Show recap for Tuesday 5/26/15

i fully intended on finishing my recap on my lunch break, but then my boss was in a car accident and my lunch break didn’t exist!!! Stay tuned to the near future for the recap cause:

jude’s in the studio and needs to get of xanax

ellis is off of Xanax

tomorrowland sucked balls

movies are too long

boxtroll motherfuckers

the soon to be Viking bad ass dummy

CumTard is colorblind

will has Will’s news

Tiggie is hella athletic

joanna angel wants to make The Woodsman II- the porn

and Ellismania 11 is coming out n October



Show Re-Cap for Friday 5/22/2015

Every man and woman should stand naked on a mountain top and feel the wind blow past their balls. One of the best things in the world is naked back yard time. You feel nature the way nature was meant to be felt and your neighbor spies on you the way your neighbor Will-Ferrell-Elf-You-Sit-on-a-Throne-of-Lieswas meant to spy on you. Ellis found a chair that he wants to have in studio and passive aggressive Will said he can ask Sirius to buy it but it would probably take fifty thousand weeks and go through a train of office jockeys before it arrives. Or Ellis can just buy the fucking chair himself and be done with it. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 5/20/2015


When Ellis says he read a post on NYA.

It’s Wednesday and more people are having issues with the online app. Will even had a hiccup with it where it suddenly jumped back 5 minutes in time and replayed what he was just listening to. So it’s not just “you’re stupid, learn how to use it”, there are some issues with the player. Clearly. Stress balls stress Tully out, so I sent a bunch to the studio. Ellis read a post on this site once, I wish I knew which post it was so we could mark it with a golden seal or something. Continue reading