Show Re-Cap for Thursday 4/9/2015


Fuck yeah! Body didn’t float back up!

What’s up douches and douchettes? Is that even a thing? If a dude can be a douche, does that make a chick a douchette? I don’t know, anyway, that’s not the point. The point is it’s Thursday and I’m me and this is a recap. Madonna just sounds sexy and sultry when speaks normally. I still can’t get the image of her super hairy 80’s bush out of my mind though, so that puts a damper on things. Madonna used to be fun, Tully wonders why she had to go and get a funectomy. Ellis lost interest right around the Vogue era, he didn’t get it, and frankly, none of us did. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 4/8/2015


Getting that Devil’s Itch!

Happy Wolfknives Wednesday! I’m here to turd in your brain with words. Larry King will not be on the show today, but he was supposed to, so there’s that. Larry King and his 40th wife have a podcast together, which means that literally everyone now has a podcast. Larry King can’t go to the beach, he’ll get the Devil’s Itch. Sammy Sosa doesn’t go to the beach, he’ll get tan – like really, really tan. Somehow, this all spiraled off into urban legends and serial killers – I don’t know how the dots connected, but somehow that’s what happened. Discussion raged on about serial killers and serial killing, serial killers of today versus serial killers of serial killing past, and the future of serial killers doing their serial killing. This naturally progressed into a conversation about people driving like dicks and roll cages in cars with 5 point harnesses, which in turn lead the conversation to Fast & Furious 7, which lead to Adam Sandler and comedy movies. BOOM! The circle of life has been completed. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Monday 4/6/2015

Breaker, breaker… anyone got their ears on? 10-4 good buddies, we’re live, over. So what’s your 20? We’ve got a bear in the bushes on 70 at yardstick fuck your mother. Nobody is that excited to see Craig Ferguson, everyone in TV land is being sold a pack of lies. Dingo is here, he probably knows Craig Fergo. Ellis saw Furious 7 and loved it (Hotdog style) and says it’s a great movie for everyone. He and some black lady had a similar sense of humor because they ended up laughing at all the same shit. Rhonda Rousey was in the movie along with Vin “deep voice” Diesel, but she looked like shit. Ellis thinks Michelle Rodriguez is hot. Gross. Continue reading

America’s Sons

Talent is actually pretty hard to come by. Sure, you might be able to spit a few words that rhyme, but can you spit no words that rhyme? Can you “bringing that heat” or “slay the mic” in such a way that everyone feels uncomfortable? Yeah, that’s what I thought. It started with some country songs, but escalated into Andrew breaking it down freestyle for you fools by spittin’ some fresh game. Respecky.

Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 4/1/2015

You know what day it is & the joke is on you because I’m not a writer. I did hear some shit, and now I feel the need to tell you about it. Let’s start with Jason waking up his girlfriend to clean up after his dog. Yes they shit and vomit, but he’s too big time to deal with that. Tully continues to express his for hate puppies. Someone wants to seal his TV appeal with a chin tattoo. That should do the trick. No doubt an artist in the area will donate their time to handle that situation. Continue reading