What’s Wrong With You?

There’s a new segment called “What’s Wrong With You?” where people ask if there is something wrong with them concerning a portion of their lives. To start it off, we hear from Wilson Pendarvis. He could be a passive / aggressive dick, or maybe he’s like the cowboy with shit on his mustache and just looking for love in all the wrong places?

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Let’s not forget, this is the same segment where everyone first met, and fell in love with, our sweet, sweet Manny. He carries a burden on his shoulders only an angel could bare.

Buttons From: What’s Wrong With You? (3-25-2014)

On Tuesday, the show ran a new signature segment, “What’s Wrong With You?” where collectively, we all fell in love with Manny and were terrified by Mark. On that same day, we got a few other buttons from Will and Tully. At least some of it was from the same day.

Tully: I’m racist against the legless

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Will: What, what?

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Will: I have lots of things wrong with me

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Will: Love me some nuts

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Meet Mark, He Is No Longer Depressed (3-25-2014)

Mark calls in for the newly created “What’s Wrong With You?” segment and he sounds like a nice enough guy. But you still might want to be a little hesitant of Mark, he has a bit of an unusual hobby. You see, he went through a bout of depression. How’d he get out of his funk? No, it wasn’t Ellis that helped beat his depression. It was a gift from his mother. The gift of dolls. It sounds innocent enough, and I’m sure Mark is a great guy (please don’t kill or kidnap me or my family, Mark) but he sure has an unconventional hobby. He does sound happy though, so that’s a plus! I assume you can look forward to him on the show via Skype sometime in the near future, barring him being in some kind of legal trouble. Allegedly of course.

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Everyone Wants A Ride On The Manny-Go-Round (3-25-2014)

The guys started a new signature segment called “What’s Wrong With You?” It’s a caller based segment, so how well it goes is based solely on the callers. A lot of them were entertaining, but one gem stood out from the crowd.

Things are real bad for a certain caller named Manny. Everyone falls in love with him – men and women – it’s a real problem. As soon as people meet him, they fall in love. And let’s face it, we all fell in love with Manny during his call, even Ellis & Tully. It’s unfortunate for Manny, but it’s a warm place in our heart for the rest of us.

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