EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

pinkpranger (@PinkPRanger)

  1. Where do you live? I live 10 minutes North of Seattle in Washington state.
  2. What is your occupation? I work at large electronics company. We make Ultrasound machines, Sonicare is here, and difibulators.  Hopefully I will be changing occupations in the next month.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. – I am a 24 year old with 14 years of experience. Surf, snow skate. Anything on a board. I live in an area where all these are accessable.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? I got Sirius 5 years ago for Howard. After Artie left I got bored. Around the time when Tully was still Cow-fucker.
  5. How did you discover TJES? It was the #1 show on TSS radio, so I had to check it out.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? It’s the future. Tully’s quick wit, and Oxford smarts, Josh is NEEDED for the show. The way they all interact is the greatest thing ever. I am never in a bad mood if I am listening to the show. And it goes without saying, but Jason is awesome.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? For one thing it’s made me a nicer person to be around. It puts me in a good mood which saves me from going ape shit on employees/girlfriends/etc. EM8 was my first and I had no idea it would be as great as it was. From the minute I met my first out aof stat ellisfam brother Victor “wolfknife oscar de la hoya) it seemed ten minutes passed and the entire hotel was over-run by ellisfam. It seemed like we all knew each other. Everyone was friendly to everyone. (except the chick from Red Dear that slapped me for making fun of Canada). I can say without question it was the best time I have ever had. The show has also motivated me to eat better and get excersize that doesn’t involve a board. Cut down on the drinking. etc.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Long live tully, Fuck Canada.

Al lindsay (@ReddogRacing69)

  1. Where do you live? I live east of Calgary but work in northern Alberta
  2. What is your occupation? Shovel operator for a oil sands mine
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I’m 43 years old about to get married for a second time to a awesome girl. my father died from drinking and I find myself very aware of addictions and came very close to falling into the same pattern as my father.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Been listening since he was saying radome shit between songs. Listened to faction waiting for the songs to end just to hear what he said next
  5. How did you discover TJES? Faction.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I can relate a lot to what he s gone threw in his personal life.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Harden the fuck up. I can get down on myself sometimes on really stupid shit. So I harden the fuck up
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Ellis needs to do a ellismania in Calgary


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.


EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

中 Cody D 中 (@Fuckasaurus_RDS)

  1. Where do you live? Texas
  2. What is your occupation? Professional Archaeologist
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. Married to the lovely Amber D and we have three boxers. I am Jeep Wrangler and outdoor enthusiast. I am also a bit of a gaming and comic book nerd. I have a Red Dragons tattoo on my leg that I got in 2009 after I got my Master’s Degree. Hope to get a Wolfknives tattoo soon.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Since 2008
  5. How did you discover TJES? Bought my new Jeep and was looking for a good punk rock station to listen to Bad Religion and found Ellis, haven’t changed the channel since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Everything! The motivation and comedy Jason provides, the intellect and comedy Tully adds and the holy shit did Rawdawg just say or do that stupid shit, pretty much sums it up.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Jason has motivated me to be healthier and live a more active lifestyle to the fullest.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? I am curious how many other EllisFam are Wrangler and boxer owners. There seems to be a lot according to my Instagram. Also RED DRAGONS and WOLFKNIVES4LIFE to the EllisFam! You all rule!

Will (@itswillbitches)

