We recently learned some more information about Wilson. Specifically, that he listens to police scanners. He claims he does this so he knows what’s going on in the area, to help him avoid riots, traffic, or other potential obstacles and risks that he may be facing during his walking commute. We also learned that he’s very familiar with a well known park for children that is across from an equally well known bar & grill that accommodates a large, and at times brash, LGBT crowd. But what he forgot to mention were the times he himself was the subject on the police scanner. We here at NYA are nothing if not integral in our journalist endeavors, and we scoured the archives to find out more. Actually, this is all lies. We don’t know jack shit and we just make shit up, but hey, it’s fun to pretend so can you really blame us? Of course not. So without further ado, here’s some audio we totally fabricated that makes it seem like Wilson is the subject of police scrutiny.
Download (link to MP3)
@bitchPimps as “Dispatch”
Concept & idea by @sharkchucker as “Officer”
Written & produced by @bitPimps