died a day before Gwynn, but he was 82.


Submitting your Wolfknives Membership purchase.

So UFC. I didn’t watch it, neither did Ellis. Kenda was there, but she didn’t really pay attention either. Which leads me to believe I didn’t miss jack shit. Well, besides Andrei Arlovski returning to beat Brendan Schaub. Apparently fans thought the fight was boring and even Dana said he made a mistake putting that fight on the main card and said it should’ve been part of the prelim card. Ouch. Now, on to a more interesting fight. This is of a ghetto fight at a gas station with some black girl beating the shit out of two dudes with her titties flopping all about. By the end, she was completely naked and the two dudes were completely loopy after getting their asses handed to them by Miss Naked Ass-kicker USA. More Wolfknives signed up and got their names today. It seems along with the increased number of members, there is a specific increase in female members, which is cool as shit. So welcome, sisters! Hey, did you know there’s a Wolfknives Member Registry? Well there is, and it’s run by @RainmanRDS. There were some great names given out today. Unfortunately, nobody got Fart Barfunkle this time around, maybe next time.


Did somebody say deviled eggs? I like deviled eggs.

Something, something about Abercrombie & Fitch. I think they’re hurting and may or may not be looking for more washboard ab young men to parade in front of their stores. Time for a Dingo quote! In today’s culture, people look at asses as an asset. ~Dingo And now for some more crazy. There’s this dude that is convinced Stacey, her deviled eggs, and Miracle Whip are straight up evil. Side note, he kind of looks like The Architect from The Matrix, but his logic kind of sounds like Gilbert Grape. This guy is crazier than a shithouse rat on a fishing boat. Remember the guy from last year that got busted having sex with a pool raft? Well, he’s back, having sex with inflatable things again. Asphyxia is back to beat the shit out of Cumtard. The idea is that Asphyxia will be performing some S & M style shit on Cumtard and he has to guess the password to get her to stop. Before we get too far into the whole experience, Dingo had to get his licks in, so to speak, and gave Cumtard a hard slap on bare ass. Cumtard didn’t seem like he liked the whole experience too much, that is until he started getting an erection during the nipple clamp tugging session. One the funnier parts for me was while he was getting waxed & was given the clue of “leader” and he guessed the safe word “Barack Obama”. I hope to Barry that if anyone out there practicing S & M, uses Barack Obama as a safe word – that’s a game changer, politically and otherwise. The torture continued, with a few mishaps here and there, but the ultimate goal was essentially reached. Cumtard in a dress and in pain. And that led us to final calls with the question, would you rather be a bear with a human dick or a bear with a bear dick, but a human mind. I think everyone can agree that bear dicks are gross and you wouldn’t want one.



Show Re-Cap for Thursday 6/13/2013


Yes, where are the chicks that wanna talk wad?

Holy shit! It’s Thursday the 13th! Wait. It’s Friday the 13th that’s supposed to be freaky, isn’t it. My bad. But for all we know, it could really be Friday and the man is just making us think it’s Thursday. Ever think about that one? You did? Oh, you did? Okay, well then fuck it. Ellis thinks he likes Frank Sinatra more now and might get some suits, go to night clubs and sashay to “Come Fly With Me”, and act like a completely different person. His therapist says he needs to get out there and get bitches numbers and shit, without doing a pillowcase full of cocaine and shitfaced on vodka. The knuckleball is an uncommonly thrown pitch in baseball, it is thrown to minimize the spin of the ball in flight, causing an erratic and unpredictable motion, making it harder to hit. Speaking of baseball, it was 43 years ago today that Dock Ellis threw a no-hitter while on LSD! A little intern rivalry on the show today as Anal Gay-Lewis spilled the beans on Jimmy Neutron, how he’s kind of stupid and doesn’t follow orders very well, specifically, his orders. Neutron started to give Anal the stink eye and began defending himself as he was having tremors in his fit of rage. The guys thought maybe Neutron was just blowing hot air, but he say’s he’s trained a little bit and thinks he can take Anal. Are you guys catching all these innuendos that are heavily peppered in the past few sentences? One thing both interns agreed on was that they both liked Team Jetta better than the each other, even though Team Jetta seemed like he had been partying with Jude before coming to work.


Shout out to intern Jimmy Neutron!

