AutoRap Battle
It’s battle rap time, using an app called “AutoRap” by Smule. The guys face off against each other to see who has more LA street cred and ultimately more turf. I’ve included the “dry” vocals (pre AutoRap) as well as the final “wet” (post AutoRap) audio just so you get the idea. Sounds like they’re looking for people to challenge Ellis (or I’m guessing anyone on the show) to a rap battle, so if you feel so inclined, download the app, make your rap and submit it to the show through the regular channels. I’m also assuming @CassetteCoast is prohibited as he’s already systematically destroyed the entire show several times over.
2015: Miscellaneous Audio
Here is some unsorted and unused audio from 2015. There was a reason it was recorded, but hell if I can remember why. But here it is anyway, have a listen. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit.
More Epic Callers: Drunk Guy, Large & Normal Sized Lady Parts
While not many callers reach the legendary status of Oxy John or Snow White or Manny, sometimes we get surprised with some great callers. Here are a few that are worth honorable mentions and a listen. We get a drunk guy on vacation, a group of girls with 6 pound clits, and a girl without a 6 pound clit!
Creepy Weekend Contest
This nostalgic and entertaining clip from 2011 is a classic example of just how good the show was with little to no professional support, no professional producer, and literally flying by the seat the of their pants. The contest was for everyone to do something “creepy” over the weekend and anonymously write down what they did. Everyone was then tasked with guessing who did what as each instance was read. It wasn’t only hilarious, but in hind sight, it gave us an introduction into Will’s world. Little did anyone realize the door that was left cracked open would eventually allow the escape for more stories and a one-man band fueled with a plethora of songs – HATEBEAN! Will wasn’t the only one with a disturbingly hilarious entry in the contest though, intern Schumacher also revealed what could only be described as a perverted, depraved, sexual fetish that might scare the average person – but not the average Jason Ellis Show listener. And of course Rawdog’s entry involved nipple play – no spoiler alert required. Enjoy.