Show Re-Cap for July 2015

Here are some of the highlights of the show from July:

  • Ellis has to get Twitch’s face tattooed on his ass for losing a bet at the races. I can’t remember if that was covered in a previous re-cap or not, but there it is anyway.
  • Tully was on the speech & debate team in high school, he finished 2nd once in a tournament for his dramatic reading of something about a guy with skin cancer or some kinda shit like that.
  • Ellis and company have been pre-recording themselves so they are DJ’ing in the mornings on Faction, everyone loves it.
  • 07-13-2015: Kevin Nealon stopped by the show – it was pretty awesome. He’s part of the comedy elite just from his long days past on Saturday Night Live. It was also the first time he had ever been on The Jason Ellis Show. And to top it off, he and Ellis found some common ground with heart palpitations and anxiety attacks, which led them to chest bump one another in a moment of solidarity! That’s pretty rad. Minus the anxiety. That part sucks. Bad. Trust me.
  • 07-15-2015: News From Some Asshole (audio from Entertainment Tonight) has been struggling. However, today they saved the bit by doing their own version of “ET” as “Instagram Tonight”. It was pretty funny and worth a listen if you can.
  • 07-15-2015: @waydub thought he might have heard a familiar caller into the show today. He questioned if we had heard a bi-polar version of Snow White. You make the call:
Audio Player
  • 07-19-2015: Ellis is leaving for New York this Sunday along with Tully and Andrew. Plans are to do live shows Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and fly back to LA for live shows on Thursday and Friday. While in New York, Ellis is scheduled to go on Howard Stern and Sway in The Morning.
  • 07-21-2015: Ellis was on Stern today, subjects included his family, the whole dad molestation thing, MDMA therapy, ayahuasca, his and Katie’s open relationship, and the inadvertent STDs picked up along the way. Robin seems to love to give Ellis a hard time and Ellis gave it right back to her, however she claims to not want him to eat her ass for an hour. She seemed hot and cold during the whole interview. She needs a man. Stern is fascinated with how dark Jason is as well as his sexual activities, especially of the polyamorous kind. Thanks to Howard’s tired, old shtick, it seemingly started off a little disrespectful, but ended up being an overall good appearance.
  • 07-21-2015: Just after the Stern Show, Ellis was on Sway In The Morning on Shade 45, which seems like kind of an odd show for him to be appearing on, but it was good, some funny stuff in there, especially the fabricated trash talk to get Sal Masekela to fight Sway. Other subjects included his broken bones from skateboarding, his tattoos – mainly his head tattoo, and looking like a dangerous drug dealer.
  • 07-21-2015: Shuli Egar dropped by the show, he always makes an appearance when TJES is in New York – and of course that was funny. It’s always nice to hear Cullen on the show too. Eminem kept walking past the studio, presumably to go to the bathroom, allegedly he either has tiny piss tanks or was doing blow in there.
  • 07-30-2015: Andrew may have to sing in Tiger Box and judging by his past performances on the show, he will need some practice. The guys gave him a few songs he knows and loves to practice on, this was the result:
Andrew Covers Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (Take 1)
Audio Player
  • 07-30-2015: HateBean opened up a can of new tracks today, 1 fully professionally produced track “Diamond In The Muff” that really showcased his European disco queen side, it was amazing. And then he freestyled on 1 experimental track “There Will Be Chunks / Retarded Orgasm” that has yet to be officially produced, but shows real potential. Now give yourself an eargasm by listening to the sweet, soothing sounds of HateBean:
HateBean - Diamond In The Muff
Audio Player
  • 07-31-2015: Breaking News! “Rowdy” Roddy Piper is dead at the age of 61 from cardiac arrest.

Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 6/24/2015

steven-seagal-faceThis could be the last show. Ever. Probably not, but you never know. It’s the last live show this week anyway. Ellis might have AIDs. So that’s pretty fucking terrifying. Plus this show was touted as having less AIDs than other shows. Let’s hope it stays that way. So Ellis & his kids and Pendarvis & his kids saw that Thomas Haden Church movie, “Max”. Ellis didn’t cry and Pendarvis didn’t either, but he might have gotten a little choked up. José Aldo, is he in, is he out? Nobody knows for sure, they’re still waiting for test results. Something about Rick Ross being arrested on kidnapping and assault charges. He also used to be a correctional officer. I missed most of the first hour of the show and this was the rejoin into the second hour. Were pirates the original metal guys with their Jolly Roger flags and shit? What about Vikings? Now it’s time to review the 1994 classic movie “On Deadly Ground” starring Steven Seagal. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Monday 6/22/2015

sit-on-my-faceWaddup mah ethnically and racially diverse members of whatever sex you identify with? In – out – in – out. That’s how the fucking goes. But what if you just kept going in and never out? Like a tractor. Ellis had a really good weekend, just livin’ and not worrying. Ellis trimmed off his beard, it was getting out of control. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Friday June 19, 2015

Make sure you all congratulate AZ_RedDragon on his recent sex change. He now proudly goes by Janice and has a sweet, perky rack. His life’s about to get REALLY exciting. Speaking of excitement, Tully and Jason have come to the conclusion that life is overall pretty boring, which is why humans are living so much longer than before. This spurred a conversation about being reckless as kids and Ellis thinks he will never not know when his kids do something reckless, even though we all know that’s not gonna happen. Tully told a story about being 14 years old and going to bar in NYC with some hot, older chick that totally wanted to bone him, but decided against it because Tully was so young. Man, when I was 14, I was too busy watching Jackass with my friends and making our own stunt videos to be at a bar downtown getting in on a bit of statutory rape. Some guys have all the luck. Ellis and Tully discussed the upcoming holiday of Father’s Day and Tully stated that he could give a flying fuck about it and Mother’s Day for that matter. Tully is one cold-blooded sumbitch. He plans on spending the holiday at some mansion partying it up and doing blow off of hookers’ asses   hanging with his family. Ellis and Tully discussed the upcoming UFC and Bellator events, which includes a bout between Kimbo “He’s Still Alive?” Slice and Ken “Where’s Tito?” Shamrock.

AZ_RedDragon's new look.

AZ_RedDragon’s new look.

Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Thursday 6/18/2015

Thursday recap

Cody getting sex change.
Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen or you’ll get fucked by a dog.
Tiger having bad dreams Ellis Tully parenting tips.
Ellis terracross next thurs and Fri.
Ellis going on Drew talk about SC shooting.
Send your titties to @tullywood and your dick pics to @YerMum

A place in Virginia is enforcing a law prohibiting lude language.
Eroticless erotic fiction: constipation, tampons, grandmothers on the toilet, (Emilia the pig farming slut book writer) mcnugget pink slime, hammeroid, head trauma, used fleshlight, lies ions, old homeless guy, white guys with dreds.

Ellis not on Drew.
Maryland woman got complaint about relentlessly gay yard now striving to make it even more relentlessly gay.
Wills news by Kevin, Tigers, toe wrestling, Kentucky Fried Rats, Gay burgers from Japan, Etsy will no longer sell fake shit, FCC fining ATT,

Aussie news, judge said woman can’t breastfeed because of tattoo.
Heroine is bad mnkay.
Ellis is new morning DJ on faction.