Oxy John, The Complete Story (History)

John’s 1st call – 5/17/10 – 29min
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John mention – 5/18/2010 – 2min
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John calls after Jason’s Australia summer vacation – 6/1/2010 – 3min
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Joanna Angel webcam show – 6/2/2010 – 2min
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John’s son calls in using the VIP number to vote for WGW – 6/3/201 – 3min
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John has gay phone sex with Gay Ryan and Mayhem – 6/7/2010 – 14min
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John is offered rehab – 6/8/2010 – 5min
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John is trying to sober up, rehab pep talk. John’s son calls back for WGW  – 6/9/2010 – 6min
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Oxy John button/mention – 6/11/2010 – 1min
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The Jason/Rawdog “kiss” show, multiple John calls/mentions, Bisping impression – 6/14/2010 – 5min
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Tim Chapman in studio to officially offer John rehab – 6/15/2010 – 28min
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The phone lines are messed up – 6/16/2010 – 3min
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Drug/alcohol addiction discussion – 6/17/2010 – 14min
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John needs a lighter – 6/18/2010 – 9min
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John is the original “#FuckTully” guy – 6/21/10 – 1min
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John missed his flight – 6/23/10 – 1min
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Quick update from rehab – 6/24/10 – 1min
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Another quick update – 6/29/10 – >1min
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John calls from rehab (acts strange…) – 7/2/10 – 11min
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John shoutout – 7/08/10 – 1min
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Caller asks about John, addiction talk – 7/9/10 – 6min
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John’s wife writes a letter to Jason – 7/13/10 – 2min
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John in studio! – 7/14/10 – 44min
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John calls in at the last possible moment – 7/26/10 – 1min
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John calls in to help identify the recipe for “KC Tea” – 7/27/10 – 9min
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John calls The Scott Ferrall Show – 4/4/11
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EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

John Boughan (@oxycottonjohn)

  1. Where do you live? I live in Dittmer, Jefferson County MO. Meth capital of the U.S.A..
  2. What is your occupation? For 17 years I worked in a cultred marble plant. Fake marble. It was an oil based business that when oil prices went up so did our prices. Real marble became cheaper to get.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. After unemployment ran out I started my own business or painting and maintenance. It was around this time I started with the oxy. Take one in the moring before work so I wouldn’t shake from the alcohol. Then 1 wasn’t enough. Then 2 wasn’t enough. Then it became 2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. Any kind of of pills to help perc, vico, oxy, muscle relaxers along with a 30 pack of Busch beer and half a fifth of vodka.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? About 5 years I guess.
  5. How did you discover TJES? I found Jason on octane bitching about the music he had to play. I laughed so I gave his show a shot. I was picking up my son from high school and it was cowfucker this cowfucker that. We laughed our ass off. Then Jason started about religion and cowfucker and rawdog tried to explain about jews, catholics, and christians. It was fucking hilarious. Ben listening ever since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? What keeps me listening? The fact that Jason is no bullshiter. Tells it like it is and is one funny motherfucker!!
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? The impact Jason had on me besides letting me  call in and make jokes of course the fact he got me to go to rehab. Not only have I been clean for 2 years iv’e got some friends clean with me. My wife and kids treat me with a new level of respect that has spread to our familys. It’s awesome being clean. The one thing I miss the most is the VIP number, by the time I get through the jokes over.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Another great thing is I have the EllisFam. You guys have giving me alot of love!! I just hope the people in the Fam who need help reach out. There is great support all around you! I also hope that some of my messages inspire all kinds of people to  look inside their selves to become who they really want to be.In closing Peace&Love. YAAAAA MOTHERFUCKKKEERRRSS!!!!RDS!!!4LIFE!!!!!!ELLISFAM!!!!!

