Show Re-Cap for Monday 11/24/2014


Did Dingo just say he was in a bed with Taylor Swift?

Monday. We all dread them, but there are things to look forward to – like this lovely, entertaining, insightful, downright awesome recap. The 80’s could last for centuries and you can see the 80’s trends coming back, especially with Taylor Swift’s new album. Dingo was in a bed with Taylor Swift and nearly burned down Kelly Osbourne’s house this past weekend. At 28-years-young, Dingo did some serious drinking, he was trashed by 8 o’clock. After getting back from partying later that night, Dingo found a BBQ chicken pizza and decided to cook that shit. Then he found some ice cream and decided to eat that shit too. But he was still hungry so he grabbed a mini pizza and put that shit in the oven and then promptly fell asleep. He woke up with Kelly wearing oven mitts, holding this smoked out pizza clit in from of his face. Whoops. Dingo is co-signing for Taylor Swift, both on and off-air he has nothing but nice things to say about her. Tully has a crush on her. Continue reading

Phone Sex With Will & Hotdog

So last night, Will, Hotdog, Cumtrard, and Andrew decided to call up some phone sex hotlines and record the results. While Kevin and Andrew solicited lines, Will and Nate would try to incorporate them into their sexy conversations. Will was… dry as a bone? He wasn’t feeling the sexy that night, it must have been a murdery night. And Hotdog was throwing curve balls all near the plate, causing some near misses but lots of hits. Also, the show addressed the “Wow” Pendarvis phenomena that happens only once in a great while. Have a listen! Continue reading

Show re-cap for Tuesday 11/18/2014

You know what’s funny…I never remember my fucking password to get into this site. I mean…every goddamn week I have to try three times before I get it right. Maybe I just thrive on the pressure and the tidbit of adrenaline I feel when the little red text pops up that says I only have one more try before it locks me out for four hours. Or maybe…maybe I’m just too damn blonde for my own good. I totally got locked out once and had to switch my password. It was not awesome. But anyway….welcome to your Tuesday recap of The Jason Ellis Show brought to you by some twacky blonde with marginally large boobs and a wonderful ass (which got grabbed so many times at the HorseForce NYC show…you’re welcome guys…and girls ;)

Ellis is having penis problems! Dun dun dunnnnnnnn! No…not really…but lately more than ever Ellis has been noticing that his penis has a wide range of sizes. Ellis isn’t really off-put by his fluctuating penis size (he’s more perturbed by trying to say ‘fluctuate’ actually) but he has in fact noticed. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Monday 11/17/2014


Wow! Will is not amused with you crackas.

Holy hell, it’s Monday again. What a day it’s been so far, Jeebus. Do bears know they smell like shit? Do horses always smell like shit? Dingo takes two shits per day. There’s some movie James Franco wrote that has a guy shitting in the woods, wiping his ass with a stick, and fucking dead women. Dark and twisted movies are right up Ellis & Dingo’s alley, it’s inspired Ellis to want to make more movies. The guys relived filming of The Woodsman and how much of a great time they had, laughing, getting lost, and watching Christian get mad at Rawdog. Will reminded Ellis that a lot more people are listening than he thinks and that a lot of those people don’t even know what EllisMania is. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 11/5/2014


All up in them guts!

I’ve gotta pee. Hold please. Okay, I’m back. bitPimps here, filling in for CrackerStacker6 while he pretends to be an adult at work and stuff. You know what? Ellis was thinking they should have that Corey guy back on the show, but shut the fuck up and don’t listen to people, and fuck everybody. In the nicest way possible of course. People are trying to tell Ellis how to live his life, but to quote Jimi, “he’s the one that’s got to die when it’s time for him to die, so let him live his life the way he wants to”. Continue reading