  1. Where do you live? Calgary, Alberta Canada
  2. What is your occupation? I drive a truck and deliver food and supplies to any food establishment of whom has an account with us. Some of our larger accounts include Tim Horton’s, Starbucks and A&W. I am a chef by trade and have worked in the hospitality industry all my life. As fun as it is to live like a rock star it’s not one that you can maintain for very long. If you have worked in the industry, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I love driving a truck because well, what guy doesn’t think large trucks are cool and this job is stress free compared to what I was accustomed.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I’m 31, single and ready to mingle. I like long walks on the beach, watching the sunset and spending quality time with your mom. She thinks I’m funny. I’ve adopted a healthy lifestyle and have lost over 50lbs. I enjoy watching sports and am a huge Seahawks fan. I also like to pretend that my truck is a light pink unicorn that I ride on roads of rainbows and the food that I deliver are cupcakes that it shits out.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? I have listened since the merge but only seriously listened since around the time of Ellismania 6.
  5. How did you discover TJES? I discovered the show just after the merge, so Ellismania 5. We were listening to Faction in the kitchen and the show came on. At that time I only knew it was a talk show so we would change the station almost immediately. Then one day we were too busy to change it and were forced to listen. As you can imagine we were surprised by what was being said and couldn’t stop laughing.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I like to laugh so the hilarity that ensues keeps me coming back, that and the fact that all the tweets on my TL do not make sense otherwise.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? The show has impacted my life in several ways. I was always a big fan of the monologue that Jason would do at the beginning of the show about some epiphany he had about life or his family. At the time I was using several substances that would bring me to pure enlightenment in a spiritual sense so I could really relate to his story. That being said, the show has helped me to achieve enlightenment without the help of said substances and also is the reason for adopting a healthy lifestyle.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Follow me on twitter @itswillbitches and only pure awesomeness allowed.


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.

EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

Tony Fisher (@spaseghost)

  1. Where do you live? Western colorado
  2. What is your occupation? Industrial electrician
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. Alcoholic, sex addict. Trying to better myself, my life and be a better father and husband. Went through a real bad rough patch when my father committed suicide, he was my best friend and I had nobody else to confide in or help me out with all my problems.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Since before rawdog started.
  5. How did you discover TJES? Scanning channels when driving between jobs and left it on faction. When I got back in I heard this guy screaming “cow fucka!”, and haven’t changed it since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I relate to some of Ellis issues and there is a lot of motivation and inspiration in the show for me. And it’s funny as all hell, a good break from the repetition of the music channels. When shit gets really bad in my life I know that if I call in he will tell me what’s up and not sugar coat stuff like some people do. He’s inspired so many and helped so many that I’m still amazed at how many different directions the show can go in.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How?
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share?

Scott Abel (@MaddTrippNz)

  1. Where do you live? Edmonton, Alberta
  2. What is your occupation? Earthworks Foreman
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I am a 30 year old father of a 2 year old girl and a 8 year old boy. Skater, snowboarder and Harley rider. On my second wife, with the first one for 7 years then married her on our 7th year, only to get cheated on after 6 months of marriage and a brand new house. The new wife saved my life, brought me outta the darkest place I have ever been, having to start from scratch at 25 financially, drugs and booze took over my life, if it wasn’t for her literally slapping the shit out of me and making me stop with the self pity BS I wouldn’t be here today, not to mention she gave me a baby girl which gave me and new light on life.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Since Jason was calling out lame songs on faction
  5. How did you discover TJES? listening to faction
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? The honesty.! There is nothing more real, or honest on radio, or tv, long hours in a pickup in remote areas all day everyday.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? Jasons life experiences, are very similar to mine, brought up by an abusive biker step father, drugs and alcohol were around me growing up everyday, fighting and partying were a normal thing growing up, listening to him tell the world made it easier to talk to my own family and friends about things that have happened during my childhood, and then my divorce, happened and hearing someone else go through the same pain, made life bearable.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Has been a loyal Red dragon supporter since I was 12 growing up in Vancouver, the boys of RDS were legends and hometown heros, loyal Ellisfam, and Wolfknife “Gretzky’s taint”, when I am not at your moms house I am listening to Jason Ellis.


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.

EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

McG (@johninhouston)

  1. Where do you live? Houston Tx (hence the nickname JohnInHouston) which over the years has been shortened to Houston.
  2. What is your occupation? For the majority of my time in the Ellis world I worked for Red Bull but now working for Vending Machine company managing a section of the city.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself.  Well, most of my personal life has been shared on the show. Anyway, I’m adopted, grew up in Orange County CA, grew up skating and riding BMX. I have no kids and despite what Ellis may say I’m not angry at my balls. I met a great chick about 18 months ago and couldn’t be happier.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES?  I’ve been listening since Rawdog was Thunderbird/illusionist. Shortly after Ellis went to days and had Tully and LittleCoffeeFoot as an intern so over 5 years now.
  5. How did you discover TJES?  I got Sirius on the recommendation of a coworker and found faction because I liked the music. I found the show by accident on day and knew who Ellis was from growing up skating.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES?  Everything about the show keeps me listening. I have been lucky enough to become friends with the guys as well as many other regular friends and guests of the show.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How?  My life is like night and day now. I’ve been lucky enough to fight in EM 2 & 4.  As well as corner for Donald Schultz and Ashlee in at EM6 and lucky enough to be at SwingHouse when I went to LA. I got to host a Ellismania premiere party here in Houston and even got Shoebox flown into town (where he saved me from choking and dying).  I picked up boxing and lost 80lbs in 9 months. Totally turned my life around to longer be a FatAss.  Plus, To be recognized by other fans at events I’ve never met before is a crazy feeling.  I’ve been very lucky.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share?  I have met an amazing group of people from all over this country and Canada. Friends from coast to coast north to south.  Above all else that’s the best part. The fans.  People always see the RDS logo and ask what it is. I always say “You wouldn’t understand”. If they listen we throw up the signal and scream Red Dragons!!  Radio Fight Club, crack Radio Fight Club.

Paul M (@PaulM138666)

  1. Where do you live? Currently living in Randolph, MA. (About 20 minutes outside of Boston)
  2. What is your occupation? I am a Union Stagehand and I also work as a carpenter when I am not working concerts.
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I have been playing trombone since I was 7yrs old, still playing at 37. I went to college for Jazz performance and music education. I taught high school music for 5 years and realized it wasn’t for me. I own a 2006 Harley sportster which I was involved in a major accident with 24 hrs after buying it. It was Karma giving me a “warning shot” about being a bad person. I have become a motorcycle mechanic and wrench on my Jeep all out of necessity and my quest to know how everything works. I have enjoyed meeting and spending quality time with a bunch of random people from around North America that I proudly love like family. I am always interested in learning something new every day. You can usually find me on the tweety thing @PaulM138666 and also on Ellismania PaulM13866. If you are going to randomly follow me make sure you say hi, or I will more then likely block you.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? I have been listening to TJES for about 5/6 years.
  5. How did you discover TJES? I caught Jason on Hawks show a couple times, and mostly heard him doing his Octane thing in the morning. (I wonder how many of you knew he was on Octane?) I was driving home early one day and caught the last hour or so of his show and have been a fan ever since.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I listen to Ellis because each personality of the show is like a personification of who I am, and it was nice to discover I wasn’t “alone” in my thoughts and trying to survive in this world.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? the show helped “push” me in to taking control of my life and realizing that if I wanted to make it better I am the one that has to do it. I had the opportunity to step in to the ring at Ellismania 6 as part of the robot fight as a substitute and it sparked me to get back in to shape. Jason helped me see how making just small changes in my eating and living habits could make big changes. I don’t mindlessly eat up every word Jason says and try to live that way, but I filter his advice and make it fit in my own life. I will always support Ellis, Tully, Josh, and Will, hopefully they wont become so successful they forget the “blue collar” folks.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Be respectful of the people you call “EllisFam.” Remember they are people just like you and I, they have fears, ups and downs. Support your friends that you have made from TJES and they will support you. I have a group of people that are from all different walks of life and would be complete strangers under any other circumstance that I love very much. I will be there to pick them up, have their back, and boot them in the ass whenever they need me and always greet them with a hug and smooch!


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.

EllisFam Interviews

I have asked for the EllisFam to do a small 8 question interview so that we may get to know one another and how The Jason Ellis Show has changed or impacted our lives. These are their reply’s, unedited and all in their own words. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, and thank you to everyone who participated. Without you all this wouldn’t be possible.

