EllisFam Interviews


I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

Shantanee Raquel (@Shanwize1)

  1. Where do you live? I’m a resident of a Devil’s Town, Las Vegas, Nevada. Cali made, Vegas influenced.
  2. What is your occupation? Part-time UPS employee, part-time aimless wanderer.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. 24 years old. I consider myself a pretty open, honest(to a fault), loyal individual with a love for writing and meeting new people. Sensitive with a sick sense of humor, constantly discovering new things about myself. Aimlessly wandering around the earth, trying to figure out how to conquer it! My feet are huge, pregnant women frighten me and I not so secretly love Creed. Don’t you judge me!
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Hmm that’s hard to determine. I’d say about three years or so.
  5. How did you discover TJES? I got Siruis for Howard Stern, through him I was turned on to Bubba The Love Sponge, I recall Ellis calling in and his call sparked my intrigue. Been listening ever since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Tully’s Oxford educated quick-wit, creativity and talent. Raw Dog’s unintentional hilarity, mixed with that beady eyed innocence, make him so likeable. The coming of age story that is Raw Dog, makes you route for him. Then you have Jason Ellis who shares so much of his life with you when he doesn’t have to. His charm,wit, honesty and passion for life keep me coming back for more. It’s nice to see when things come together for him. His story is still being written, we get to see it come together, and cheer him on in the process. He also has a sweet f*cking accent, that makes my ovaries overreact. The banter, the bits, and all the characters that make up TJES are what keep me listening, its the most consistent bright spot of my day everyday. I’m guaranteed to smile and laugh daily. Makes my heart happy right now, just thinking about Santa Claus agressively f*ckin Mel Gibson!
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? I had the pleasure of being apart of my first Ellismania this past July. First time attending and contending as well. It definitely helped to come out of my comfort zone a bit and it was such an ego boost. Made me realize I could do something completely out of the norm for me and enjoy it. I was rewarded for it with the best time of my life, with some incredibly awesome like-minded people, who are avid listeners just like myself. Ellisfam were good to me that weekend. Met some incredible people. I’ve also taken from the show, that I need to “Harden the f*ck up” and get sh*t done. And be the best I can. Didn’t think I could get any more open-minded. I was wrong! I really admire these guys so I take a lot from the show daily. Oh yeah, loads to the face will make men a lot happier, and they won’t cut people off in traffic, which means work won’t suck so much! ;]
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Yup. I appreciate all the Ellisfam that have been so nice to me since Ellismania8. Its nice to know that people I don’t even know can be so welcoming to me, because of our common interest in the show. Its crazy. I love you all. Well wishes to you guys and let’s do it big Ellisamania9! ;D


中Jersey Mike中 (@jerseymike334)


  1. Where do you live? Branchville, NJ
  2. What is your occupation? Auto Body tech… you crash, we fix.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I’m 37. I’m an ex- hopeless drunk whom was given a second chance at life. Sober 4 years and see the whole picture with different eyes. Started playing guitar in bands in HS never made it anywhere really. I started to find it frustrating to try to coordinate efforts with other people and their shit so I decided to learn to play all of the instruments and just record myself! I know, sounds cocky but this is the truth. I havent really attempted to do anything with my musical talents, I think just because I’m just so busy making up for lost time. Living.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? about 4.5 years
  5. How did you discover TJES? I Was listening to the BTLS show pretty much everyday, but sometimes they would just get a bit too NASCAR for me so I started to flip the channel. The first few times I heard Ellis I HATED him and his accent and his attitude. This was right around the time I was out of rehab and one day I caught him saying something about how he used to be a crazy fuck and he cant drink anymore. He’s had my attention ever since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Definitely the laughs. He does piss me off sometimes but that’s just Ellis. I know he has come a long way from what he used to be like. Cowfucker RULES! Funniest guy on the show. Rawdog, accidental genius. 
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Well, Yes it has. When I started listening to the show I had not picked up an instrument for over three years. This was so sad to me (and some other people) and I had no Idea what might inspire me to start playing again. I bought a computer MAC#1!!! with the intent to start recording something again. But what? I loved what the Jingleberries were doing and said “I could do that maybe even better!” I made the 1st three and sent them right in. No reply. I started getting cocky with my E-mails and saying I wanted to challenge the Jingleberries and that I was better. It was totally all for fun. I only got some feedback from Tully. About a year passed and all of the sudden…Song Parody Contest! I re-sent the 1st three and the “Rawdog’s crying shoulder” Was A hit! The rest is history. I now have the same Stand-up Paddle board as Jason Ellis and I will be out on the lake with it this wknd.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? I’m Awesome too!


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.



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