Show Re-cap for Thursday 4/3/2014

What a great Thursday! Not only is it National Chocolate Mousse Day, it’s Jenni Mazky’s birthday! So happy birthday to the only vagina wielding member of NoYouAre! It’s also Mike in Canada’s birthday from what I’m told but I’m not sure. I still can’t figure out how to convert American to that weird Canadian metric shit. But happy birthday eh! none the less!

chris farley


Oh, and it was also a best of because Ellis got too much of that gas the dentists give you to knock you out, I think it’s called yer mum, OH!

EM8: DanOD5 After Kicking All Kinds Of Asses

EllisMania 8. Beautiful DanOD5 surprises everyone (including his own hot mom) by beating his original opponent, the equally beautiful Alicia Leii. But the he goes balls deep when Tully steps in to fight him and once again, Pretty Dan was victorious! Handsome Dan has a hot mom, he’s got skills in the ring, and he banged a hot cougar in a hot tub at his apartment complex. He’s pretty much better looking & in better shape than anyone gave him credit for.

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