Joseph Latronica (@Joeskin69)

 Thanks for the hookup! One of these days I hope to make it to Ellismania!
  1. Where do you live? Hamburg, New Jersey
  2. What is your occupation? Project Sales Engineer, Ice Hockey Official
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. Married 43 year old Punk Rock Dad into Hockey, Snowboarding, Mountain Biking, Skateboarding and Rugby.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? 4+ years
  5. How did you discover TJES? Listening to the Tony Hawk Radio Show
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Anticipating what Jason is going to say next. Just when you thought you heard it all, he tops it.  The show is like listening to fiends hanging out and shooting the shit. There is an awesome flow with the Tully and Josh which gets even better when guests come in.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Yes. I was letting alot of shit bother me, which was starting to affect my overall attitude and my life.  I was listening to the show when Jason’s words hit me.  So I decided to “put my head down and keep pedaling Mother Fucker”.  Also, with the addition of Halftime, I’ve been cranking out pushups daily wherever I am. The show definitely makes the work day more enjoyable.  It is a huge part of my daily routine. I find myself talking about the show and using many of the phrases in my normaal conversation.  Luckily my wife is a fan as well.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? After meeting Jason, Tully and Josh at the Jersey book signing, I felt like I saw some old friends.  I gained a new respect for Jason after reading the book and listening to his stories.  I followed Jason during his skateboarding career without knowing his whole story and I was floored when I heard it. On a side note, I work in oil & gas industry responsible for Western Canada and go to the oil patch occasionally.  Every time I go, I meet a new TJES fan.  I travel quite a bit and I try to hook up with local EllisFam for beers.


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.

Show Re-cap For Thursday 6/21/2012

I was a little ticked off at the beginning of the show today. Apparently Tully got a tweet from some ass hat who thinks that he says mm hmm too much. Well I’m here to tell this critic that he is not on the radio, he is not the glue to the Jason Ellis Show, and he can go fuck himself mm hmm! In fact he can mm hmm his mom right in her mm hmm with a mm hmm until she mm hmm and mm hmms. Fuck mm hmm you. Now getting back to the re-cap, Colin McKay called in and might be going to Miami with Jason, Ellis is also getting some press for his fight against Gay Bruediger (@GabeRuediger). Some chicks like stinky dudes, and apparently there’s a lot of chicks who love stinky sweaty man balls. So guess what stinky balls dudes, there is someone for everyone. The Hooters Bikini Contest is this Saturday, which means tomorrows show will most likely be a repeat (I’m not sure, I might have missed that part, but we’ll see).Josh has another date with the chick that he, umm, you know, “had a good time with” and they are thinking that this girl might be the sexual mentor that Josh needs to improve his romancing skills. No worries buddy, not everyone is born knowing how to chow the beave.

Ellis is getting a cat, a really fucked up cat. Then they took more Wolfkives applicants, and then some more, and some more. Basically this entire hour was about the new member names, funny yes, but I can’t remember it all so I shall move on, its my recap not yours so you have no choice. Tully’s “Women, Am I Right?” segment is kicking major ass, and surprisingly there is not a shortage of stories about women doing amazing and unbelievably stupid things. I’m pretty sure Canada is relieved now that Tully has taken his sights off our beady eyed neighbors. Ellis is interested in women’s foot wear, but not to worry, he likes them on women’s feet. The guys then started checking out the Hooters girls on line and as one would suspect, it made some fantastic radio, if only we could see them also. Ellis said that he will judge them fairly and he will NOT have sex with them, nudge nudge, wink wink. But seriously, I’m pretty sure he will conduct himself appropriately.

During final calls a body builder dude called in because he broke both of his feet and after a while in a wheelchair used Ellis’s motto, Harden The Fuck Up, and he did and placed the highest he ever has in his first competition back. Oxycotton John (@oxycottonjohn) called in and was sounding as great as ever. John is now 2 years sober and is a prime example of the power of some radio show by a dude that has walked that road. Congratulations John! And there was some bet that I didn’t hear but if Rawdog lost he would have to eat 3 meals that Jason and Tully provided. And yup, you guessed it, our horse loving buddy declined the bet because his little grease lined tummy would not know how to process such foriegn items like fiber and vitimins. Its amazing that McTumble Bum isn’t McDead from his McDiet. Its also surprising that your mom hasn’t died, but I guess her constant protein shots and herpes scabs are enough to keep the old girl on her knees, OH!

gonna need a McBypass by McFourty

Show Re-cap For Tuesday 6/5/2012

Y’all wanna see a dead body?

