Show Re-cap for Friday 8/23/2013

Welcome, welcome to the show recap, listen read as we tell you everything you need to know, about chicks and fighting, and moto. But mostly check out these balls recaps! Ellis might be overdoing it with Katie’s mum jokes, almost every comment is followed by yer mum, yer mums ass, I’m gonna eat it off yer mums ass, etc. Funny as it might be, Ellis thinks he should tone it down a little, with yer mum. Tully’s wife’s grandma died so he’s not in today, he might be on a plane to China or not, I don’t know and neither does anybody else. Rawdog can’t button his shirt correctly, just another surprising lack of ability from the adorable bush baby. Ellis is trying not to be a slugger in boxing, he’s trying to be a boxers boxer, a black boxer to be exact. He just needs to work more on his footwork and his tan. Ellis talked about how back in the day PLG boxed him and hit him in the side and knocked the wind out of him. Speaking of fighting, Will once got in a fight with a road rager and they were hauling ass and the dude was trying to run Will off the road. But slick Willy had a faster car and sped away and after he thought he was safe he pulled into gas station. Next thing Wilson knew, in pulled the dude. He got out of his car and before William could get



his window rolled up he punched him about three times in de face. Next the guy hollered, “Come on boys” and two more dudes got out carrying a bat and pipe. Willshire then started his car, whipped around the other car, got plate number, then took off through back roads. When Willavitch got home he told his daddy and he then called the sheriff. The sheriff said the dude was just released from prison for killing his wife with hammer and suggested that the Willingtons just forget about it. No charges were filed. This brought up the discussion of bad driving and shitty drivers. I would like to finish this recap today so I’m just gonna say, don’t be a dick and drive slow in the left lanes, if you do you should have to drive a Prius forever as a punishment. Ellis got props from Votaspa because he talks about them all the time on the radio. Then a dude called in asking about his mushroom tip showing through his swim trunks and if it’s inappropriate, the answer is yes, yes it’s a vulgar display of penis.

Circumcisions in the US are down to 58% mainly in the west where they are down to 40%. Score one for the hooded vagina basher. Somebody had the balls to get audio clip of Anderson The Spider Silva trying to say Red Dragons over and over again. He couldn’t quite get it right so, Head Dragons mother fuckers! They then played The Greatest Small Town In America, how did they ever think of the name? Everything was going well then THC called in with his small town, Vanderville Texas. Everybody else didn’t have shit on THC, who is also doing a movie about that Colton Burpo kid, until Jeff called in with Alma Colorado where they have more dispensaries and bars that churches or schools and an Almart, it’s like Walmart but an Almart. SiriusXM is having a contest where you can win the chance to see Metallica at an intamate show at the Apollo Theater, and by intimate I mean, bring lube.

Lives in a small town, knows Josh Adam Richmond

Lives in a small town, knows Josh Adam Richmond

Here’s the video of the motorcyclist in BC that hit a black bear. Yesterday at the theater before josh fainted somebody yelled Ben Aflack is going to be the next Batman. Idon’t give a fuck and if you do, well i don’t give a fuck about you giving a fuck. There was going to be a game but Malice overslept and ruined the game.It was going to be awesome but instead they assigned more Wolfknife names. To my surprise BitPimps is really Tim Wright, even I didn’t know the real identity of the infamous creator of NoYouAre.

Ellis is gonna go hang with Suzuki(?) this weekend and is gonna go vibe the Green Team while Katie secretly videos it because he can and it might be funny, and he’s also going to fat-football-player-runningthe Lake Elsinore Redbull Street League with Rob Dyrdek and Chad Reed. I dunno, there’s a lot of shit going on so get off your cottage cheese ass and do something. South Korea is the leading country for plastic surgery. They are getting a procedure called smile crest surgery done so it looks like they are always smiling. Koreans also rarely have sex after childbirth. That’s why so many turn to prostitution and a Brazilian dude called in and knows a couple Korean chicks and they are total sluts. They did Doing Stuff With Katie and maily chicks called in to bitch about their boyfriends and if you are ever in doubt on how to get your guy to do something just remember this, blowjobs and stretching that pussy over my face bro. But be careful, last time yer mum did that it was ruled as an accidental homicide, OH!