中Darya Gigi Wolfe中 (@dardar70)

  1. Where do you live? Carlsbad, California
  2. What is your occupation? Customer Service Manager
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I’m a San Diego native and a sucker for a skater… having followed skating everywhere from TJ (mexico) skate park, Del Mar skate park, the short lived McGills skate to the YMCA in Encinitas (old school days before it got fancy like it is today), if its where my guy friends were going my best friend and I tagged along. I love punk rock; skaters and punk rock go hand in hand. Over time friendships developed and the guys skating the contests ended up working for ESPN, WCS, starting skate companies or opening shops which kept me connected. Then everyone started having kids we’d see each other at the Damn Am contests, which turned into backyard BBQs & more good times.  These days we’re all over 40 but still going to punk rock shows getting sweaty and having a BLAST! My guy crops, drops & bags old school cars so we go to a lot of classic car shows. I’ve developed some amazing friendships attending ellismania events! Been to 5 EM events including mini-mania to watch Sean’s knee dislocate and Foxy kick some ass!
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? Since I got my car in May 2006
  5. How did you discover TJES? on Tony Hawks Demolition Radio. I knew his name from skating and he was pretty funny on Tony’s show, then he went to an afternoon show 3-6 or 7 so I’d listen on my way home from work. Eventually he moved to noon CA time which worked out great cause I could listen online – have been a daily listener every since, well when life doesn’t get in the way.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? Everything… cause I’ve been listening so long I get all the inside jokes, and all the dialog is like hanging out with my friends. Lets face it, I AM ENTERTAINED!
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? The show hasn’t really changed me, its made me better. I’ve developed amazing friendships, created some priceless memories and have one hell of a weekend to look forward to once or twice a year in Vegas with my ellisfam.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? Yes! I pay for my ellismania.com cause its only 5 bucks a month and it used to be fun to chat with friends and Jason about the show. These days the EM.com dialog exchange is just mean, judgmental and argumentative – I give my $5 bucks to support “the wing” but don’t go on there cause the fans are f’ing a’holes. AND there are a lot of people out there saying they’re ellisfam but don’t attend the events, buy the merchandise or listen to the show regularly. Like I said before, I’ve developed some amazing friendships with so many people all over the US and in Canada (yes, Canada) and I’ve experienced more support, love, and friendship from the ellisfam and talk to some of these people more than I talk to members of my own family. Ellisfam has come together donating money to fellow ellisfam members for such things like getting people to ellismania, putting food on the family table and even buy presents at Christmas when fellow ellisfam has been down on their luck. Hell, we even collected a few bucks for Scott Green when he crashed his car. This group, this true group of people, is so amazing and I am lucky to call them my friends.

Adam Christian (@adamRDS)

  1. Where do you live? Brampton, Ontario, Canada
  2. What is your occupation? General Contractor
  3. Tell me a little about yourself. I work with my Dad in the family business and for the last 8 years, I used to run a home repo division for the company so I can break in to your house and kick you out in 10 min’s.  I’ve been to two Ellismania’s 6 and 7 was really hope to get to 8 but I bought a house and shits tight I’m hope to go to 9 but we’ll see. I’ve a 15 month old black lab and if you follow me you’ll see a shit load of pictures of Molly she’s a badass dog. I’m always willing to have a cold beer but who isn’t.
  4. How long have you listened to TJES? 4-5 years
  5. How did you discover TJES? I had XM in Canada and the merger of Sirius and XM in the state brought Faction to XM Canada and it had some music that I listen to and heard Ellis and that’s it and I only heard Howard a couple of times on a FM station in Toronto but that was back in the 90’s.
  6. What keeps you listening to TJES? I was close to stop listening a few times when Tully left due to the stretch time but I stuck to it. and with Tully’s return its been really good and of corse Josh’s life is crazy. And the Man him self Ellis he make you believe you can do anything.
  7. Has the show changed or impacted you life in any way? How? I’ve learned a lot about eating right and relationship shit as well. I’ve lost 30lbs and keep on keeping on.
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share? I play baseball, love taking pictures of thunder storms got some great shots of lightening.


If you would like to be apart of the EllisFam Interviews, please contact me (@Az_RedDragon) through twitter and I will send the interview to you.