Show Re-cap For Friday 3/2/2012

It’s Friday you fucking animals! And who gives a fuck? Not me, not you, and not anyone we know. So let’s jump right into the mix here and see how the guys planned to top off an already stellar week of shows, shall we? We shall!

Ellis had a sleepover with Mayhem (@mayhemmiller) so he could be up and ready to come back on the show this morning. Mayhem damn near burned down the studio on his first time back in like 8 months and huffed some canned compressed air! He was so full of energy that I think he started to get on everyone’s nerves in the studio for a short while (it’s damn early for his high energy craziness), but still – he was pretty fucking hilarious. Mayhem said he hasn’t been on the show because he lost his license, which is probably true.

Dan the intern got a new nickname, “Madame Seduce-a”, sounds hot right? Rawdog was temporarily known as “Hot Pockets”, Ellis was temporarily known as “Frozen Pants”, for putting his pants in the freezer, and Tully was temporarily known as “C.B. Dollaway”.

Since it is Friday, and I don’t give a fuck, and nobody else gives a fuck, and because I’m ready to blow this taco stand, I’m ending this mother bitch right here and right now. And guess what else? Yup. You’re mom is still a massive whore, but again, nobody cares because it’s Friday. Let her whore it up, stick things all up in her holes, whatever she wants. FREEZE MY PANTS TONIGHT!

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