Show Re-Cap for Thursday 4/30/2015


Ike knows domestic violence.

Well howdy stranger! I haven’t seen you in quite some time – how are things? Don’t answer that, neither of us have time for that shit. Let me whip out my magic stick and swing my recapping meat in your face. The show started off with talk about Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Ellis doing the show while also filming his parts in the off hours. Ellis and Tully reminisced about doing a show in the middle of the night, both of them on different coasts and using their phones to do the show. Ellis had a dream, not like an MLK dream or anything, but it was about him being with this girl with youthful metal tits with steel nipples and rivets holding the big knockers in place. Continue reading

Show Re-Cap for Monday 4/27/2015


If I hear any more about Bruce Jenner, I’m gonna go American Psycho!

Ellis is there, flanked by Dingo and Tully, say hi to Will and Cumtard, and fuck you to Andrew. Cumtard’s hair is the subject at the start of today’s show, he has enviable hair, thin, but not balding. Ellis thinks Kevin should slick his hair back, but Kevin feels like he looks like Spy vs Spy because he has a pointy face. Cumtard’s rocking a weird part ginger hair color and a comb over. If you didn’t know Cumtard, to look at him, you might tend to think he’s a jobless stoner, but if he got a haircut and used a little bit of product, he could look more like a member of the human race. Continue reading

Interviews With Inmates

Felon: Bill - Crime: Shot Lincoln
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Show Re-Cap for Wednesday 4/22/2015

http-slash-slashWhoops! I keep forgetting that nobody recaps on Wednesdays anymore, and I took absolutely zero notes, so here’s what I can remember and what I could re-listen to in a pinch:

  • Ellis just doesn’t have time to dedicate to his baby shoulders so he’s going to have to be happy with gaining a centimeter of shoulder girth.
  • Fatties are wearing waist trainer corsets to push the lard from their bellies to their ass and titties. It’s like a double muffin top, look at your mom.
  • Slash came in, he’s getting ready to go on tour and he can’t wait because he loves hotel rooms.
  • Lord Pendarvis introduced Andrew as “the producer for now” to Slash, which might seem to back up Andrew’s claims that Will is mean to him.
  • Slash says Ellis is eccentric. Slash also loves animals, but is a cat person. He can’t live too far from a city. His guitar has had better seats on an airplane than you. And he makes his bed, shops at the grocery store, gets stuff for his new place, and hurt his thumby when he was young.
  • Slash has a horror movie coming out, “The Hell Within” I believe it was called. He’s not in it, though he did have a cameo in a Dirty Harry movie once!

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Cumtard Dreams of Achieving Oneness

Cumtard’s been having dreams lately, dreams of sucking his own dick. Professionals analyzed his dreams and it’s revealed that Cumtard is merely seeking to achieve oneness and eventually, he’s going to succeed. Have a listen.

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