Show Re-cap for Thursday 6/20/2013

Can you jiggle? Do you jiggle? Do you find jiggling sexy? If you so its okay, many dudes82994249 think that chicks that are shredded aren’t that sexy. A prime example is Madonna, she has tried to work herself to perfection and that in turn has made her far less attractive than if she hasn’t. Tully texted Shanannigan a picture of his man marbles and an apology in case anything they were joking about on the show yesterday made her upset because Tully is an accidental asshole and he knows it. Rawdog’s girlfriend came over and felt his forehead and tucked him in and made him feel all better yesterday because he was sick and his mommy was busy. Instagram now has video that is longer than vine so make of this what you will. Apparently now gluten is fine, sugar is bad, fat doesn’t make you fat, and vitamins are good unless you take too many, then you’ll die of ass cancer. This sparked the discussion of eating healthy, fast food as a child, fish n chips, hamburgers, and now I’m hungry.

The only Hollywood News worth mentioning today is that James Gandolfini died yesterday from a heart attack in Italy at the age of 51. Josh’s dad wrote an article about his grandma that used to be a happy ending masseuse. And here’s the video of the clam licking salt off a table.

Rest In Peace

Russel Brand said some hilarious things about Macaulay Culkin. Ellis took his kids to a super kid wonderland called Giggles & Hugs with a dude singing songs and macaroni and cheese and moms catching a good buzz on mimosas and Chardonnay. Are you a teen? Need advice? Well you’ve come to the right place. Actually you didn’t, I didn’t take any notes on this because whiney teens are morons and I’m surprised they haven’t all choked on their own forks while eating.

Aaron Hernandez, a football player dude, had his home searched after a dead body was discovered near his home. The boy from the balloon boy hoax has created a truly shitacular metal band. They talked about the Grizzly Man movie, the one where the dude

"Bears are attracted to menstrual blood"

“Bears are attracted to menstrual blood”

got eaten, not the other one that Tully watched. He thought he was one with the bears until he became one with a bear. But the movie didn’t show the best part. Here’s the Jagermeister  pool party gone bad video. During Final Calls Bear Edition we learned that bears love JiffyPop, menstrual blood, and get jealous when other bears have a human friend and they don’t. Andrew WK finished his world record setting 24 hour long drum playing while sitting in his own shit, except for those five minute breaks every hour. Speaking of setting records, I’d personally like to congratulate yer mum on her new record, it’s been two whole days sinse she has last shit herself in Walmart, OH!

Show Re-cap for Wednesday 6/19/2013

Good evening, shitbirds. Welcome to the Wednesday re-cap of The Jason Ellis Show, let’s shave some hair and call it a party. If you start growing chest/back/foot/penis hair you need to make a commitment to either shave it all the time, or let it get full and bushy and start buying fake gold chains to nestle into your chest nest. Shannon Gunnz was filling in the Rawdog chair today, because Rawdog woke up today with a little tickle in his throat, so he used a sick day because getting kicked off the show twice in less than 7 days would probably be a little too demoralizing for the Dog. Ellis said he thought Josh was trying to avoid some recent drama about Ellismania videos not getting uploaded. Josh said he sent them, the chick at Ellismania said she didn’t get them and Ellis was playing middle man going back and forth and he eventually decided he just didn’t give a shit though. I don’t know if one of the four of you who read this watch NBA, but the finals are on right now and the Heat won last night when Lebron went sick-cunt and lit up the court. He even lost his headband, and when they tried to give it back to him he was like “Nah mate, I’m goin sick ya cunts.” True story. Anyway, I bring this up because Tully really hates the Heat and Lebron and got really bitter after they won and had a little trouble sleeping. I don’t watch basketball, I don’t care. But still, I do enjoy when there is a bandwagon of hate (However legitimate that hate is) against a team and that team continues to win. My Facebook gets hilarious when Lebron wins, I love watching those people feel misery.

