Boy, Dads Pissed and In A Perfical World, Jude Would Do More Drugs

Jude - How Many Drugs He Doesn't Do
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AutoRap Battle

It’s battle rap time, using an app called “AutoRap” by Smule. The guys face off against each other to see who has more LA street cred and ultimately more turf. I’ve included the “dry” vocals (pre AutoRap) as well as the final “wet” (post AutoRap) audio just so you get the idea. Sounds like they’re looking for people to challenge Ellis (or I’m guessing anyone on the show) to a rap battle, so if you feel so inclined, download the app, make your rap and submit it to the show through the regular channels. I’m also assuming @CassetteCoast is prohibited as he’s already systematically destroyed the entire show several times over.

Round 1: Andrew (Dry)
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Karaoke: Bob Marley

So a couple of the guys did some karaoke with Bob Marley today. Andrew was the numba one stunna as he went before Will. But as soon as Will joined in, the entire game changed and he ended up being the ultimate Marley. Here is Andrew and Will working their magic, with background Marley backtracking.

Karaoke - Bob Marley - Jammin (Andrew)
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