Show Re-cap For Friday 9/7/2012

Real life Bert & Ernie is terrifying

It’s here! Friday is finally here! How’s everyone’s non-mangled dicks and vaginas? Wonderfurishical! Nobody on the show has seen Will’s penis or his vagina or his cunt-dick, I don’t know what that means – mainly because I’m only 12. However, according to Rawdog, penises are like snowflakes, each one is wonderful and different. Let’s keep talking about fucked up dicks and gashes for a second, micro-dick owners probably do not want to be lumped into the same category as ambiguous genitalia owners. I know none of you are sick of talking about Instagram, but I’m going to keep this brief anyway, you can now follow @Future41 AND @RadioTFB as well as @Tullywood, so there ya go. You could always follow Shiny Shins too, he’s @deadletters, but who cares, right? Get this shit, some dude that claims to be a real-life Indiana Jones made a fucking shit knife, just like in The Woodsman – a shitting knife made out of shit – holy shit!

Remember, treated as an adult.

AsphyxiaNoir is in a vote on Fleshlight to have a sex toy made out of her vag, I assume vag, guess it could be her mouth or butthole? Either way, go vote for her, if she wins because of the show, she’ll come in and they’ll do stuff to her. Don Imus has a ranch, neat huh? Donald Schultz was supposed to be on the show for the past several days, but he’s got a tummy ache or something so he hasn’t appeared. Rawdog would like to be treated as an adult, so everyone – please – stop sending lollipops into the show, he doesn’t want them anymore. Some crazy white chick was wreaking havoc on the streets of New York City, which is pretty normal for NYC, but she’s good looking so you might wanna watch it. Big Willy Pendarvy came up with a new game for the guys to play today, it was a short immigration questionnaire, and you had to get at least 7 right or you get deported.

We’re in the home stretch ladies and gentlemen! Ellis was on a box of Rice Krispies® back in the day, and he was also in a Skittles commercial from 1988, he was the red Skittle. Half the show was the guys learning and battling it out on Instagram, so there’s not much more to say about the show, but I don’t give a shit because it’s Friday. With all this hoopla over Instagram, I almost forgot to mention that you can also follow your mom there too, she’s @CumStarvedFatBitchWithAStache. OH!

EllisFam Interviews


I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

TC Hagner (@tchagner)

  1. Where do you live? Buffalo, New York
  2. What is your occupation? I work security at General Motors.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself.  listen to Howard Stern, Covino and Rich, and Jason Ellis. Winter I ski, summer wakeboard and stand up jetski. Do my best to surf when I can.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? I have listened to the Jason Ellis show since 2005/2006. When he would talk for a while and then play a bunch of music.
  5. How did you discover TJES? One day I just left my radio on faction, Jason came on and I was hooked ever since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I keep listen because Jason is funny/entertaining and great infterviewest. Has great company ex. Raw dog and Tully.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Ellis tough me how to be myself and not care what anyone else thinks.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Ellis, Raw dog and Tully have been a great addition to my life. Hope they stay on radio for a long time. One day hope to go to ellismania and keep going every year after.

Also my wolves knives name is Wet Willy

R Vail (@CobraTits)

  1. Where do you live? Suburban Philadelphia born and raised, now on the Philly playgrounds is where I spend most of my days. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool…
  2. What is your occupation? Military aviation parts and part time pirate. And if some Homeland security official typed those terms into Google and found this page, no I am not a terrorist.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I don’t answer questions like that unless a job, a date, or a free beer is on the line.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Late 2007-ish   
  5. How did you discover TJES? I work an incredibly boring job with incredibly boring and annoying people for a ridiculous amount of time each week. Fortunately we are allowed to wear headphones. Early on I quickly became very interested in radio. Around this time Stern was leaving for Sirius and the local rock station (WYSP) was trying out an all-talk format called ‘Free FM’. They brought in a young guy called ‘Kidd Chris’ to do afternoons and he just blew me away. He was hilarious, he had great cast of characters, and they did some of the best phony phone calls & parody songs that, till this day, I’ve ever heard. The guys at work were all Stern fans. They got a Sirius receiver on 1/9/06 and after listening in for a few months I got one myself. With Howard in the morning and KC in the afternoon, all was good in my radio world till late 2007 when WYSP imploded the ‘Free FM’ format. They moved Kidd Chris to mornings (where he sucked and eventually got fired) and so I needed something to fill that ‘Kidd Chris fix’ in the afternoons. I eventually stumbled upon this Australian guy on Faction. It took me a couple weeks of on & off listening to get into the show, but I finally did and I have never looked back.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I haven’t found anything to replace it.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? I’m not sure what it is, but this radio show is a bug light for awesome people. I have had the opportunity to become friendly with dozens of Ellisfam through Twitter, Facebook, Ellismanias, and east coast meet-ups over the years. They are all uniquely caring, funny, intelligent, talented, and motivational. 
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? A snake that doesn’t bite teaches you nothing.


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.