Speaking of Misery, as you know, Gunnz DJ’s for both Faction and Octane, and Octane plays some serious cookie cutter butt rock. Like Halestorm. And Gunnz loves them, so they played a little bit of their song “I miss the misery” and Ellis and Tully beat the piss out of it like they do which was great. Paula Deen says the N-Word, which is probably why she makes such damn good fried chicken. That’s authentic southern home cookin’ talkin’ right there. In fact, if you don’t drop some N-Bombs, I don’t want your fucking dumplings, get out of my house. But her story is that she was planning a wedding in her restaurant where she wanted all the wait staff to be dressed like Civil War-era slaves. That’s probably not OK. The Guys and Gunnz talked about racist jokes and decided that racism can be ok in the context of a joke. There are Polish jokes, Jew jokes, Indian jokes, German jokes, dead baby jokes the list goes on. Like, where do you send a Jew with ADD? Concentration Camp!

Like I mentioned, Gunnz is in the studio today and she is one hell of a team player. After some Hollywood news that I zoned out for, she took a shot in the box with the dick punch machine for the good of the show. She also said she would fight Rawdog at the next Ellismania, and the winner gets Rawdog’s chair on the show. So we have that to look forward to. I’m not much of a betting man, but I’m taking the Gunnz on that one.

Mettalica has a new movie coming out call “Through The Never” and I am not entirely sure what’s going on here, but this is the trailer. It’s got Dane Dehaan, the kid from Chronicle in it, and it could either be really cheesy and stupid or fucking awesome.

Some enterprising young asian called the VIP line looking for his mom by accident and the fucked with him for a second and dropped a couple “Aw Herro!”‘s on him before he hung up. And out of fucking nowhere they started quoting Usual Suspects which made me like Tully and Ellis a whole lot more, that fucking movie rules. Look, I gotta be honest, a lot of the show today was the guys and the Gunnz just sort of shot the shit for a lot of the show. Not a lot of big discussions or arguments for some reason, almost like something was missing. Hmm…

rawdog_brazzers Metal music might be the greatest thing white people have ever done, besides science and shit. I like to think that maybe we are just really good supervisors, so keep kicking out the jams, ethnics.

Being a Frog Man would be a fucking terrible existence  because you can’t do shit with flipper hands. This conversation started because the Gunnz was infected by the Dog chair and didn’t know that flippers go on your feet and not on your hands and they just ran with it. Having a cue tip shoved into your urethra, or Cry-Hole as Tully put it, sounds fucking awful, and you should avoid that method if possible. I imagine it feels like having a fistful of hair being pulled out at once for an extended period of time. 19 year olds are fucking stupid. This chick called into the show and got all snippy with Ellis because he didn’t kiss her ass like she is probably used to getting from the 19 year old guys who are trying to pry their way into her unkempt crotch pocket do. I met my wife when she was 19 and I’m surprised she made it, and then I remembered how old she is now and it started to make me feel old and I got sad and drank some Metamucil. But fuck that chick.


Time for a new signature segment: “What Are You Doing?” a great new bit where you can call into the show and talk about what it is, in fact, that you are doing. Turns out everyone is stuck in fucking traffic, and @Bitpimps is busy packing dildos for a trip. Following this segment they played ANOTHER new signature segment, “What are you doing tomorrow” and it turns out Ellisfam doesn’t know how to plan for anything, and it kind of fizzled out until Mayhem came into the studio with psychosis and toe shows. They just kind of shot the shit and Mayhem yelled at everything in the room. So they pulled out the punching machine to get the Gunnz and Mayhem on the boards. Gunnz landed a 52, getting a higher score than Big B, and is pretty close to the top for girls if I remember right. Mayhem swung his first punch and got a 78, right behind Ellis’ 79, so Ellis started sweatin balls. But Uncle Mayhem must have been feeling the effects of an adrenaline dump, because he tapered off and had to take his spot behind Ellis. And then, something fucking weird happened. Anal Gay came into the studio to update the scores on the boards, and when he was done, Gunnz mentioned there was still a 51 above her 52. So Anal Gay came back in, changed it, and tried to say that it was never wrong in the first place. I don’t even know how to accurately describe how thick the awkwardness was in the room, listening to Anal Gay try to tell everyone who saw him change it, that it never needed changing. He got really pissy about it and walked out of the room, and then came back and begrudgingly said he had to change it. It was really stupid, and it made me hate Anal Gay a lot more than I did before today.

