Thursday’s show brought us a little surprise, a bit with a speech jammer app (aka the Canadian Stroke app) for your phone. Basically, the app delay echos what you hear, making it much more difficult to speak normally and concentrate on what you are saying. This was tested out by everyone on the show by doing their best to hit on Katie.
Jason was pretty much unaffected. Either due to his mouth not being connected to his brain or something else. However you rationalize it, he (as well as Nate Hotdog) were pretty much completely unaffected by it. Tully was for the most part unaffected, but you could hear he fought through it more than Ellis & Nate – and it turned out pretty funny. The rest weren’t so lucky. Jetta, Cumtard, Will, and even Katie (a little bit) were much more affected by the Speech Jammer app.
Speculation could lead you to believe Cumtard was “acting” and it certainly seemed that way. Even Ellis and Tully questioned his routine during this bit. And maybe he embellished a little at first, but as time went on, one can clearly see how he might not have been embellishing at all. Jetta and Will both seemed to be nearly as affected by the app as Kevin. The pinnacle was when the 3 of them decided to hit on each other.
This whole bit could potentially start a monster, so lets listen to it’s birth.