What else can I say but, its almost Friday. Not quite but close, so don’t get your hopes up, there’s still one day left. At least today was one of the best shows I’ve heard in a while. The decades long debate on how old is too old to date was discussed and Ellis decided that any age is appropriate as long as you like the other person. This is a noble stance but I still follow the “half your age plus seven” rule. Jason talked about his appearance on Hollywood Uncensored and revealed that he had sweaty palms and had butterflies in his stomach. However he said that everyone was nice and he is starting to know more and more TV people. The Hollywood take over is imminent.
Ellis has only a few days left with Thomas Hayden Church’s Porsche and decided that he needs to try and pick up chicks while filming. As expected the EllisFam came through like champs. I was laughing way too hard and there were way too many pickup lines to write them all down. I will just say good job to those who participated. We were, umm, granted with a game from the entertaining MumTard. Contestants had to guess the Mumtarded Movie in MumTards Mumtarded Movie Collection. Damn, after writing that I might need a helmet. The game was a smash success and hopefully we will see MumTard back again in the future, just as soon as the get the smell out of the studio and the stains off the chair. And Dan the Man had exchanged some heated words with Alicia. Actually I should say Alicia talked shit on Dan while he just cowered in the corner and piddled himself. I don’t see things going well for him at Ellismania, but we can all hope that as Dan gets his ass handed to him the crowd will be treated with a possible wardrobe malfunction from the beautifully busty Alicia.
And finally, what we have all been waiting for, WORLDS GREATEST
WEDNESDAY THURSDAY! Today’s topic was Worlds Hottest Hollywood Milf. There were some great contenders and the top 10 went as so:
10. Milla Jovovich
9. Kelly Rippa
8. Sofia Vergara
7. Belladonna
6. Salma Hayek
5. Mini Driver
4. Gisele Bundchen
3. DanOD5’s Mom
2. Jessica Alba
1. Britney Spears
Your Mom was also nominated for this list, but unfortunately she got a total of 0 votes. Coincidentally that’s the same number of call backs she got after her many hours of pleasing dock workers. Even MumTard, who got 1 vote by the way, said, “YOUR MOM BIGGER SLAM PIG THAN MUMTARD, OH!”