Show Re-cap for Tuesday 10/14/14

Welcome to your Tuesday recap ladies and gents tempopermanentlyish hosted by the one and only me, jenny, whom you have all come to sorta know and sort of love. Cue the music cause boom, time to talk about what went down on the show today!!!!

Getting right to it- Ellis is thinking that he wants to get some samurai’s tattooed on the backs if his legs because Sa Continue reading

You Are A Cunt (Rejoin)

The world is buzzing about the latest rejoin “You Are A Cunt”, which is a portion of this. So here it is. Listen and/or download. Don’t know how to download a god damned MP3 file to your phone? Tough shit, go Google how to work your fucking phone, this isn’t the Phone Guru Store.

Download (link to MP3)