Hollywood news times. Rapper 2 Chainz’s robbery was actually caught on video along with a dude that happily skips down the sidewalk during the robbery. So cute! NBA talk time, the Spurs put Tracy McGrady (aka T-Mac) in the game because they were kicking so much ass. Back to Hollywood, Lindsay Lohan is still in rehab, that’s neat. David Letterman likes to compliment guest bands on their drums and find out if the drums are theirs or not. Pal of Jason Ellis, Carey Hart, was on TMZ because a photographer was taking pictures of Pink changing their child’s diaper, so Carey and his friend assaulted the dummy. Amanda Bynes and Cher got in a small spat on Twitter, then today Amanda got into it with Miley Cyrus on Twitter as well, and all that is super neat. Reese Witherspoon accidentally showed her turd cutter on them skreets. There are fragrance foundation awards? What. The. Flower? Who cares. Gerard Butler was on some show in Germany to try and crack nuts with his ass and then pour ice water down the front of his pants. This prompted the guys to think this might be something the interns should do, which of course Team Punishment (aka Tito, aka Jimmy Neutron) thought was a dumb idea and didn’t want to do. What a team player, he pretty much isn’t into anything and he definitely seems to have a chip on his shoulder. Each intern was sent out to get the goods, 1 some walnuts, 1 a bag of ice, and 1 to get something else I can’t remember. First one back? Jimmy Neutron, with a sack of fucking trail mix. What a dumb-shit. The interns finally came back with all their supplies, but only Anal Gay-Lewis knew how to put fucking ice in his pants, the other 2 interns were just lost. One is fucking high on something and the other must be mentally retarded.


I’m guessing there were no balloons in Sparta.

Some fool has invented cube shaped wheels for skateboards, you know, because cubes must out perform round fucking wheels. I guess he’s talking about traction, but still, it looks ridiculous. Hey, did you know most past civilizations are full of fantasy shit that never really happened, like vikings wearing helmets with horns? Well, not Sparta. Apparently it was pretty much exactly like the fucking movie 300 – but with way more insults and a lot less love. Your newborn look a little funky? Better abandon that little shit on a hill and hope some stranger takes it home to eat it. So you’re 4 and afraid of the dark? Guess what, you get to be isolated in a dark room, ya little pussy. Happy 7th birthday! No go learn how to hunt and be a soldier and be naked. Oh, you’re hungry? Better steal some food and hope your ass doesn’t get caught, or you getting the shit beat out of you. This sounds exactly the opposite of where interns are raised. Rawdog did his workout challenge on-air today and it sounds like he went hard in the paint like a champ. I assume he spent the next 10 minutes on a single, continuous yawn afterwards. Then it was time for his testosterone smoothie. The interns were put in charge of making the smoothie, and guess what they couldn’t do very well? Yup, use a fucking blender. Scratch that, he worked out until he started puking, so that’s pretty fucking hard in the paint – though I’m not so sure having to puke after every workout is a good thing. You can say what you want about Rawdog, and you can say what you want about pedophiles, but at least they drive slowly around schools and playgrounds. OH!


Show Re-cap For Monday 2/11/2013


Snookie dropped a deuce?

It’s another Monday, and holy shit balls, Ellis got the outline done for his hair club for wolf men tattoo! That’s fuggin gnarly nuts. Rawdog thinks it might be a bit of a rash decision, even though Ellis has been talking about it for several weeks. It’s just such a massive thing to do and is shocking, so that might be where people are questioning the decision. But, hey, Ellis is alright – don’t worry about it, it’s not your head. Carey Hart hooked the Ellis family up big time, Tiggy got to sit on Carey’s motorcycle and get his picture taken, Devin got to take a massive dump in Carey’s personal bathroom, and Carey’s chiropractor popped Ellis’ back and fixed his shit – then they all got the fuck outta there. Will Rawdog be creating a “Rawdog’s Puffy Nipple Corner” on the website? Will Tully and Ellis become pimps?


He was doing the Harlem Shake before it was cool.

Hey, did you see the Grammys? Yeah, me either. So fuck that shit. Oh, and Rawdog serenaded us with some of the songs played, the beautifully nasal renditions brought a tear to listener’s eyes. Grammy talk went on for about 45 minutes or so, there’s not much more to say about it. The ex-drummer of Korn was arrested for driving under the influence of a sleeping pill, that’s pretty stupid. Sad reptile news, the world’s largest captive crocodile who was more than 50 years old, died from chronic diarrhea – now that’s some bullshit! Tully revealed that when he was kid playing ColecoVision, he gave the TV the finger and his mom saw him do it. Dun-dun-dun! Later that night while he was taking a bath, he washed his own mouth out with soap, like a good Christ fearing child may tend to do. Rawdog’s getting buff and busted out 40 halftime push-ups today, giving the guys a free look at what it looks like while he’s taking control and pumping a chick.


Don’t be gay! Rape little kids instead, because, it’s um… not gay.

More unsigned burps and farts came up today, and of course the Burbank Dave fart came into question, they could tell it was edited together – but it was still good none the less. Cumtard had a couple loving unsigned farts as he was walking home with Will Pendarvis, OMG guys, it was so cute! That lead us into a game by Cumtard, clips of Stupid Tits (former intern) describing things and the guys have to guess what the hell he’s talking about. As you can imagine, his descriptions were on par with his impressions, which means they’re pretty much worthless and the shit that comes out of his mouth can only be understood by him and him alone. The Pope resigned, the first to do so in over 600 years, everyone’s speculating that he’s pulling out due to all the sex scandals revolving around the Church. Some Ellis listener foiled a fucking bank robbery and got sent to the prize chamber for his efforts. Red Dragons! There was some Hollywood news, but I was driving home at the time and didn’t care to take notes. Then talk about selling out, what it entails, would you do it, etc. But maybe more importantly, what does two grains of rice in the sink mean? A Somalian has been up all night vomiting. OH!

