Show Re-Cap for Monday 6/22/2015

sit-on-my-faceWaddup mah ethnically and racially diverse members of whatever sex you identify with? In – out – in – out. That’s how the fucking goes. But what if you just kept going in and never out? Like a tractor. Ellis had a really good weekend, just livin’ and not worrying. Ellis trimmed off his beard, it was getting out of control. Continue reading

Show Recap for Monday 2/23/2015 – EllisMania 10 Edition

Hi everybody! It was great seeing you all in Vegas, what a blast we had together! I met so many new faces, we shared laughter, stories, food, and good times. We’ve got a lot to cover today, so let’s just dive right into it, shall we? So today’s show was pre-taped, yesterday, about the events from the day before, but aired on Faction today. Let’s try and do this. It’s really not that hard. We already covered Friday’s live show, but we didn’t get to talk about HATEBEAN’s first and last performance that night, nor the Tiger Box concert later that same night, after HATEBEAN! Only HATEBEAN was live on, Tiger Box however, was not – though I believe it was filmed and will eventually be on the site as well. See? Simple, right? Continue reading

Show Recap for Friday 2/20/2015


Photo by: Andrew The Vagiant

It’s here, and it’s queer! Wait. No. WE… ARE… LIVE! From Tupelo. Wait. No. From Las Vegas, Vinyl at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. You might have heard about it, EllisMania 10? It’s a thing. The gang is all there, Ellis, Tully, Will, Cumtard, Andrew, Hotdog, Cullen, Dingo, Katie, the Boyce Brothers, Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man, pretty much everyone. Vinyl is at maximum capacity so some people are unable to get in to watch the show. It’s fuckin’ loud and there’s a lot of people staring at Ellis’ head and Dingo is dressed as a kangaroo. Sounds like Hotdog might have brought his own keg of beer to town in Ellis’ truck. Tully’s side bitch, Bunny, might be getting a beat down by Katie for not showing Tully her tits. Thomas Hayden Church and Betsy donated $10,000 each to go to Everlast’s cystic fibrosis charity. Everlast thanked Ellis by calling him a nigger. Continue reading

NYA Says Goodbye, Goodbye To Hotdog

One the show’s better interns has reached the end of his 2nd internship and we’re sending him off with this video. Good luck with your future, Hotdog! Call in to the show sometime, don’t let Jimmy Neutron out class you!

Musical Duel: Hotdog vs Cumtard (ft. HATEBEAN)

With Hotdog’s 2nd internship coming to an end, this week has focused a lot on one of the shows better beloved interns. Hotdog. Here is some audio from today of Hotdog in a lyrical battle against Cumtard, until HATEBEAN showed up. Then it was just cower and listen to the teacher.

Hotdog Fires At Cumtard
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