Will invents a new word, Pamplet. He also gets wasted on Fridays. Maybe Thursdays too. He was so wasted he almost forgot to set his DVR (go team gold), but he is still left with at least 1 burning question.
Tag Archives: Will Pendarvis
Andrew DJ’s In The Morning
The guys have been taking turns prerecording themselves the previous night to be DJs in the morning. This Tuesday was supposed to be Will, Cumtard, & Andrew – however, they thought it would be funnier if they just stayed silent and left Andrew to battle his way through the breaks on his own. And they were right. While he may be a professional producer of radio, he clearly has difficulty behind the mic – which turns out to be a bonus for us all! Let’s listen in as Andrew painfully, yet hilariously, weaves his magic through the breaks.
Sorry Will
If you take Will’s words completely out of context, you can make him sound like an abusive man. Which we all know he’s not. * Please don’t hurt me, Will.
Show Re-Cap for First Half of August 2015
I’m back! I know, thank the sweet baby Lord Jesus, right? Here’s what I have for you so far for the first half of August.
- Starting Thursday August 27th, Jude is supposed to be doing a 1 hour show every Thursday immediately following TJES! It’s his own show on Faction and it’s all his to do whatever he wants. This should make your Thursday’s a whole lot better!
- We’re talking sounding. No, not your eccentric grandfather’s version of “sounding”, but the Rule #34 of sounding. The kind that involves the “meatus”, and let me tell you this, there is no shortage of Rule #34 meatus. Let’s listen to the enthusiasm in Will and Andrew’s voices as they say “meatus” – which in this instance is the piss slit hole located at the tip of your weird dick.
- 08-14-2015: Final calls actually brought us not just 1, but 2 gems! Trust me, you’re going to want to listen to both of them – in their entirety. First up, we have a guy whose girlfriend enjoys beating up his dick. No, you read that right. Beating up his dick – she physically punches him in the dick – and he’s not so into it anymore. Next up, we have innocent little Ashley, who probably shouldn’t even be listening to the show in the first place. She doesn’t know what she likes about the show, other than “the Australian”. But that’s not the payoff here. The real gold comes at the end when Tully asks her if she heard a portion just previous to her call – and then her and her friends giggle out the show.
- The guys played a game where they had to guess if the verses were from pre-teen poetry or a terrible pop song. Ellis soon realized he could write his own pop song if he just read his daughter’s diary over some music – so here’s Ellis’ new pop hit “I Love Your Butt Anus”.
- In another segment, the guys were talking about Fabio and the terrible audio tape he released to lonely, bored, housewives who crave romance with extra cheese and body odor, so they can masturbate to it. They had to come up with their own Fabio style readings to get the ladies nice and lathered up in their nether regions. Here’s how that played out.
Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 6/24/2015
This could be the last show. Ever. Probably not, but you never know. It’s the last live show this week anyway. Ellis might have AIDs. So that’s pretty fucking terrifying. Plus this show was touted as having less AIDs than other shows. Let’s hope it stays that way. So Ellis & his kids and Pendarvis & his kids saw that Thomas Haden Church movie, “Max”. Ellis didn’t cry and Pendarvis didn’t either, but he might have gotten a little choked up. José Aldo, is he in, is he out? Nobody knows for sure, they’re still waiting for test results. Something about Rick Ross being arrested on kidnapping and assault charges. He also used to be a correctional officer. I missed most of the first hour of the show and this was the rejoin into the second hour. Were pirates the original metal guys with their Jolly Roger flags and shit? What about Vikings? Now it’s time to review the 1994 classic movie “On Deadly Ground” starring Steven Seagal. Continue reading