Show Re-cap For Friday 6/29/2012

Ronnie Faisst

Happy WGAFF mofo’s! The guys, along with @UnderwearWolf and @TheDingoInSnow, are at the X Games so that’s where they did the show from today. Apparently while the show was on, it was a pretty big sausage fest – one would assume because it’s too early for whores to be up, like vampires, they’re active at night. Also, since Ellis comes from the X Games world and is friends with so many people in that world, this is going to be jam packed with name drops. The first guests on the show were Ronnie Faisst (@ronniefaisst) and Diogo Simoes (@diogosimoes1) as they were watching some step-up moto practice. As you could imagine, being at the X Games, it’s hard to take callers and read twitter so interaction was pretty limited. It doesn’t make for the greatest of radio shows, but hearing Faisst say that he doesn’t touch his weiner because Jesus doesn’t approve was pretty fuckin’ hilarious.

Carey Hart

Next on the show was Carey Hart (@hartluck) talking about how he hurt his back and his hand recently and this will be his last X Games, but he will continue other shit like the Dew Tour and racing trucks. He says he just can’t keep up, he’s getting older and getting hurt more so it’s time, but he will continue to ride on his own, just not compete. He also jacks off at times even though he’s still getting play from his wife, Pink (@Pink). Next up was Jamie Bestwick (@jamiebestwick), all of you should be very familiar with him because Ellis loved doing unfavorable impressions of him for almost a year straight. I think one of the most entertaining parts of his interview was when he called it a “Teeyoter” instead of “Toyota” and “Tuckson” Arizona instead of “Tucson”, gotta love those Brits. Poor Rawdog was getting teased, in a friendly way, from all the guys about his eating habits and how deep his belly button is, due to chicken nugget breakfasts and hamburger dinners.

Brian Deegan

Let’s see, who’s next… Brian Deegan (@mmgeneral) and him talking about how his spleen or kidney or both split like a hotdog and he’s always wondered if they just didn’t need a spare and took his. We finally got to hear Rawdog call out what he was watching, a la JagerBeard, but completely sober and not in character – which is very similar. Ellis asked Bry Like A Deegan what he thought about Ken Block while they were talking rally. Not one to beat around the bush much, Deegles says Ken is a good driver, a great marketer, but not so much of a racer. Mitchie Brusco (@Mitchiebrusco84) was next up on the show, he’s that 15 year-old skater kid that called a 900 number or some shit. They kind of grilled him too, in a friendly way as well, and he seemed to take everything in stride and with a really good attitude, so that’s pretty cool of little dude. It’s speculated he could take Rawdog in a fight too. Still, as cool and accomplished as he is at such a young age, it’s weird to hear a 15 year-old on the show, but I get it.

Hooters chicks

Hooter’s girls stopped by to bring some wings for the guys, low and behold, Ellis recognized both of them from the pageant he had just previously judged. In case you missed the pageant, one of those chicks (the hot one maybe? not that one, the other one) said it re-airs this Sunday, but she’s a woman so who knows if that’s true or not. I mean, we all know women don’t know shit from apple butter. Cullen (@Cullensaidthis) was nice enough to snap and share a photo of @imVictoriaBrown and some other chick named Afton Storton or something. Robbie Maddison (@robbiemaddison) came on the show and said he had just did a stunt in an upcoming James Bond film, but couldn’t talk about it. When asked what’s the furthest he’s jumped, his answer was “I don’t know”. So there ya go kiddies, watch out for those concussions! And like Bestwick, we get to make fun of his foreigner speech habits, as he called a “Mercedes” a “Merseedies”.

And finally, Manny Santiago (@Mannyslaysall) and Twitch (@twitchthis) were the last ones to stop by the show. And of course Twitch and Ellis had to express their undying love for one another as only two crazy fuckers can. By pulling down their pants and pressing each half of their gay love tattoo on their legs together to form the love bond and insulting one another as much as possible. Holy shit rope! Was that not a star packed re-cap or what? You know what’s funny about all those names listed above? It doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the full list of famous, not famous, homeless, and down right disgusting people your mom has filled her putrid fuckhole with. OH!

Your mom thanking Spiderman when she was way younger

The making of “Party Bot” – 2/10/11 (History)

Tully, Big B, and Jim Perkins join J.Ellis & Rawdog in studio to create a new song. With the help of the callers, the song “Party Bot” is pieced together.

P.S. Keep an ear out for the original Rawdog & Amanda robot phone sex bit!

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