Chuck Liddell stopped by the show today and agreed to punch Ellis again, this time in the face. Here’s a frame by frame of the knuckle sandwich served up hot.
@wolfmate’s original video on Instagram.
Bonus: Here’s a version I Internetted all over.
Chuck Liddell stopped by the show today and agreed to punch Ellis again, this time in the face. Here’s a frame by frame of the knuckle sandwich served up hot.
@wolfmate’s original video on Instagram.
Bonus: Here’s a version I Internetted all over.
Satan makes a promo bumper for TJES.
The guys have been taking turns prerecording themselves the previous night to be DJs in the morning. This Tuesday was supposed to be Will, Cumtard, & Andrew – however, they thought it would be funnier if they just stayed silent and left Andrew to battle his way through the breaks on his own. And they were right. While he may be a professional producer of radio, he clearly has difficulty behind the mic – which turns out to be a bonus for us all! Let’s listen in as Andrew painfully, yet hilariously, weaves his magic through the breaks.