Show Re-cap For Thursday 8/9/2012

Whats up                                            thanks for coming back             funny as hell                      this one time I                                           then I told yer mum                                 funkin hell mother of a cunt                                    on the show today.                                      WILLLLL what about the government                                                  WILLLLLLL the radio is fucked up                                             That’s how the beginning of the show was, exciting shit right there. But as always, shit got fixed and everything got back on schedule. Right after shit got straight the guys mentioned a clip of a cam girl that Sir Bit Pimpington the Third sent them. She apparently broke down and started crying, but why let me tell you what happened when you can see it for yourself. For a brief moment there was a bit of good news admist all the futardedry, no callers. At least for a little while until Will and the Government fixed that too. Rawdog is apparently a slayer of rats, and accompanying him is Tully the Conqueror. But Rawdog the great had to get his roomie to get the rat out of the trap, Man Card suspended.

Chicks with scars are hot!

Another dude sent Ellis a video of a sick burnout, but I couldn’t find the link so I give you this instead. Creepy. Bloomin Onions aren’t Australian and fat people love them because they’re fat and they’re fat because they love Bloomin Onions. And lifes circle continues. Travis Pastrana (@TravisPastrana) and Jolene Van Vugt (@JoleneNitroGirl). Jolene talked about all the cool shit that most men don’t have the balls to do and how many times she’s been knocked the fuck out. After a little while Travis started talking and it seemed much less interesting, or sexy. But the main point is to check out Nitro Circus 3D, not featuring Andy Bell.

Is this where the bad man touched you?

I got really busy at work doing work like shit and the next thing I know is that I heard some dude was chowing beav on horse. After I cleaned up the mess that was once my lunch I heard a woman got strip searched on the side of the road. This bitch must have been up to some really shady shit because the officer even felt it necessary to “pull the plug.” After such a great story about how our officers are protecting the public from PMSing road raging bitches, they played Ellis Jeopardy. Again, Tuberculosis’s name was on the line and once again, he lost. Ladies and Gentalmen, please welcome Chad Kreuger infant holocaust.

I know you looked at their titty too, don’t deny it.

The community should start teaching the homeless people jui jitsu, one new move every day. Then they can protect us, or rob us easier. But it would still be trippy to see The Bag Lady put some dude in an arm bar for a sandwich. The rest of the show was mainly discussing the woman with two heads, actually the women with one body. Most importantly the public would like to know, if they fart who do you blame it on? Do they give great BJ’s? If you fuck them is it technically a threesome? Do they both get an O face? What if one wants anal and the other doesn’t? I think that these girls need to get their collective ass onto the show so that we may get answers. But either way, these girls still can’t suck more dicks at the same time as yer mum, OH!

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