It’s taco Tuesday, titty Tuesday, twink Tuesday, whatever Tuesday. Fuckin’ pick one and enjoy that shit. Ellis saw a dead guy on the beach this morning, sounds like he was floating in the water all bloated and looking like an octopus and shit. Tully will be guest hosting on Hair Nation tonight and for the rest of this week, I’m anxious to see if he starts coming on the show in leopard print spandex pants and sporting bandanas tied around his wrists and microphone. Ellis went to a sensory deprivation tank yesterday for two hours, in accordance with his agreement with Rawdog that he would try it. Sounds like Jude might be going to Ellismania 8, that’s pretty fuckin’ awesome-sauce, right?

Come on ride the train hey ride it woo woo

Sounds like Rawdog banged a chick at the last Ellismania, to be more precise, he had 2 different chicks semi-fighting over him. I honestly don’t remember him ever bringing this up on the radio, but I do remember seeing a picture of him kissing on a chick at an after party at a bar. Big surprise here, a lot of religious people are really fucked up in the head and a lot of them hate homosexuals because Jeebus told them to or some dumb shit. That discussion went on for awhile, but nothing was really said that hasn’t already been said for centuries, basically it was just train wreck of fire and brimstone bullshit. A German chick was listening while on ellismania.com and I assume was lying when she said she does not do anal and is not into scat play. What German isn’t into sex involving fecal matter? That’s right, NONE! If you’re a short and fat girl, that’s a real bummer, if you’re short and not fat, you’re probably pretty fucking cute. If you’re tall and beautiful, you’re probably a model, otherwise odds are you’re a fucking Amazon, deformed, hideous oddity. Maybe you have gigantism and / or a mustache, I don’t know – nobody really knows, it’s not an exact science you fuckwit.

Swedish, German, does it really matter?

Some guy in Sweden masturbates so loudly he’s annoying the neighbors and the cops are just like “you guys deal with it, we’re not getting any Swiss cum on our shit”. According to one neighbor, he moans louder than an animal and it affects her state of mind. Of course it affects your state of mind, you’re probably super moist, ya Swede. Some dude claimed to be married to a chick with an identical twin sister, and unbeknownst to him, the twin came over and they got busy with sexy times but he didn’t realize it was the twin sister. I call straight up bullshit on this fucking story, it sounds like a rejected Penthouse letter. Some fucker from Missouri called in with a shit call, a message to you sir, me and @oxycottonjohn rule down here, so don’t go fuckin’ around and making us look bad, you shitdick.

Forever A Stallone

At 93 years of age, Mel Gibson’s father is getting divorced over alligations of elderly abuse. Way to catch that shit in time man, you’re on deaths doorstep and you want a divorce now? Shit must be fucking balls to the wall crazy up in Mel Gibson Senior’s Senior Center. There was some crime / murder / death / kill / funeral talk, (did you just catch that “Demolition Man” reference?) it was kind of a downer at times – especially for Ellis when it reminded him of his brother Stevie, but life isn’t always weed and titties and all types of ill shit. Next big call was some dude called in about his daughter getting molested / raped at knife point and wasn’t sure if he was going to give more information to the police or if he would take matters into his own hands. Since he called into the show to discuss it, that pretty much cements the decision, just give the information to the police because now you’re implicated. Hopefully prison justice prevails here because child molesters in prison don’t last long amongst general prisoners. There’s really nothing else to be said here, it’s sickening. No new music Tuesday today because Rawdog’s computer that he loves so much is a big piece of shit and wouldn’t burn a cd, so you can thank Steve Jobs for making fanboy toys, that eventually saved you from new music Tuesday – even though it has gotten better since Rawdog has stopped focusing solely on sad bastard, pumpernickle bread, bullshit. And as always, I have more information I feel I can tell you about your mother. You know how your mom says anal sex is like your first car? You don’t really want it, but your dad gives it to you anyways. So in case you don’t get it, your grandpa fucked your mother right in her asshole. OH!

“Trampoline World” – 6/23/11 (History)

Ellis has been tweeting that he’s going to “Trampoline World” with his kids this weekend. About a year ago trampolines, and some old stories involving them, were a topic on the show.


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