Well, that’s no way to end the re-caps. I know a lot of the guys try to go out on a joke. I know I’m not very good at that for some reason. Something about knowing the end is near, I start feeling pressure that I need to come up with something off the cuff, where you leave feeling good about the rest of the bullshit you just read. And well, you know what, I wanna go to fucking sleep, ok?


That’s what beer + Amazon gift cards get you, folks.

Show Re-Cap for Tuesday 6/18/13

I never met a Frenchman that I didn’t eventually come to despise. I suppose that has nothing to do with anything, but it just needed to be said. Anyway, it’s time for more adventures in passive entertainment by way of Sirius/XM satellite radio and Jason Ellis! Jason started the show talking about all the different things he may start trying in order to pick up on chicks as his therapist advised him to do, and it all basically boiled down to being as creepy as society will let you. Rawdog was a hundred percent in favor, as it’s kind of his style as well, and since he is slamming two ladies at the moment, he might just have a half decent strategy. Josh then had to start really backing that lurking on people is totally OK and this started a little bit of a disagreement among the guys, since it’s entirely possible to break a law or two while lurking on someone, and not one of the stupid laws like all those old blue laws people hear about, one of the legit ones like conspiracy to commit murder. I just hope they can sort it all out so that I can FINALLY have a nice peaceful thanksgiving without the cops getting involved JUST ONCE GUYS!!! YOU’RE RUINING MY BIRTHDAY, PLEASE STOP YELLING!!! Whoops, anyway, Rude Jude stopped in to shoot the shit for a while. They talked about tattoos and how to convince people of shit that may or may not be true, like “Thug Life” or “Together Forever”. And they made fun of hipsters, which always makes me happy. Rawdog is allegedly a hipster in Jude’s opinion, which prompted a bunch of really racist and hilarious vocal impressions. Jude accidentally called out Rawdog for correcting ladies when they say angry hardcore shit while they’re blowing him. To be fair, he would wait until after they’re done before fact checking them. Jude O.D.’ed last Sunday on some Russian mind control stuff, and it wasn’t as bad as everybody might think. This got Jude to start explaining his scientific method for all the new drugs he tries. Long story short, don’t do Ketamine to try and cure a case of the hiccups. You might end up losing five days and pissing off a bunch of relatives. Tully explained how he’s tried but just can’t get addicted to drugs. He’s got a nice case of Vicodine enthusiasm and that suits him just fine. Rawdog thinks his music is best when he makes it while high, but he also listens to it while high, so the jury is still out for the rest of us. Juder McDuder is pretty much the undeniable proof that the drug war is over, so whatever you want to roll up, chop up or shoot up, go on ahead and get a whole bunch of it up ya. And don’t go cussing anybody out in flip-flops at a Wendy’s drive-thru, even if they did put cheese on your burger. It’s just sad and everybody’s got a camera and will make you look like a dumbass even if you’re right. Tully stepped his game up and threatened to call the cops on the Red Cross after they kept harassing him for a blood donation. After hearing that Jude revealed that he used to be a telemarketer and if anybody ever gave him shit he would immediately put their name right back on the list as a silent fuck you to that ornery mother fucker that didn’t want his time wasted on some stupid overpriced pyramid scheme crap. Ellis got caught buffing the pig because he left his curtains open and a bunch of girls were watching him through the front window and he didn’t realize it until he was cleaning up. Jude used to walk around Korea town with his blood covered dick hanging out. Lemme rephrase that, he’d walk around IN HIS APARTMENT in Korea town with his blood covered dick hanging out after some period sex. Then he talked about shooting up some shit that made him really tan and horny with some rich guy, once again proving, the war on drugs is a losing battle. Don’t forget to follow Juder Mcduder on Instagram and check out the new Rude Jude podcast Forreally or however it might be spelled. Now let’s get some Akka Dakka going and settle in to this nice afternoon.


