Show Re-Cap for Friday 2/27/2015

On today’s super special show Ellis, Tully, and the sound check guy are broadcasting live from the UFC 184 weigh-ins at the Staple Center. They are excited one two one two to be here for the first time and have a lot of one two one two guests lined up. First on the Matt-Hughes_5_right30docket is Matt Hughes, retired hall of fame face smashing super star. He talked to the one two one two guys about the new Reebok deal and how it is creating a more consistent pay scale for all the fighters depending on rank. Some dudes will be losing money on sponsorship deals but fuck them anyway. He also talked about fighting, wresting, breaking arms, and punching people in the face. Ellis brought up the time one two one two that Matt choked him out on Bubbas show and although Matt offered to recreate the event for J’s fans, Ellis declined.

Leonard Nimoy died today. Many Star Wars fans are upset but as everyone knows, LBD-INVICTA-200x300Spock shot first. His last tweet was “Life’s a garden, dig it. Kid Rock” Felice Herrig came around next. Ellis was pretty much just hitting on her and trying to get up her one two one two skirt but he likes her too much so he can’t because that would get weird and his life is weird enough. She takes about how she gets balls on her face on the regular and said cooter. She also talked about fighting, wresting, breaking arms, and punching people in the face. One two one two.

At this point my phone crapped out and was being a bitch. But when I got it back online Ellis was with Jessica Eye one two one two and she might be fighting Rousey next, that is101813-UFC-Jessica-Eye-HF-PI_20131018140656137_660_320 if Rhonda wins. Apparently there is a bit of a beef between Jessica and Feliz due to a misunderstanding so Ellis made them get together and make up. They made up and are friends now but Donald Cerrone was hoping they would kiss and make up with their tongues and not so much their words. Oh and she also talked about fighting, wresting, breaking arms, and punching people in the face.

UFC on Fuel TV: Behind-the-ScenesNext up Cub Swanson with his dieting tips for all the ladies. It was a quick interview but he did drop a bit of knowledge for you. Don’t use one two one two coco butter but mineral oil, we’ve been wrong this entire time. He also talked about fighting, wresting, breaking arms, and punching people in the face.

And finally, The Iceman himself, Chuck Liddell. He’s a body breaking bone destroying one 260zwadtwo one two machine but what I found most interesting is the he listens to the show. He’s a coach now so most of the destroying is on the people he’s teaching, not the people he’s teaching a lesson to. They talked a bunch about fighting also talked about fighting, wresting, breaking arms, and punching people in the face. Final one two one two calls came on next and they were short,fast, and didn’t last long, much like the way the entire UFC bones yer mum, OH!

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