Show Re-cap For Thursday 5/24/2012

Great news folks, today was a full show! Some people felt that it was uncalled for and a bit “sissy like” to have bailed and other felt that Ellis should take whatever time he needs. Frankly I dont give two shits, it made yesterdays recap much easier for me so BOOYAH!  Ellis didn’t get in specifics about the reasons that he left, he just said that times are hard sometimes. But more importantly, THE HULK HANDS ARE HERE! This is one of the greatest days ever. Now Tully smash Rawdogs cock! Oh and also don’t fall in love with a hooker unless your Richard Gere and she has a gerbil ranch.

Roy of Sigfried and Roy has been molesting his care givers.  This is not shocking seeing that this man had his face eaten by a fucking tiger. Anybody that gets their face eaten off should have free range on all the man ass grabbin his disfigured self can handle. After this the phones went to a disturbing yer interesting version of EllisFam Love Line. Ellis said something about American Idol ripping him off or something, not sure, every time someone mentions that show I tend to blank out. Wierd. Someone on said that it looks like Rawdog is starting to go bald. Thanks to high tech futuristic computers and doo dads (mainly bitPimps and his photoshop skills) we can see what Joah would look like with no hair. Kinda like if Howie Mandell fell into a pit of ugly and slipped into a bear trap on the way out.

Ellis, along with his many other ventures, wants to try his hand at insult comedy, he tried a little with the callers and I think he needs to practice a little, but he might turn out pretty good. There was also some discussion about what TV show ellis could be on, and I’m pretty sure somewhere in the show he said something about Oh, and some gay dude from Big Bang Theory is gay. Thats not the suprising part of that story though, you see one night while your mom was whoring around he was really lonely and needed some “affection” and after paying your mom her usual $3.50 he said that he’d rather fuck dudes than another lard filled cesspool you call a mum, OH!

Slash & Myles Kennedy live on Octane – 5/23/12

Although not Ellis specific, I recorded this live acoustic event and decided to share it. Enjoy!

Full show:

Download (link to MP3)

“Back From Cali”

Download (link to MP3)

“Fall to Pieces”

Download (link to MP3)

“Not For Me”

Download (link to MP3)

“Sweet Child o’ Mine”

Download (link to MP3)

Show Re-cap For Wednesday 5/23/2012

Such an eventful Wednesday show think that I might find it hard to fit everything into todays re-cap, but here goes nothinng.  Somebody infiltrated the intro song with that shitacular Marlins song, Rawdog thought System of a Down was the biggest metal band when he was in high school (figures).  Ellis wants to get a head tattoo so from afar it would look like he has hair, new Goth rock sucks as much dick as old Goth rock, Tully likes his pork a little rare, and someone called in asking for advise with divorce at which point Tully and Josh took the reigns and after a rather heart felt discussion the show took a music break and returned with a best of show. Nobody is clear what happened or what went wrong, but we all wish the best for Jason and hope things get sorted out soon.

But dont be sad, I created a hashtag game that @bitPimps kicked off called #EllisFamRumors, enjoy.

@Hollow_NorCal Heard @bitPimps & @mike_in_canada are siamese twins who sit on thier couch and share a laptop. #EllisFamRumors

@Jack_The_Cunt #EllisFamRumors I’m not who I say I am. I’m not a cunt.

@bitPimps I heard @AZ_RedDragon recently started a new job, not driving trucks, but as “Tito” in the Chippendales Male Revue.

@Hollow_NorCal I heard @Dutch_RDS  was a spy. #EllisFamRumors

@biiPimps I heard @KimDultz runs a gang that reaches from Boise all the way to the other side of Boise. #EllisFamRumors

@bitPimps I heard @shit_toboggan won a “best customer / employee relationship” award. #EllisFamRumors

@cogdeth @bitPimps: I heard @cogdeth shot a man in Reno just to watch him eat pie. #EllisFamRumors” >~ no, but I DID climb fence in Vegas #OtherSide

@bitPimps I heard @mike_in_canada has pictures of his wang up on Brazzers. #EllisFamRumors

And the biggest #EllisFamRumor is that yer mum isn’t the massive gutter slut that we all think she is, but then again, its only a rumor, OH!