Show Re-cap For Monday 4/2/2012

Staycation is over and the show is back live, which means I’m gonna make your read this craptasticness. Talk quickly turned to getting licked where you shit, specifically dudes getting their asshole licked by their chicks. Which in turn went to two dudes actually have sex with each other, for just one night, and it not being gay. I don’t know how that’s possible, but there you go. And, still no solid date for EllisMania 8. I feel like this is the longest running joke in radio history. I guess if you live close enough to make the weekend trip it’s all good.

Rawdog got a new roommate, Jared, that he met off of Craigslist. I assume Rawdog will be murdered within a few months and there will be a movie about it on Lifetime before the year is out. Also, we found out that Kit Cope and Ellis have even more in common than previously thought – they both have decked female police officers! That’s pretty much all I got for you this time around. I think the last thing I heard was that it had been confirmed, your mom has gonorrhea. Sorry about that. OH!

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