AUSSIE NEWS FROM A COUPLE YEARS BACK, YA CUNTS! So, apparently Chopper Reed did a public service announcement a couple years ago about not beating up your wife, and it is probably the best PSA ever for anything. The only problem is he might have been a part of this kind of behavior, so it is a little hypocritical, but at the same time, he’s Chopper fucking Reed and he is trying to turn his life around, and telling the public that an Australian murderer is gonna go full sick cunt on you if you beat up a woman or, god forbid, rape somebody, well I think that should put just enough of the fear of god into people that they’ll think twice before they act, and god dammit that’s a Mitzvah! Also, some radio shithead said that prime minister Huge Tits needs to wrap those jugs up cause it’s “improper” or some such shit, but I tell you what, I’d actually enjoy hearing about politics if there were some titties involved, so I say let them fun bags BREATHE!!! To support commander Milk Mounds, ladies across Australia are tweeting cleavage shots and hanging big posters of them in a show of solidarity for General Sweater Puppies. Then some afternoon interview guy accused her husband of being gay, and she said that was a load of crap and he kept stabbing at her because the guy is a hairdresser, but it’s still bullshit. So, throughout history lots of people have died in some pretty fucktarded ways. Currently, Rawdog might be facing a pretty fucktarded death for not mentioning his diabolical schemes for this new segment to anybody else before jumping right in to it, but that’s probably just a side note to this wonderful taste of strange history we’re all about to be witness to. Anyways, there was philosopher who was looking for a way to preserve meat and ended up trying to stuff a chicken full of snow, but ended up freezing to death in the process. Next, an astronomer with a bladder the size of a hummingbird got wasted as a mother fucker at a fancy dinner and died after his bladder exploded because he didn’t want to excuse himself from the table, and the real kicker is that it took him ELEVEN FUCKING DAYS OF INTESTINAL AGONY before he finally kicked the bucket. After that we heard about Attila the Hun who died on his wedding night after he got stuffed full of vittles and booze and drowned on his own nosebleed. Next up was a Greek playwrite who died from an eagle dropping a tortoise on his head, like a fucking boss, seriously, I need to suffer a comical death like that. If that wasn’t enough, the king of Sweden from a couple hundred years back ate his fucking fat ass to death and fucking exploded like a pigeon full of Alka-Seltzer. Jason got sick of all the historical lies at this point and Tully came to ease the tension by telling us the story of a lady who had a whole pack of stray kittens living in a wood pile at her house and when she called animal control, the asshole that showed up told her that the shelters were full and blasted five kittens in front of this poor fucking woman and her kids, like an absolute bastard. AND RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER HOUSE TOO!!! I bet he didn’t even clean up that shit either, fucking public works, making everything someone else’s problem yet again. And if you didn’t hate your kids enough, Sesame Street has introduced the first character who has a parent who is in jail. They created this Muppet that would probably turn Jim Henson in his grave due to the fact that one in 28 kids have a parent in jail. And of course, it’s so they can be a good influence for other kids who may be going through the same thing, and Sesame Street isn’t the Westboro Baptist Church or anything, but it is still a hard pill to swallow for all of us who remember numbers and letters and nothing else being taught on Sesame Street. There’s some viral video going around about some metal head kids and they’re dreaming big and they’re WAY in to it with their band, so if you’re holding out hope for the future of metal, these kids may be it. Also, some girl in Vancouver, WA wanted really badly to go on a spiritual quest in the woods, so she stripped down to nothing but a fanny pack and waved goodbye to her friends and family and has not been seen since, so keep your eyes open for some especially well fed coyotes in that area. Unless she’s become the bride of Sasquatch, in which case you should probably stop looking for her or else Bigfoot is gonna use his retard strength to make a Barca-Lounger out of your carcass.


