The Wiener King of San Diego, Nate Hotdog

We’ve had a Q & A session with just about everyone else to do with The Jason Ellis Show, so of course we had to do one with Hotdog as well. Hotdog started out with another intern, but only Hotdog stuck around, the other guy split after a day or two, he looked murdery anyway. It wasn’t long before Hotdog won everyone’s hearts over and then was offered another internship. So let’s find out what makes Hotdog tick. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Monday 11/3/2014


Pendarvis breaks things. He was also there. And is a murderer. Was this his fault?

Aaaaaand we’re back! The show was in the bathroom (zipper got stuck) all last week, but now it’s here again, live, uncensored, uncut, unadulterated, I ran out of “uns”. Just before the show started, the studio welcomed the show back by breaking and we got some dead air just after Pantera started playing. It’s okay though, shit got fixed before the show was scheduled to go live. Dingo is here today, there is a new producer coming tomorrow, he’s in the midst of moving to LA today. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Thursday 10/16/2014


I know. I had one job!

So uhhh… I was supposed to re-cap for Cody_McCraw92 today and completely fucking forgot. Starting off great already, right? Let’s see if I can make this fucker work while I’m listening to Djingo Unchained with Jude & Dingo. It was a dark, stormy night. It was just another ordinary day. The sun was out and before the show started, Cullen had a stroke or something because he signed off like 3 times. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Monday 10/13/2014


What is this “soccer” you speak of?

It’s another Monday recap, and you know you looooove it! Ellis has been 43 like 5 times in the past 3 or 4 days, with all the cake and celebrating. Dingo is looking good today, he’s dropped about of weight lately and even he’s having a skinny mirror day. Tully watched a woman attempt to take a selfie of herself for about a half hour, she was a trendy looking black woman trying to time her selfie just right. Dingo & Ellis discussed how phones have become new tools allowing for people to look at themselves. It bums most everyone out to run into a man who has to have names for his weed, you know exactly the kind the of dude they’re talking about. “I got some headband and n-bomb riot, bro – you gotta try it!” Continue reading

Hotdog Learns How To Talk Sexy

Over the past 2 days, Hotdog has learned how to talk sexy as fuck. His “sexy talk” will make you wet, as if you’ve just had fourth meal and are spewing diarrhea out your fat hairy asshole. It will make you cream, like all cheese seeping out of the pores in your skin. It will make you want to buy a shirt, just so you can wipe your forehead as you drip sweat while forcing out a shit. Give him a chance, his “sexy talk” is going to bring you to tears as you get swooned by the magic man’s sultry voice and “sexy” delivery.