Show Re-cap For Tuesday 5/15/2012

Sounds like Jillian Reynolds’ (formerly Barberie) boss is now upset with Ellis because he was on KTLA and not their show, which is funny because Ellis has asked to be on Jillian’s show like 10 times and was turned down each time. Dumb Hollywood politics is apparently at play here. Fuck ’em. Ellis wants to create his own collection line of shirts, patches, blankets, bed sheets, etc. Someone called up Andrea to brag that she was going to beat up Katie, and then people had to do their homework for school the next day. Whose some hot old chicks was a topic, Janice Dickinson and Martha Stewart were mentioned among others. Ellis admitted he would not be into dating an average looking person, only hot chicks – and he knows that will eventually lead to a lonely life. But, hey, I guess that’s why they sell ferns.

Not only has Obama come out in support of gay marriage, but so has Jay-Z, so go ahead and change the books. Rawdog was excited to bring a new segment to the show today, gadget talk. I like me some new technology, but I just knew Rawdog was going to pick some stupid shit, and sure enough he did – a fucking phone glove for instance. It turns out that Dingo may have little balls, he had to measure, I assume because it was a rather close call. A literal 12 year-old called into the show while eating a hotdog, and it appears he has kind of an a-hole for a mom. Ellis had told the kid that he probably shouldn’t be listening to the show because he’s too young. The kid was eating a hotdog, it wasn’t cold. Then the kid passed the phone to mom, who called the show “pathetic” and claimed she, nor her son listened to the show, and that they were eating hotdogs. She said her husband loves the show, brings home the bacon, and she gets to drive a nice car… and eat hotdogs. At any rate, she was annoying. Also, hotdogs. Today’s new music Tuesday wasn’t all that bad, certainly better than a lot of the previous ones. I missed pretty much the rest of the show, but I don’t think there was anything of major importance. Oh, wait. Hotdogs + you moms pussy = state fair corn dogs. You know, because of all that batter in her deep fryer of a pussy. OH!

VH1 Behind The Music: Nicholas “Cream Corn” Bieber

Preface: This was supposed to be published last Friday. It would have been funnier because the joke would have been more clear in everyone’s memory.  However, as you can see, it was not published Friday – so just try to remember…

Born just 6 hours, 6 minutes, and 6 seconds after his famous older twin brother, Nicholas “Cream Corn” Bieber’s life was tough from the very beginning. His beady-eyed Canadian mother Patricia Lynn “Fucktard” Mallette, was just 18 years old when she became pregnant with the Devil and his twin. The family soon realized just how “special” Nicholas was soon after delivery, he looked as if he had fallen from Heaven because his face was so fucked up. While doctors feverishly tried to mash his pliable forehead back into shape, they had forgotten about his eyes, and therein lies his signature look. A look that has only recently come to light and has also come to define him. Not much is known about Nicholas partly due to the families secrecy and the poor recording of medical records by the Canadians due to their beady eyes and lack of lighting in their tunnels. Other than a couple of alleged sightings, the Bieber family has kept this secret well hidden.

As Justin gained recognition and popularity with his first full-length studio album “My World 2.0”, Nicholas, who had always tried to emulate his twin brother, had planned his own studio album called “Uhhnnngg Cream Corn 18.11.042” which was really just his family’s attempt to please Nicholas and his fits of rage, but was never really intended to be recorded or released. During one of these fake recording sessions, tragedy struck as Nicholas started biting everyone in the home studio that was setup for Justin and Usher to record and make out in. By this time, Nicholas was already a “family secret” and was never in the spotlight much less revealed to the public. Fans were shocked to even learn of his existence. None the less, Nicholas had actually managed to mash buttons until several songs were recorded and uploaded to YouPorn by accident. The songs, “Cream-Cream-Cream In My Corn” and “The Fart Dance” were used in conjunction with a 34 minute cumshot compilation featuring an unknown penis ejaculating into a bowl full of corn and a series of shots of anuses farting with cum squirting out. Not long after breaking into the mainstream world, Justin would start forming a relationship with Selena Gomez that grew as the days went by. Nicholas had watched this relationship blossom and along with feeling neglected and in the shadow of his twin brother, he felt it was time for him to start his own relationship. That is when he made Katrina Slowmez, a cardboard cutout of his famous brothers girlfriend. Nicholas proclaimed to his family and dolls that Katrina was pregnant and that they were expecting their first cardboard box, who was tentatively named “FedEx”.

A self-proclaimed fan of Nicholas “Cream Corn” Bieber, going by the name of @MumTard, who also claims to have a son named “Kevin” who is a fan of Nicholas as well, brought all of what is known today to light. To this day, this is as much as the world currently knows about Nicholas “Cream Corn” Bieber. It has helped to create as much controversy as it has brought information to light. It is also speculated that Nicholas may have been contacted by several groups in an effort to further his career. However, the Bieber family has denied all of these claims and to this day say nothing of Nicholas’s previous contributions or even his existence, citing “It is not a topic of discussion.” Will the world one day finally witness the genius of Nicholas “Cream Corn” Bieber or will he be a forgetten story in the Bieber history, only time will tell.

Show Re-cap For Monday 5/14/2012

So, sounds like I wasn’t the only one who had bad dreams last night. Ellis dreamed about the shit he did to his ex-wife, but she was doing it to him. And I dreamed about this weird lady that had melted flesh, wore a weird flesh mask, was part alien, peeled off a piece of her flesh mask and it bounced off the wall and floor into my mouth and was choking me to death. Fuckin weird, right? Speaking of fuckin weird, Sam Rubin (@samontv) from KTLA was on the show today. As you may or may not know, Ellis was on the morning KTLA and Reelz Hollywood Uncensored shows several weeks ago, and this time around they talked about Kelly LeBrock – the hot chick from the movie Weird Science. Yes, that one, from the mid 1980’s, and yes, she’s like 52 now. Just sayin’. She actually called into the fucking show while he was on air, so that seems pretty promising, I’d love to hear her interviewed by Ellis. Sam sure had a shitload to say, we’re talking 2 hours worth, he talks quick, had stories about Stern, Mel Gibson, and all kinds of entertainment industry gossip shit that I just couldn’t give two shits about – but if you’re into that stuff, it was probably a really good interview. He seemed like an alright guy and like he really enjoys and knows a lot about what he does.

Dingo was going to be on the show today, but he got some teeth removed at the dentists today so he was sore and didn’t think he’d be any good today – understandable. Some dude almost hit the Church of Haden’s Porsche, and by “hit” it seems it was more like “plow”, which I’m sure freaked Ellis out being that he’s borrowing THC’s ride. Funny enough, THC was listening to the show today and heard all the stories about his car almost getting crushed. He also commented about Sam’s interview and how candid and non-bullshit he is when interviewing actors & actresses for movies that are trash. Rawdog has a learning disability that he’s conveniently forgotten about, a non-verbal learning disorder, like reverse dyslexia. He read off a list of shit that it affects, and pretty much everything he listed applies to him. On a related note, doctors also found a new type of super virus that seems to be quickly spreading and so far there is no cure. It’s known as Y-MIG, or Your Mommy’s Infected Gash, and sure enough – you got it. OH!