Andrew W.K. is about to try and pound the skins for 24 solid hours in Times Square!!! And no, I don’t mean jacking off, I mean drumming! And while it may be a few decent drum solos broken apart by a whole lot of filler, it’s hard to see where the party is happening when that is going on. But more important than all that other shit, it’s fucking Tuesday, and that means it’s FUCKING NEW MUSIC FUCKING TUESDAY!!! Starting off, we heard one of the new singles from Kanye West and while I’ve never really liked his music to start with, and if it weren’t for the Gary Glitter sample, it might have been listenable. But hey, Kim did just give birth to Armageddon personified, so he’s still kind of winning. Next was the solo project from Phil Anselmo and it was pretty fucking savage in all the best ways, so go get it when it comes out as a full album. After that we heard Kelly Rowland from Destiny’s Child, and while she isn’t devoid of talent, but I know Beyonce’s dad sure as fuck didn’t finance Destiny’s Child to help Kelly out for a second, but if you wanna hear some real shit about how it all went down, you can cop this album and hear all about it. Next was Jay Kohl featuring Miguel (yes, the guy who jumped on some chick and crushed her spine at a show about a month ago) and it was more of the same shit that makes top 40 worse and worse every few months. Next out of the gate we heard Valiant Thor and they were raging like it was 1996 all over again, but we’re all allowed to wear better clothes, so fuck yeah. After that was the new one from 3OH3! and it was just as fucking ridiculous and terrible as the bleeding cum shart that their last album was. Phish dropped a 6 CD live box set, so if you haven’t seen them live but you don’t want to “get a contact high, bro” you can buy that and be a lame dying worthless hippie in your fucking living room where I don’t have to see it. Next up was the new one from Kalma and they were doing pretty good, just long enough to be cut off before we found out if there was cookie monster voice or not. Some new shit from Mac Miller came out today and it was definitely not the same shit you always hear, but not something I can get into. After that was Sigur Ros and it made me want to stab my eardrums with an icicle. Next we heard some other band that I didn’t catch and then Rawdog’s pick of the week was our old friends The Mowgli’s! And I actually really like them, and their new album waiting for the dawn is gonna be a fucking masterpiece that you should all get before it’s cool so you can shove a hipster’s face in it while you’re cutting his fixie bike in have with an acetylene torch and stealing that sixer of PBR he had stuffed under his arm to try and use for inspiration to write poetry for his hairy vegan girlfriend. This was a great opportunity to play the only song by Machine Head that I could probably ever play for my mom while the guys collected themselves for a bit.


