The Apocalypse 6000 (Photos)

There has been a lot of discussion on the show lately about the A6k. Reliability in recent years has become a concern. Electrical issues, transmission problems, and most recently a near fire have made Jason question whether he should keep it.

Despite all the problems, the history and iconic status of this truck can not denied. Built by Steve Hock, it was rushed to completion in time for the 2008 SEMA show. From there it became the co-star in the Taintstick “Monkeys of War” music video, got it’s own Taintstick song “A6K”, was featured in both Dub Magazine & Street Trucks Magazine , inspired a limited edition Hardlucks King guitar, and is the tow/haul vehicle for Motosaki & Boatosaki. Let’s take a look back at a photo history of this amazing truck.

EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

Emily (@EmilyinSD)

  1. Where do you live? San Diego, CA
  2. What is your occupation? Paralegal
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I’m awesome! I love dogs and pot marijuana.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? 5 1/2 years or so
  5. How did you discover TJES? the punk channel was gone (channel 29) so I was listening to faction and discovered the DJ on a night was freaking hilarious. The music he played sucked, but I kept listening because he was funny and had a hot accent. Then he moved to afternoons and I was hooked.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Tully
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? The friends I’ve made from listening to TJES are truly the best friends I’ve ever had. The term “ellisfam” is used very loosely these days, but true “ellisfam” know who they are and are some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met and I am honored to know them.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Thanks for everything you do, Jason. You are are gentleman and a scholar. Red Dragons to you sir!


Queen of the Fam (@azkellie)

  1. Where do you live? Peoria, Az
  2. What is your occupation? Administrative Assistant to a shit ton of lawyers.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. Single mom, Scuba diver and scout mother just biding my time in the rat race till i can move to Mexico and dive full time.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Whenever it was that BTLS left Sirius. I turned the dial to 41 in the afternoons, and never looked back.
  5. How did you discover TJES? Got tired of the bullshit on H101. see above.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? The raw entertainment. I hate anything scripted, censored or dumbed down. I love the off the cuff humor, Tully’s random outbursts and when Jason really and truly laughs wholeheartedly.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? Yes. How? All the people i’ve met and developed friendships with all over the world. The acceptance the fam has to all walks of life, backgrounds, races, and diversity is amazing. It’s too bad the rest of the world doesnt get it like we do.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? No. its my ball, you cant have it. But i still love you all with all my heart. :P

If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.