I don’t know about you guys, but I love hearing what celebrities are sticking in their asses and freebasing, which is a perfect time to get a little HOLLYWOOD NEWS all over that glass dick and take a big old toke of. Lil’ Wayne has told everybody that he doesn’t hate America, but his statement doesn’t really make any good points to defend it. Alan Iverson returned his kids to their mom and told that lying bitch of an ex-wife that they were on vacation, as previously planned, and that she could have come to see them anytime, so she can drop the bullshit kidnapping accusations that that fucking cunt nursery known as TMZ has been spreading. Rhianna had to get some stalker shithead off the roof of her house (to be fair, he got lost and just wandered up there completely by accident), but worse than that she’s been raging just a little too hard and needs to rein it back in cause she’s starting to get a case of party face much like Kat Von D. She’s also got an appointment booked at a live-in women’s only sex addiction treatment facility as soon as her tour is over cause she’s having trouble getting over Chris Brown, even though he’s worth more as a sack of loose organs than he is as a musician. JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER can fuck off and die and may be the only reason America ever declares war on Canada, but recently he ran over some dude in his car in front of a bunch of paparazzi, and the guy with the camera light in his face who was blinding him was the asshole who got hit. Johnny Depp allegedly got close to being trampled by a horse, but the video shows that he just kind of fell off to the side of the horse and he wasn’t in as much danger as people think. Bradley Cooper was photographed eating ice cream, cause apparently that’s worth taking a photo of like somehow there’s some contribution being made to the world by some shithead eating ice cream. Katy Perry got served divorce papers from Russell Brand on New years eve 2011 via text message, and my respect for him grew three sizes that day, even though his comedy annoys the living shite out of me. But the joke’s on him, cause she’s apparently got some juicy bit of gossip about him locked away for a rainy day. Finally, Bruce Lee has finally been given a proper memorial by the City of Los Angeles: A GIANT FUCKING STATUE OF HIM WITH A PAIR OF NUNCHUKS!!! The only problem is that they haven’t built it quite yet so they’re trying to raise money to get it done. In an odd bit of things that the rest of us born after the fifties probably don’t care about, the search for Jimmy Hoffa’s corpse is back underway, cause after all this time there’s not too many places to look, right? So some field in Detroit is getting dug up like that’s gonna make a shitload of difference, and the teamsters are patiently waiting to get closure on their greatest organizer. The Chinese have invented a type of stocking that will hopefully prevent rape, and it almost looks like it could work. Some guy rolled past my work in a pair of fruit boots and I wanted him to die. Twitch called in to jaw jack with the guys for two seconds and let Ellis know he got him a room near Pala raceway for the weekend. The guys had a quick match the crime to the picture session and there was a lady who was convicted of death by unlicensed ass injections! Cause, you know how people just love sticking things in their ass.


Ellis started using the shower as another of his main places to slap the ham and he found that, in stark contrast to Rawdog, just hot water will not get a load off of your hands or feet or walls or prostate or wherever it is that you happen to leave it. Rawdog accidentally reminded Ellis that he does have his girlfriend’s number and could FINALLY get the inside scoop on whether or not the Dog has gotten to hit it doggy style yet. But that’s not important, what’s really worth knowing is that New York magazine put out an article about the mistakes men make when texting shit to their ladies. Number one, emoji’s. They are the font of gay sex and 13 year old girls, cause if you text tell a girl “I (heart) you”, it’s like saying “Let’s go get shoes.” Instead, if you’ve already dropped the L word on your girl, from then on out you can say “I love you, homes” cause then it’s like a permanent bro-type bond and we all know bro’s before ho’s. Net mistake is using too many exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but that’s just a load of bullshit, in my opinion, no on has ever had a problem with me using a shitload of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And dot dot dot at the end of everything is pretty poor form as well, and I can verify this because my boss does it all the time when it should be actual complete sentences that contain information that people can use instead of us wasting our time trying to read his mind and the mind of the customer who just spent 20 minutes explaining some shit to him that somehow got converted to four or five words and…












…See what I mean? Anyways, next big mistake is going on Wikipedia for pretty much anything. But the good news is, if you’re subtle about it you can make up all kinds of shit just to fuck with people and the webmasters won’t catch it. Using hashtags in a text message is also a big no-no #SoDontDoItYouBastards #Seriously #ItsNotCool #LOLwinkyFace #WhoWantsToGoOutAndTearUpAllTheClubsAndMaybeEndTheNightWithAnAngryHandjobInTheBackOfMyCarForAFairTradeOfSomeRussianMindControlDrugsAndAWholeBunchOfKetamineCauseYouKnowHowIAlwaysGetHiccups but if you place it correctly it can be good for comedic effect. So, elephant in the room, Jason has been having a bad day and it’s pretty obvious to the rest of the guys and a lot of the listeners, and it seems like for the most part the fans are trying their best to cheer him up and Tully and Rawdog are doing all they can to help keep him in a better mood. Near the end of the show, Jason seemed to be feeling better but probably not completely fixed overnight. Then again, we’ve all seen him bounce back from this kind of thing before and when he does he comes out swinging like a penis that weighs six pounds soft. Some more final calls came in that were just more examples of why we need education reform. Some people were playing around on Jason’s Wikipedia page and some of the edits put a smile on his face for a bit, so that’s always good. Some dude called in to be an asshole and make WAAAAA noises at Ellis and that brought everything to a screeching halt when it was just starting to get better again, so fuck that dude with a broken stick and we hope the wing is doing better tomorrow.


When I was just a wee lad, I used to go on such amazing adventures, without ever having to leave my house. I could imagine that I was the greatest king in the land, or that I could shoot across the stars in an instant, or that I could create mountains and forests just by waving my hands…The only problem with all these wonderful experiences is that crack wears off really fast and the hook up isn’t always home when you need him to be. Reality is a dick sometimes.


Red Dragons, mother fuckers ,,rr,

Show Re-Cap for Monday 6/17/2013

naked_gun_leslie_nielsenFull studio today, Tully is back from his super secret mega meeting on a movie set, Dingo is back from New York, Rawdog is no longer grounded, and Ellis is there in his normal chair. Tully wears pajamas and buys top of the line slippers, not that ratty looking shit, he’s on top of his slipper game. Ellis and Dingo are straight boxer shorts wearing mofo’s, no word about Rawdog’s sleepwear but I’m just going to pretend he wears a see through nightgown. Ellis confession time. Ellis’ therapist said he was supposed to go out and ask a pretty girl for their number, he even went out and got a book about how to pick up chicks. He went out to put himself in the position to meet new people and got bored and left. STEEERIKE 1! However, he did go out to see Ironman 3 with a chick last night, but he fell asleep. STEEERIKE 2! Ellis also just signed a deal to fight somebody, so he’s back out of retirement and in the fight game. Ellis and Rawdog went out on a double-date with each other, they all met at Chateau Marmont for $400 drinks and food. Ellis might be have obtained celebrity status as he was ushered into the “special” area and Rawdog was not to be trusted and had to be walked to the table to make sure he belonged there. Rawdog was the one to suggest they go there to take Ellis out to apologize for Friday’s fiasco. But as soon as that bill came, he balked on Ellis paid the tab. Tully got his breakfast on Friday paid for by a billionaire. He was on the set of a baseball movie that he’s writing the book for. It’s about two dudes that travel to India looking to draft some dudes to be the majors or some shit. He got to meet Jon Hamm, Bill Paxton, the kid from that movie Life of Pi, and some other people. The UFC fights weren’t so great this time, even Dana admitted they sucked. There was a bunch of MMA talk and some secret “Mac” guy, whose also a pro fighter, even called in to discuss some the aspects.

glitter_is_my_favorite_colorWomen, am I right time! Miss Utah sounded ridiculously stupid recently when she tried to give an insightful answer on gender inequality in America. Watch what you do with your wad fellas. Ladies can take your wad from the tissues you blew in and jam that cock snot into their vag and make a baby. Wad can be preserved! New York’s “hot dog hooker” has been arrested again, her wiener’s bring all the boys to the yard. Some dude on a train was talking about cheating on his wife and some chick on the train overheard it and tweeted that shit to Facedong and it got a shitload of likes and nobody knows if the wife found out. A pregnant woman in New Orleans reached over a counter and helped herself to a frozen daqueri, after being confronted, she produced a hand gun and threatened shoot the motherfucker. Pregnant and drunk is no way to go through life, sister. Some drunk lawyer chick in Brooklyn threw her panties at cops during her freak out and yelled “suck my pussy” and “eat my ass, you fucking pigs!” This is not the lawyer you want defending you. Bonus, her boyfriend broke up with her. A Canadian female police officer reported being shot, causing a hunt for the gunman, turns out she shot herself. Some other dipshit chick walked into a glass door and then was trying to sue for physical and emotional damages, but not brains.

wutang_beesHollyturd news time. Lil’ Wayne hates America, he stepped all over the American flag while “rapping” in one of his music videos. Also he plans to retire. Yay! Samsung is going to be giving 1 million of their customer’s a copy of Jay-Z’s new album “N-bombs in Wisconsin”. Obama vs Putin in a swimming competition, and something about Ed Hardy garbage. More stuff, but I was in traffic and forgot. The one thing I didn’t forget? It’s Thomas Haden Church’s birthday today, so happy birthday (not paying royalties for it) to that legend! Malicexxx and some Tara chick came on the show for some wad talk, it was wadalicious. There was some talk about bears and sharks too, but I was still in traffic and busy wishing everyone would just crash so I could get through – so I’m not real sure what else to say about those two animals. Instead, I’ll tell you this. Three sluts are in a bar. The first slut says, “my vag’s so big, I can fit a whole fist in!” The second slut says, “So what? I can fit two!” The third slut just smiles and slides slowly down the barstool. OH!

Show Re-Cap for Friday 6/14/2013

How you fuckers doing? We’re gonna pretend this is Friday evening and much like Ellis,825259473_chick_fil_a_hate_more_gays_xlarge you just got done jerking off in the shower. Ellis went to the Chateau Marmont for breakfast but even thought he liked the place he got shitty service. He went there instead of El Compadre, his usual spot, because an ice cream that he got for Devin had glass in it [SHITTING BLOOD IS METAL] and the other place he usually goes had water in the pancake syrup, cheap fuckers! Rawdog thinks Chick-Fil-A is all cool now because they allegedly stopped giving money to gay hating groups over six months ago after donating millions. Domino’s Pizza might be against gays too but the crack team of interns isn’t able to find solid evidence. Josh found something but his vote doesnt count becuase he can’t argue the reason why going to Chick-Fil-A is okay now but not if they discriminated against the Jews. He said, “Belief alone shouldn’t disqualify a company” except when that belief is something of his own apparently.

We came back with Hollywood news but still steaming from the conversation of the last demotivational-posters-demotivating-posters-funny-posters-cross-burning-KKK-the-klan-fire-burns-burn-victomsegment Ellis told Josh that it is either him or Josh and with that, Rawdog left. Ellis then talked to callers that either kissed his ass or were just plain ‘ol retarded. On the bright side, Ellis doesn’t have AIDS. A dude called in about perspective and made some good points but the only thing that I can take from it is the number of times he said perspective. I think he said perspective at least a dozen times. Perspective. Will started telling heart warming stories of his childhood and the KKK and cross burning barbecues and laundry day at Billy Bobs Laundromat where your whites get whiter than white.

After the most painful hour on radio Rawdog returned to do the worst segment on radio, Hollywood News. Did you miss it? Lucky you.  Next up is Ellis Jeopardy Intern Edition with celebrity guest Butterballs! As one would expect they are all total and complete morons! Anal Gay tried to cheat, twice and got caught both times, once by deducting points from one of the other tards and the other time by looking at the computer. At the end the real winner was Tully, because he is the only one that didn’t get a little bit dumber from listening to these interns.slap-o

After returning from the fucktardedry we found out that Balls is retiring from fighting because his back is going out. It Turns out smashing walnuts isn’t hard so unfortunately that was a waste of time, but it was funny watching the interns run all over town trying to find them. Team Jetta came in studio claiming that Butterballs pissed on the toilet but thanks to Will Sherlock Holmes Pendarvis he checked the security tapes revealing that it is in fact Team Jetta that had a lack of weenie control and sprayed his splatter all over the seat! Ellis is doing a signing with other dudes at Tilly’s in Upland on Saturday, umm, yeah if you went then good for you but if you are just finding out now then, my bad. They talked about dating, fucking, being sketchy, deal breakers, and falling in love. But more importantly, So your chick has a stinky box! Sometimes it;s simple hygiene, sometimes she is railing too many other dudes, sometimes she just needs a little medicine form the box doctor. Or you can use the old school method the yer mum uses to make her snooch smell better, shove a rotting mouse up ya, OH!